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Author Topic: Nation News  (Read 8518 times)

Offline Delfos

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Nation News
« on: May 07, 2007, 04:42:49 PM »
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3 vs 5

Royal Delfingrado lost today with Kujsk Choppers! Young player Himanov Lakovish scored his 1st goal on the league soon, giving advantage of Kujsk 1goal to 0. Royal Delfingrado answered with a goal right after, and before the half time, Delfingrado scored the 2nd goal, leaving the score 2-1 for Delfingrado. I dont know what happened in the half time, Kujsk scored 2 goals in a row! Delfringrado adepts couldn't believe what was happening, and the team couldn't score another goal, the Kujsk Choppers were dominating! As the game developed, Himanov Lakovish of the Kujsk Choppers managed to score the team's 4th goal, adding his 2nd goal on the league.

Soon after another goal for the Kujsk, and time was running out! Score was 5-2, Delfingrado had 10min to score 3 goals for a tie. Almost at the end of the match they did scored a wonderful goal by Simão Sabrosa, but that was not enough, and they lost the match.

Himanov Lakovish was nominated Man of the Match.

***New Delfos invited for Sophia and Ivan wedding at St. Andrew's Cathedral in Tagshknet***New Delfos Royal Army is sending 2 special force teams and vehicles to the wedding at Tagshknet***Rumors say Zabid V actually crashed near the Mercantillist Islands***Bijsk, Litar and Vralivisk, the New Delfos main islands, were appointed yesterday as the main tourism center for New Delfos***Delfingrado Palace is almost finished, the embassy complex is still in construction, Grand Royal Delfos Hotel 5stars is almost full exclusive to ambassadors***Our Minister of Research and Technology have arrived Decartes in the Mercantillist Islands***Royal Delfingrado 3-5 Kujsk Choppers, Boyengrado Star stays on the lead***Crisis in Jutensa and North Gallipoli-China, the virus keeps killing***New Delfos carrier stopped in the middle of the ocean***Zabid Missile Industry makes tests with Fajr-3, missiles are ready for use***The Delfos Royal Family is going to attend the wedding at Tagshknet***
OOC:the moving foot text is very interesting ;)

Offline Delfos

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Re: Nation News
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2007, 02:08:53 AM »
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New Delfos - Nation News

3 vs 2

Muharraf Emirate Team joins the 2nd place by defeating Bijsk Island Sports this afternoon. The match had very few fouls, one single yellow card for a desperate Bijsk player. Muharraf shown it's technical superiority, scored early in the start, but they weren't counting with the counter-attack, the defense wasn't in alert and Bijsk Island shown why it climbed to the Royal League, scored right after the Muharraf goal. For then on, Muharraf defenses were more careful, and didn't let the enemy attack, and in the middle of the first half Muharraf scored again, repeating with another goal 7min after. Bijsk was so desperate that committed a foul and the referee gave the yellow card, There was no harm from the free kick, but before the half term, Bijsk Island scored in an outstanding counter-attack. Leaving the field with 3-2, the second half was extremly defensive from Muharraf Emirate Team, few were the counter-attacks from Bijsk, seems like the coach have given a spank to the defense of Muharraf. Muharraf still tried to scored few times hitting the bars, but with no luck.

Here's the status of the league:

*** The New Delfos Royal Army Special Forces are being mobilized to the wedding place at Tagshknet *** Economic growth "The unification of the people was a great deal, all business are made in prol of the nation". *** Economic boost led the military budget surplus and hardware budget to finance the conclusion of Shahab-5 project and the start of Shaha-6 for Zabid Missile Industry. *** Minister Meinsgart at the Mercantillist Islands, probably to discuss about CGV World project. *** Tourism of New Delfos have been pulled off from Varkour. *** Canal Arveoli is completed! The 5 thousand workers will return home soon! Now every third saturday of may in Takasia is Delfos' Friendship day, that will be comemorated here as Takasia's Friendship Day! *** There's an unrevealed government program to distribute some of the nation surplus to other nations. *** Muharraf 3-2 Bijsk, ties on 2nd place. *** The Delfo singer Mikeli Kollov died yesterday of heart-attack, he was 93 years old and left a vast legacy, some of his songs were sang in Delfos' Friendship Gardens party at Takasia ***

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Re: Nation News
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2007, 02:39:09 AM »
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New Delfos - Nation News

The North Boyen Parliament was yesterday the place for the Students' Parliament. This governmental decision was made to give power to the youngsters who are in schools or universities. They decide what is the best for the education commission and ministry of New Delfos and their proposals and check by the government, most of them are passed.

More people with power to change things, they hit directly for those who are directly hit by the laws and social changes of the nation. They also plan to make, as this student's parliament, and monthly assemble of New Delfos worker union representatives, named the Worker's Parliament. Although this session was very peaceful, there was difficult times to maintain the order, specially in the hot discussions and voting sessions. This project is  one more social achievement by the New Delfos Governemnt.

*** Zabid Missile Industry announces the opening of the new industrial complex to support the massive production of Katyusha missiles and Multiple Rocket Lauchers.*** Unions fear they are being pressured by the government to advance the economic boost, the export/import balance is becoming out of control. *** The New Delfos Naval Force is boosting the production of Fast Attack Launchers and Sea defenses, rumours say they want to aquire G-C sea defenses. *** "King Tarih health's condition is worse than we thought", Wedding at Tagshknet is delayed. *** CGV Takasia line will open soon, the pilot-project of CGV lines performed by New Delfos Labs will open the minds of skepticism in the mother land to finish the CGV lines. *** World wide threat!!! The New Delfos Royal Army Special Forces assaulted Monday a missile factory in the middle of Mahara Desert. It is confirmed of the existence of the Black Scorpions, the clan was originally formed in New Delfos territory, and as we speak, they as smuggling missiles, explosives and other materials around the world. Authorities say they managed to steal some Zabid Missile Industry projects, most of them for Katyusha rockets. *** Big game tomorrow, Arvika vs Sharjah, this emotional duel can launch Sharjah to the lead avenging Boyengrado's results from last season. *** North of New Delfos is debating for lack of control in gun ownership, some say the problem originated groups as the Black Scorpions. *** Aid of Boyenivish arrived today at Sharjah docks, the families are united once again, many tears were shed, Now the ship is departing for a special mission out there. *** Massive tourism to Takasia, this year all agencies have special offers when people want to go to Takasia. *** Crisis in Jutensa is unstoppable, scientists have mande some progress but they think they wont come with an answer soon enough to prevent the starve. The government of New Delfos is starting to promote humanitarian aid for Jutensa.

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Re: Nation News
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2007, 01:25:20 PM »
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New Delfos - Nation News

Military Peace Keeping forces are stationed near the Canadian border while members of the Supreme Council attend to the Cree Peace Summit at Takasburg. We are not sure the intentions of New Delfos government towards this incidents on the other side of the eastern border, there are military projects involving Fajr-3 missiles at the same time the Supreme Council decided to cut the funds to military hardware,
Councilor Doyen Kazi: "We have enough vehicle production and anything else is well arranged. We're betting in the development of better missiles and the implementation of those on our military hardware."
Tests with those missiles will be published in the next days for public interest.

****** "Our Industry is showing fantastic results" say the experts, economic golden age of New Delfos keeps growing.*** It was passed yesterday a new wage law by the Monthly Workers Parliament in the North Boyen Parliament, Budyiengrado. *** Relations with Jutensa seem to improve even more, new agreements are being discussed with our Supreme Council. *** Princess Sofia finally married Prince Ivan. *** The Sbbasburg Tomanov Bank threatens the Mercantillist Western O. Company with Public Acquisition Offer for CGV World. *** Investigations towards the Black Scorpion Clan are undergo, the Royal Army dismantled 2 camps at Mahara Desert and 1 cell at Piodão. *** Gun ownership problem in Kazjko and Mahara regions is being discussed by the Ministry Houses. *** Gallipoli-Chinese forces stationed in New Delfos, they have exclusive access to CGV railways. *** Aid of Boyenivish arrived at Jutensa with 5 tons of grains to battle starvation due to the rice-virus. *** Tourism Agencies are still betting in Takasia as main goal, they expect to double the revenues for the next 2 months. *** Taijitan Geographic Society Conference in North Boyen Parliment, Budyiengrado, doesn't seem to have an end. *** New Delfos carrier is growing roots in the middle of Phoenix Ocean, the military show no information about what is going on. ******

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Re: Nation News
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2007, 02:21:10 PM »
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New Delfos - Nation News

Published Article by the New Delfos Naval Force.

Involved hardware:
-RAM and SAM launchers
-12 Fajr-3 missiles
-NDS Navirsk III
-NDS Navirsk IV
-NDS Navirsk V
-NDS Navirsk VIII
-NDS Sbbasburg II
-NDS Sbbarburg IV

-Phoenix Ocean,
 *200km off New Delfos coast
 *180km off New Delfos coast
 *100km off New Delfos coast

-Black Scorpion Clan camp4, Mahara Desert
-Black Scorpion Clan camp5, Mahara Desert
-Black Scorpion Clan factory, Mahara Desert
-Black Scorpion Clan camp3, Eastern Kazjko
-Improvised structure, New Delfos Eastern Border
-2 spare moving RIBs, Phoenix Ocean

Testing Fajr-3 missiles abord the cruiser ship: NDS Navirsk V

This is the only photo published with the NDNF article showing Navirsk V lauching one of the Fajr-3

Impact site

The recent discover of Black Scorpion Clan camps in Mahara Desert led the NDNF to target those structures so that they cannot be used once more. Apart of using 10% of the explosive capacity of the Fajr-3 excluding warheads, the camp was turned to dust and there was glass pieces of melted sand all over the place.

Delfian Peace Force III stationed near New Delfos eastern border waiting for instructions

The Delfian Peace Force III is one of the many forces stationed near the border waiting orders. It is still unclear whether or not they will be used to fight over peace on the other side of the border.

****** Government cuts Military hardware funds.*** Paulo Gonzo hits golden record and is at TOP10 for the 3rd week. *** The Sbbasburg Tomanov Bank confirms, they do want to make a Public Acquisition Offer over CGV World, price is still in discussion. *** This morning, another dismantled cell of Black Scorpions in Sharjah, the Royal Army now knows there's more coastal cells and they are smuggling weapons in and out of New Delfos. *** Gallipoli-Chinese forces stationed in New Delfos assisted this morning to the missile tests. ******

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Re: Nation News
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2007, 02:51:33 PM »
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New Delfos - Nation News

Takasia accuses New Delfos of supporting terrorism and a recent attack onto the Cree Peace Summit.
"This is ridiculous, our relations couldn't be better and there was no offensive taken towards Takasia ever." Says Balo Muhaki, Councilor of the Supreme Council that is still incredulous about what happened.

We have received a short log from the New Delfos Air Force showing what happened:
-Distress signal from Council Kazi.
-Located at Cree Peace Summit.
-Urgent Telegram sent from NDAF General asking for a report and announcing the launch of a rescue mission.
-Launch of NDAF 1 Recon Squad: Beginning of the rescue mission.
-NDAF General phoned a military defense department without answer from the telegram
-Recon Squad enters Tagirstani-Takasian airspace borders asking for special transition to rescue the diplomats.
-NDAF General has no answer, orders the dismissal of the majority of the rescue squad, yet 2 aircraft must carry on the rescue mission.
-One aircraft from rescue mission gets hit and asks for emergency assistance, landing is unavoidable since the leak of fuel.
-Both rescue aircraft enter Takasian airspace asking for assistance and a free runway at Takasburg Airport from Takasburg Tower.
-Both rescue aircraft get hit, one crashes into a large boat, the other manages to crash land at Takasburg Airport.
-Still no answer to NDAF General.

This controversial report was published yesterday and we can see the word 'Rescue' in the whole report, NDAF considers this action as an offensive action towards New Delfos, say Takasia failed to protect their diplomats and ignored the rescue mission, making it worse by shooting down 2 of their aircraft. There is no comment from NDAF about supporting terrorism.

Although, NDRA General does comment about terrorism, he explains that int he past months alot of terrorist cells have been neutralized, he says New Delfos has done more anti-terrorism in the past month than Takasia in it's whole history. It's absurd saying New Delfos would support terrorism in any kind.
"We even created an intel project that i cannot discuss with you for anti-terrorism, and it's absurd saying we had any involvement on the Summit incident, trying to excuse themselves for the lack of security their country has!" NDRA General.

"It is obvious the lack of experience of security and compassion this people have, first they let a bomb explode in a peace summit which is hugely ironic, then they ignore a rescue mission for those who were in this peace summit which is even more ironic, and they end blowing 2 aircraft from the rescue mission that needed assistance, making this whole thing too ironic when they ask us for an apology." John Haze, Nation News political commenter.

****** The Military gets boosted again, new secret projects are in motion.*** Tourism agencies took a shake from recent incidents. *** "Where is our pilots?" NDAF staff. *** NDNF studying possibilities of aiding Llanydern. *** The Sbbasburg Tomanov Bank keeps pressuring the Mercantillist Western O. Company with Public Acquisition Offer for CGV World. *** Another Black Scorpion Cell dismantled in Sbbasburg. *** Gun ownership law passed, banned possession of firearms for civilians. *** Gallipoli-Chinese forces moved out of New Delfos to assist Llanydern. *** Banks are studying the support of a new tradeline with Canada. *** New A350 bought for Air Delfos and Kazjko Airlines. *** New Delfos expelt by Takasia fromt he Cree Peace Summit accused of supporting terrorism. *** The Weird Things Bureau was yesterday created to develop weird things. ******

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Re: Nation News
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2007, 03:31:10 PM »
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New Delfos - Nation News

Weekly News Sweep
With John Haze, Nation News political commenter.

The Takasian Government warn citizens to carefully consider the risks of travel to New Delfos amid the current tension between the two nations.
"Clear government propaganda..."

Some elements of the New Delfian regime and the population remain hostile to Takasia.  As a result, Takasian citizens may be subject to harassment or arrest while traveling or residing in New Delfos. Takasians of Delfian origin should consider the risk of being targeted by authorities before planning travel to New Delfos.
"Keeps growing, here they say we are evil and we will terrorize their citizens but that they will do the same to ours, i personally condemn the actions towards our sons in Takasia, and i had a straight answer that this won't happen here, Takasian tourists are big spenders and we don't care if they have a wicked government that tells them we are evil. Do i look evil to you?" *Big laughs*

Takasians who travel or reside in New Delfos despite this Travel Warning are strongly encouraged to register through the government's travel registration website, https://travel-registration.ta, or at Takasian Embassies in Delfingrado or Canada.
"Now they register this guys, what for? Seems a desperate urge to control people in a ridiculous situation..."

Takasiair and Air Solar has suspended all direct flights between Takasia and New Delfos. The Takasian Government has suspended the right to fly through Takasian airspace of planes of New Delfos origin.
"I don't know how dangerous this is, but our tourism and transport agencies all claimed they won't stop flying to Takasia, Will they do the same to them as they did to our military aircraft in distress? All except Fly Sbbasburg, seems they are afraid, but South Boyen House is not letting any Takasian fly on them too, probably ask for extradition of their Takasian citizens."

The current standoff was triggered by the trespass of Takasian airspace by New Delfian military aircraft, and the New Delfians suspected involvement in the terrorist attack against the Cree Peace Summit held earlier in the Takasian capital.John Haze, Nation News political commenter.
"They keep lying, this will become a big snow ball, they can't stop lying now."

"now for Llanydern news and then we will end for today.."

Official governmental notice

In response to growing militarization of our northern border action short of mobilization has been ordered.
Please carry out the following instructions:

-Will all firearm rated citizens please report to their local armory for equipment.
-Will all personnel of the security services please report to their stations for orders
-All Grade 1 personnel please report to your units all leave has been canceled
-All Grade 2 personnel please report to your units and prepare for mobilization
-All Grade 3 personnel please remain attentive to any order to mobilize, please note this order could come at any time.
-All personnel of the support services please report to your places of service where you will be required to work for an additional 15 hours per week (note that this is in addition to your normal duties)

"I don't know if arming the citizens is a bad idea, if this turns into an ugly war alot of citizens will die. They are also betting 'all in', if this is a mere miss-understanding or a hoax it will be very ugly, either way, the prospects look ugly."

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Re: Nation News
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2007, 02:22:01 AM »
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New Delfos - Nation News

Today it was signed the Delfo-Canadian Coalition Treaty of 1st of July. This is a simplified treaty of cooperation of Defense and Economy between New Delfos and Canada. This is create stronger relations with our two neighbors, a strong market net and cooperation in defending the interest of the two nations.

It is being schedule the construction of CGV lines between Kazjkien and Sharjah, and then the continuity of the like Kazjkien-Muharraf to the East, towards Quebec, in the direction of Montreal seaport. Another line will be constructed in continuity of Kazjkien-Portimão to the Southeast, towards Canada, to the city of Grande Prarie, and a third line to link our capital, Delfingrado, to the east towards Canada, to the city of Prince George.

Also created the Delfo-Canadian Coalition force to protect the interests of the two great nations, they will support the defense of the territory and the protection of it's citizens and the work of CGV lines through the territory. Some say the recruitment boost to the New Delfos Naval Force and it's divisions are to support this new coalition, a manifest is being written to move New Delfo Royal Army Infantry to the Delfo-Canadian Coalition forces.

****** "We need more people in Llanydern" says NDRA General. *** Pilots of Takasburg incident are still missing. *** Boost on New Delfos Naval Force recruitment. *** The Sbbasburg Tomanov Bank keeps pressuring the Mercantillist Western O. Company with Public Acquisition Offer for CGV World. *** The Black Scorpion Clan threatens Sbbasburg seaport. *** Gun ownership controlled in North of New Delfos. *** Economy starts to grow after a little shake. *** The Sbbasburg Tomanov Bank and the Royal Bank of Delfingrado will support the construction of new CGV lines. *** Boost on chemical factories in Kujsk, rumors say it's White Phosphorus for the Chinese Loyalists. *** The new Queen of Quebec is invited for a week in Delfingrado Royal Palace. *** The Weird Things Bureau publishes prototype of super-sonic bomber. ******

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Re: Nation News
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2007, 03:45:24 AM »
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New Delfos - Nation News

Sbbasburg Tomanov Bank * beats * West O. Company

It's done! The Sbbasburg Tomanov Bank bought the whole piece of CGV World by §6.04 per bit.
"We like to keep our interests in our own hands, not on those who don't even care." Affirms Droitsa Vielhem, Speaker of the STBank.

The new administration has the old projects at hand in New Delfos, Canada, Quebec, Algeriabania, and Saletsia.
They already designed a new logo and published a public invitation for the CGV World Conference/Expo
The 1st project in expo is the Delfo-Canadian project.

****** "Our men deserve a mega parade in Delfingrado!" says NDRA General. *** Ozian ship sinks, New Delfos Royal Army denies involvement. *** New recruitment for Delfo-Canadian Coalition forces. *** CGV World launches Delfo-Canadian projects, Algeriabanian and Saletsian projects will be in expo soon. *** The Black Scorpion Clan threats to Sbbasburg seaport were true, 2 ships explode, one being a large ship transporting Takasian Caviar. *** Peace in Llanydern. *** Economic shake, experts comment "We can't go up and down like this!". *** Royal Bank of Delfingrado funds Sharjah CGV line. *** Population of Kujsk afraid of new chemical productions. *** Another Black Scorpion Cell dismantled in Delfingrado! "The 3rd this week, we fear there is something going on, there's weaponry assaults and stolen cargo, seems they are packing for war!" *** The Weird Things Bureau publishes report on new prototype of super-sonic bomber, aircraft crashed while landing. ******

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Re: Nation News
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2007, 10:32:38 PM »
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New Delfos - Nation News

Councilor Balo Muhaki ASSASSINATED!

Councilor Balo Muhaki, also President of Mahara Region and Mahara Freedom Party, was shot today nearby Mahara Parliament in Muharraf.
Councilor Muhaki was going to attend a conference of Merchants in the parliament building to discuss the future of CGV lines and trade centers for Muharraf and was shot twice in the torso by a sniper rifle!
Authorities say Muhaki was already dead at 1st shot, this was done by a professional. Happens the profession was captured right after by Delfo-Canadian Coalition Forces that were stationed nearby.

Hassan Yazir, 36 years old, Mahara Resistance Rifles Division, lived as huntsman in the Nubahar Tribe near Arvika.

Yazir confessed shooting Muhaki, he said he was forced by the Black Scorpion Clan to pay a debt to the Nubahar Tribe Leader, that is now under investigation, suspected to be affiliated with the Black Scorpion Clan. People in Muharraf fear for the escalate of violence, and now that their President is dead, what will come next?

****** New Delfos Royal Army and New Delfos Naval Forces had a huge parade in Delfingrado. The return of the military is a great sign, people look forward for peace and prosperity. *** CGV Construction alted in Mahara Region, threats from the Black Scorpion Clan and Muhaki's Assassination leaves the working men edgy, even canadian ones. *** New recruitment for Delfo-Canadian Coalition forces. *** CGV World Conference/Expo, Algeriabanian and Saletsian projects will be in expo soon. *** Delfo-Canadian forces exchanged fire with Black Scorpions in Arvika, they suspect a mega assembling is having place there. *** The Loyalists had an extreme success with the fall of Loyalist Military Council. *** Royal Bank of Delfingrado is funding a new research for satellites. *** The White Army keeps frightening the population on the other side of the border. *** Zabid project is showing fruits, skeletons of a huge metropolis is being published, although Zabid Missile Industry is not very pleased. *** Another Black Scorpion attack on Sbbasburg Seaport! Cargo ship was assaulted and stolen, the authorities do not know how this was possible so far from the coast. *** Zabid Missile Industry shows the project of another space rocket, the R8 is estimated to be launched by the end of the year. ******

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Re: Nation News
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2007, 04:49:43 AM »
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New Delfos - Nation News

Muharraf City UNDER SIEGE!

The streets are a total chaos! Run for your life if you live near Muharraf. Black Scorpion Clan forces occupied the Muharraf Market Center, the Muharraf Parliament building and other government buildings. At least 33 people died this morning without counting with recent events. New Delfos Royal Army has been called in action, several security forces got trapped inside the city, including 3 patrol teams of the Delfo-Canadian Coalition forces, whole Muharraf National Guard Department and 5 Special Military Security Teams that were guarding military property inside Muharraf.

New Delfos Royal Army Muharraf Chief of Operations say this was a clever move from the terrorists, they formed a boundary around the city trapping most of the forces inside, "We have to rescue them as soon as possible, if they stay inside they will get unorganized and we fear the worse".
The Royal Army Mechas were called to aid entering the city, but the highways, fast ways and move of the streets are guarded with heavy equipment and rocket artillery, "now we know where the stolen weaponry is being used!".

Newspaper covers:

Golden Scimitar:
Royal Army shoots back, Civil War beings!
The New Delfos Royal Army entered the conflict quickly making a safe area for evacuation of civilians in Muharraf. The Royal Army Rifle divisions were targeted by the Black Scorpion Clan forces in Muharraf, they still do not know how many "Black Scums" are in Muharraf nor how many civilians are trapped inside the city. They sighted many fleeing on the outskirts.

The Red Star:
Black Scorpion Clan Erupts in Muharraf!
The citizens of Muharraf metropolitan area were surprised by a Black Scorpion Clan hoard. In very few moments the streets turned into chaos, there is no information of how many "Black Scums" or how many citizens are out there. Authorities say this events are sequel to Muhaki's Assassination.

****** EMERGENCY: STAY OUT OF MUHARRAF METROPOLITAN AREA. *** UFO sightings in Al-Hariib and Litar, something to do with new experimental aircraft? *** New Delfos Supreme Council considering joining the Ardan Union. *** EMERGENCY: STAY OUT OF MUHARRAF METROPOLITAN AREA. *** Economy is steady, "can be a good thing!" *** New Weapons research center and factory built in Piódão and Kujsk: Xavier Arms, led by Gustavo Xavier. *** EMERGENCY: STAY OUT OF MUHARRAF METROPOLITAN AREA. *** The White Army keeps on their fight, the Delfo-Canadian forces are having trouble neutralizing them. *** 62 confirmed deaths in Muharraf, including civilians. *** EMERGENCY: STAY OUT OF MUHARRAF METROPOLITAN AREA. *** Zabid Missile Industry confirmed having more than 2 ICBM designs... ******

Re: Nation News
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2007, 06:42:48 AM »
OOC: I really like the newspaper images, shows your dedication and enjoyment of the game. Good read!

Maryjane Islands
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« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2007, 07:43:13 AM »
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New Delfos - Nation News


Myrorian arrested in Sbbasburg after severely spanking a delfian woman.

We have knowledge that millions of delfian have been killed around the world, many more are missing. The fear of exposing to harm makes the search and rescue harder than it should be. Knowing that the St Oz is the biggest contributor for anti-delfism deaths, followed by Myroria. Now things seem to be getting better in St Oz...

A special Q&A telephonic interview was performed this evening, with a ranked military of St Oz, Pri'tae Strelok. This officer, among other occupations, is a sort of local board of scholar gentry who decides local city laws and conduct the Criminal Justice courts.
Question: Pri'tae Strelok, are the anti-delfism numbers going down?
Answer: Yes, we have seen a slight decrease in Delfist Violence when the Purge was lifted

Q: What are the policemen doing that it wasn't being done before?
A: Oh well, now that it is illegal to kill Delfians we have been taking more of these Anti-Delfists to Jail...*mutters off something incoherently in Ozian*

Q: What is your attitude towards a delfian emigrant?
A: I find Delfians quite annoying and have annoying accents

Q: What was changed so that police forces are able to make justice? The law? Was it the Sancta?
A: Sancta released the purge on the Delfians and we have to now go by our legalities and arrest those who kill a Delfian

Q: What is the prospects about this tighter enforcement? Will the anti-delfism stop doing victims?
A: Well... we just do as we do with normal murderers. Put them on trial and the Pol'shev decides their fates. If in favor he set free, if not in favor he his killed by sacred right.

Thank you Pri'tae Strelok for the interview, good evening and take care.

Delfian state of Esperança

From now on, emigrant delfians have a safe land. There are 3 improvised refugee camps, two at the north and one near the construction outskirts of the City of Esperança. Delfian military are there to protect any citizen of the United People's Council of New Delfos.

Newspaper covers:

Golden Scimitar:
Official start of the delfian state of Esperança.
The New Delfos Air Force reported the successful construction of all structures needed to receive the delfian refugees. There are 3 improvised refugee camp, several airfields, medical and other kinds of assitance, and above all, safety.

The Red Star:
Wall of the Silent and Memorial Monument.
This memorial was build on the top of the northern mountain chain of Esperança. The landscape designer would wish the naked monument to be larger and much higher to be seen from St Oz and Takasia.

*** The Supreme Council approves law making ministry houses able to launch national referendum. ** Half of the NDAF Transport Service arrived in Kujsk. ** Ardan Union remains silent. ** Muharraf is still under siege, with new conflict areas in the western area of Mahara region. ** Xavier Arms wants to sell weapons, proposing international arms fair. ** Accident causes fire in Delfingrado underground ways, now extinct: 23 people are hospitalized. ** Saletsian armed parade in Bandana scares delfian communities in the territories of the former allies. ** The press is kept away from Mahara Region, the few that are able to go in are literally extraditated, authorities say it's a matter of security. ** UASS Council is fading strenght, resulting in the recent claims of former Utopia. ***

Offline Delfos

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Re: Nation News
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2007, 07:46:41 AM »
OOC awww, seems i can't show the 1st pic of the latest news. It's from the movie American History X ::)

Offline Delfos

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Re: Nation News
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2007, 10:48:30 PM »
** LATEST NEWS ** NDNF submarines missed patrols, NDNF says that any info is classified. * Kujsk Chemical Labs increases area of production, rumors say they turned into biochemical warfare. * Weird Things Bureau plans anti-sat weaponry. * New Delfigther-Typhoon version is embarked on Navirsk Carrier, all other carriers have been called for special assignments. * Council of New Delfos failed by population, if they fail again 2years from now a new council. * Popularity of Vladimir Gorbachev is rising, the only one on his way to the top is the President that has been loosing popularity from recent events. * Muharraf's siege will end tonight, says NDRA General, all other spots will be neutralized. * Marta Sales sings today in Delfingrado, huge crowd is expected. * Economy is rising, economists like the prospects. * Shahab-5 test launched this evening, everything went well, it is now a fully operational missile. * "We will not enter to war, if you heard any rumor, it's false, we are performing defensive exercises!" says NDAF General. * Kidnapper caught, another Myrorian behind bars! * Yattalok Motors is rising, after expanding it's monopoly, is now one of the top manufacturers of Saletsia. **