The Court has reviewed the several criteria.
1. [wiki=Constitution of Taijitu#Section_4:_Petitions]Constitution[/wiki]: That a petition have at least 2 signatures. (MET)
The Emergency Government Act met this criterion, so the Court need not examine it.
2. [wiki=Constitution of Taijitu#Section_1:_Powers_and_Limitations_3]Constitution[/wiki]: The Court will administer all referendums. (NOT MET)
Considering the submissions of the friends of the Court, the Court finds that while this criterion was not met, the Court is obliged to specify a protocol whereby the absence of the Court may allow others to administer elections or referenda on its behalf, as they must happen. Indeed, in the past the Court has several times allowed persons to administer elections on its behalf.
3. [wiki=Constitution of Taijitu#Section_3:_Referendums]Constitution[/wiki]: The referendum would require at least 4 votes. (MET)
The Emergency Government Act met this criterion, so the Court need not examine it.
4. [wiki=Election and Referendums Act#Section_1:_Voting]Law[/wiki]: The Referendum should have begun Thursday, November 8th. (NOT MET)
5. [wiki=Election and Referendums Act#Section_1:_Voting]Law[/wiki]: The Referendum should have ended the following Sunday (November 11th). (NOT MET)
No friends of the court argued that these criteria should have been superseded. The Court understands this criterion to have been devised by the Senate several months ago in order to protect the rights of citizens to participate in referenda. By requiring a delay between the petition and the referendum, and requiring the referendum to include a weekend, citizens are better able to participate in referenda they might otherwise not have had time to ponder and vote in. Therefore, this criterion should not have been ignored and the Emergency Government Act was not enacted.
6. [wiki=Election and Referendums Act#Section_1:_Information_for_Voters]Law[/wiki]: Telegrams and private messages should have been sent out. (NOT MET)
No friends of the court argued that this criterion should have been superseded. The Court understands this criterion to have been devised by the Senate several months ago in order to protect the right of Citizens to participate in referenda. By requiring that citizens be informed directly of any referendum, citizens are better able to participate in referenda they might otherwise not have known about. Therefore, this criterion should not have been ignored and, even had it been the only criterion not met, the Emergency Government Act would not have been enacted.
7. [wiki=Election and Referendums Act#Section_1:_Information_for_Voters]Law[/wiki]: The Referendum should have been advertised on the Regional Message Board, including the dates when voting began and ended. (MET) (NOT MET)
No friends of the court argued that this criterion should have been superseded. The Court understands this criterion to have been devised by the Senate several months ago in order to protect the right of Citizens to participate in referenda. By requiring that citizens be informed of any referendum, including the dates the polls are open, citizens are better able to participate in referenda they might otherwise not have known about or not known when to decide by. Therefore, this criterion should not have been ignored and, even had it been the only criterion not met, the Emergency Government Act would not have been enacted.
Based on this evaluation, the Court finds that it must follow the first option available to it and hold a referendum with proper notice, during the remainder of this week.