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Author Topic: Loyanese National Informer  (Read 9118 times)

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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2007, 03:30:17 PM »
Mega Modular Manufacturing Plant: Factory of the Future

  Modular Research Facility, National Manufacturing Institute, Anyia. In this giant converted warehouse of the NMI, students and industry leaders have been studying and implementing the latest methods and techniques to modern manufacturing, increasing the ever expanding horizon of how much, how good, and how fast one can make a product. Research done in this facility had aided the defense industry greatly, but it has also revolutionized Loyan's civil manufacturing sector.

  Modular product design has allowed greater flexibility in the function and appeal of consumer products; a great example being Sachio's new line of Modular Compact Vs. These MCVs allow owners to self-customize components of their vehicle, adding headlights or audio electronics etc. through quick but durable "snap on" attachments. Costumer reception of the MCV has been extraordinary, with 250,000 MCVs already being sold in Loyan and countless selections modules being sold each day in MCV shops that have arose. The ease in which costumers can continual customize their products has been viewed as the main appeal of modular products. Manufacturers love it too, as products such as the MCV allow them to sell tons of add on modules on a daily basis; the money just keeps pouring in.                                                     

  The next step of the MRF program has sparked enormous interest from the public and government. This time, researchers are not only exploring modular design for manufactured goods, but also in the factory. Researcher Jon Wai explains, "Today's factories are a place of bolted down assembly lines, where the machines were built to manufacture one thing. Some maybe able to make small adjustments to the size or shape of the product, but any drastic change in the design of a product will need new press blanks or molds. Modular design factories of the future will be able to drastically change the things they can make, at touch of a few keys and a loading of specification files. A factory assembly that makes dishes could instantly be turn into machine that makes ceramic pellets or glass bottles. The prospects are endless."

  Two weeks ago, officials of the State Projects Department announced the start of planning in a super manufacturing facility, dubbed as the Mega Modular Manufacturing Plant, or Triple-M Plant. This facility is said to be the beginning of a new generation of manufacturing plants, the factories of the future. SPD planner Yui Lian comments,
"There really is no limit to how much or how fast a machine can theoretically produce, only the economic constrains of capitalism and commerce limit what sort of machines are in our factories today. Businesses simply don't need or want a machine that produces a million luxury watches in a day. If they increase supply, the prices for their products will drop in accordance, which means lower profit margins. But we the government aren't constrain by these factors, so we'll have to be the ones to push these technologies to the limit. The Triple-M plant will incorporate the latest advances in computerization, modular design, and the likes to allow automated production of almost anything. Not only that, it will be able to produce specifications of micro precision at high output rates."

  The benefit of modular design in such a grand facility is apparent. If you're bothering to build such a super factory, it's a good idea to make sure that it can produce a diverse selection of items, and not just three million pencils an hour for the rest of it's lifetime. Modular design will allow the Triple-M plant to produce almost anything with the help of computerization and robotics. The plant can simply change it's production type by swapping a few key modules in it's assembly line and loading digital specifications.

  The planning for the project is expected to extend well into 2715, with over 2000 firms and companies to be involved with first blueprints of such a complex facility. Expertise from Canada and Xyrael are being drafted in to share the immense workload. The first prototype Triple-M plant is expected to be built in Na Wai, in an a area integrated with the city's famous Transport Network Complex.     

« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 03:34:36 PM by Loyan »
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Loyan Undecided on Myrorian Bubble Burst
« Reply #31 on: December 30, 2007, 07:27:21 AM »
Loyan Undecided on Myrorian Bubble Burst

  It's been several weeks since the unexpected recession of the Myrorian market. While long expected
from external economists, the sudden crash of Myroria's domestic powerhouse has shocked many, including
government planners here in Loyan. Even after a month, Loyanese analysts have yet to decide how the
burst of the Myrorian economy will affect Loyan's own home market.

  It's a complicated issue. Loyanese investments and business dealings in Myroria are nearly non-existence.
As expressed by many entrepreneurs, Myroria is rather "hostile" towards foreign involvement within it's markets.
Xenophobia runs high in the country, especially when it relates to business. Much of the market shares is held
and fortified by home corporations and firms, making market breakthrough highly costly and impractical. Direct
economic effects on the Loyanese economy is mostly negligible at best.

  Much of the attention from home has been from a unlikely source, the military. The top brass in HOLA has
viewed the Myrorian recession as a double curse and blessing.
  Myroria as a PI member, accounts for a great fraction of the alliance's military strength. Any issues with
the country's state of prosperity can potentially affect the military establishment. A underfunded Myrorian
military and reduced industrial complex is not in the best interest of military planners at Headquarters.

  In a different light, the recession of Myroria's industrial complex may as well open up the arms bazaar for
the Loyanese military. Analysts anticipate an underfunded Myrorian military may impel the country's
defense-industry complex to release its products abroad. Grand General Hulan Via is especially hopeful of
acquiring classified technologies from Myroria, cheaply. This will free up substantial research money from
the defense budget for expanding personnel and equipment. However, officials are skeptic that tight restrictions
on militech transfer will be lifted by the Myrorian government. HOLA has yet to begin talks with Myroria to
discuss any sort of sale incentive.

Looking Ahead

  Liu Sao, a factory owner in Na Sui, is probing into Myroria's situation privately. He will be leaving for Myroria
at the end of the month, hoping to meet up with suppliers for materials there. Sao was already aware that
the recession has caused a sharp drop in raw material prices in Myroria. The price reduction there could potentially
outbid his current Canadian suppliers.

  Sao is no stranger to the difficulty of conducting business in Myroria. His father traveled to the country in 85,
prospecting for business partnership with big Myrorian manufacturing firms to secure capital and contracts.

"My dad started a small glass factory in 83 with a small loan from LCB. Business was hard to come by and his
2000 sq.ft workshop could barely turn out a decent window pane with the simple machinery they had. He tried
getting another loan from the bank for better equipment, but borrowing laws back then didn't allow him to
get anymore money.

By chance, a family friend told him about business opportunity in Myroria. My old man was left with no choice,
so he decided to try his luck there. He bought a plane ticket with money borrowed from my uncle, packed a gym
bag with his clothes and toothbrush, and was gone. He came back three months later with nothing to show for."   

  The moment he landed, Sao's father realized that Myroria was an entirely different world. He could barely speak
the language, and the constant stares from locals grew terrifying. For a month, any attempt to meet with his
Myrorian counterpart ended in failure.

"He rented out a cheap room in a poor area of the city. Needless to say, people weren't exactly friendly. He
told us about how he was spitted at on the streets, how he was constantly stalked by the gaze and temper
of slum dwellers. A passerby even pushed him into traffic during a evening walk near his hotel. He became
fearful for his life. Even to this day, my dad says he lost a part of his soul in Myroria.

After being kicked out of a dozen offices, my dad gave up and packed his bags. Problem was, he didn't had
a penny on him; A return ticket was out of reach. Lucky for him, he met a generous Inglish lady who lend
him the money for a coach ticket back to Loyan.

My father's first words when we met him at the airport after a long three months were: "I'm never going
back there again!", then he hugged us all while he cried. It's been 27 years, and he still flinches at the mention
of Myroria. I haven't told him about this trip, lest he gets a heart attack. It's best he doesn't know..."

  Sao is taking no chances with his first trip to Myroria. He has hired a translator and guide to facilitate his travel
and business meetings in the foreign country. Sao is also on a search for personal security, a precaution he admits
has stemmed from the chilling recollections of his father's trip. But the 36 year old NMI graduate was determine to
succeed where his father failed.

"I'm not too afraid of where this is all heading. My dad went to Myroria with less than a hundred marks in his pocket.
I'll be going with a little bit more, a hundred thousand dollars equivalent of marks in a local account to be exact.
I'll have a easier time there than my old man, I just hope that the people there be a little more warm this time around."           

Interesting Statistics

- Myrorian marks account for less than 0.5% of hard and electronic foreign currencies in Loyan.
- Myrorian goods account for less than 1% of imports in Loyan.
- In the past 20 years, only 5,219 Loyanese citizens have visited Myroria. Compare to half a million people who travel to Canada annually.
- Loyanese imports to Myroria account for less than a tenth of a percent.
- Less than 100,000 Loyanese are able to speak Myrorian adequately. Most are government employees who underwent mandatory classes.
- The largest Myrorian import to Loyan: Economic Textbooks and Publications
- The largest Loyanese import to Myroria: Lavender Scented Toilet Paper
« Last Edit: December 30, 2007, 08:08:52 AM by Loyan »
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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #32 on: January 03, 2008, 11:27:37 PM »
--Headline Report--

--Loyanese Fleet has been sent to the South Continent for unknown reason. Over 80 percent of the Loyanese Navy has been deployed--50,000 LAG regulars have been to call to duty on short notice, all are clueless to where they are headed--huge built up of ships and equipment in Yaolin harbor, landing crafts sighted--Grand Admiral of the Fleet is refusing to comment on the operation in Horn of Valhene--Districtor of Wai is pushing for answers from the Defense Ministry, who has refused an request from Parliament members to call back the Fleet--"Wild" military going loose again, some fear another military coup--"Right of Exercise Bill allows the Fleet to conduct it's annual blue water exercises anywhere within international waters," Districtor of Na Sui comments--Districtor of Anyia dismisses concerns of the recent Fleet movement, says public is overreacting--
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #33 on: January 06, 2008, 03:55:53 AM »
Military Bash 2712
Biggest Party of the Year Reveal

  For many people living in a time of peace and prosperity, the contribution and role of a country's soldiers are easy to forget and take for granted. Sure, we build commemorative monuments and create holidays to remember what they done, until the years pass and their deeds and sacrifices are forgotten by the next generation. These people deserve better, these men and women who safeguard our nation on a daily basis, many times at the risk of their own lives. What they need are not more twenty foot stone statues...but something else to show how much their work is appreciate.

  And that is why, in the first ever major event held in honour of these fighting men and women, LAF officials unveil "Military Bash 2712", a definite party to remember for this year. TIM magazine has named the 2712 Military Bash as the first of it's kind in the world, and the most expensive party of 2712. HOLA apparently authorized 567 million dollars for the brass to fund the grandeur event, not including the cost to transport personnel to Vancouver, where the main party event will take place.

  The planning for Military Bash of 2712 started five months in advance, beginning with secret meetings held by top brass in HOLA. Military Secretary General Jung Cung recollects his first reaction to the meeting.

"It was the weekend when I got the memo from the commissioner, saying something about a classified group meeting after lunch. So I show up, and I ask the Commissioner, "So what's going on?". He blackly looked at me and said, "...we're planning a surprise party, you in or not?" At that moment he grinned, and I realize either my pills were expired or he was serious."

  The planning took the guise of secrecy, as planners were concern that news of the event would had disrupted operations and personnel performance. "You don't want a few thousand men and women tasked with defending the country to have their mind wander about a big party happening at the end of summer," commented Military Superintendent Peng. "It really disrupts their mentality during training and duty. And I should know, I was a big party seeker in my young days."

  Problems naturally came up, especially for a bunch of people used to planning military operations, rather than big recreational events. Help came in the form professional event planners from Canada and Aiko. Months of work was put into creating the schedule for the event of the year, including accommodations, touring and main events, transportation, and not to mention the paperwork and right phone calls required to get Vancouver to accept fifty thousand foreign soldiers into the city.

  LNI talked with the mayor of Vancouver on the topic. "Well first, you could imagine the suspicion I had when I got a call from the Loyanese military saying they wanted to hold a "party" in my city," he replied. "But in the end, we agreed that we could use a boast to our economy, especially after a long and expensive war." Vancouver city council then worked with the event organizers to make the event possible, including the all important task of finding enough mooring space to secure the many ships of the Loyanese Navy. A few neighbouring port towns were called in to resolve limited mooring capacity in Vancouver harbour. Even then, city officials had to determine which streets to close off for the first-day Parade March, where the thousands of Loyanese personnel will walk into the city in style.     

  This party event was not without its opposition. The brass of Loyanese Ground Forces had blankly refuse to involve themselves with the event, marking it as a incredible inappropriate use of military funding and resources. As one general remarked, "I can't believe the idiots in HOLA allowed it (the party), simply an incredible waste of money and time. Here we are, trying to scrap enough money for my ground boys...and these buffoons go on and waste half a billion dollars on this stupid party!" As a result, only the Navy and Air Arms will be taking part in the Military Bash event, while troops in the LAG will be conducting a practice landing assault in Red Cliff. The Grand Admiral is openly "regretful" of his Ground Force colleagues' decisions, branding them as an "all work and no fun bunch".

  The troubles were far from over as the starting day of the two week event neared. The Loyanese Fleet carrying the party's unknowing "invitees" had to make a unforeseen stop north of Dysanii when booking error with a major hotel resulted in a major accommodation issue. "When I got the call from one of the planners saying that we didn't have enough rooms, I immediately told the Fleet commander to stop and stall for time while we went scouring for vacancies elsewhere," remarked   Superintendent Wilsong. "That was one disaster narrowly avoided."

  Another unforeseen disaster nearly ruined the party during a incident with the stalled Fleet and nearby DYSFOR military elements. Apparently, two Validean carrier fighters made a strafing pass on a Loyanese frigate last night. Reports of the incident are still sketchy, but Superintendent Micra gave a brief on the incident on television:

"I got the call from the Mystica captain just this morning, telling me they were confronted by a pair of Validean sea birds. I don't know what sort of practical joke those Validean flyboys were doing, but the endangerment of Loyanese personnel is a serious matter that will be investigated to the full. It's simply disturbing, the most unprofessional conduct I ever heard of! You can bet hell that I'll be making inquiries to the Validean embassy about this jackass stunt, and there better be some disciplinary actions taken against those pilots or the son-of-a-bitch officer who authorized that strafe..."

  Luckily, no damage or casualties were reported from the incident. However, the ship was placed on high alert during the initial detection of two Validean naval F-35s heading on an attack course towards the Mystica. The ship in question was  part of the 1st Scout Flotilla, which was heading westwards towards Vancouver when the incident began. It is reported that the flotilla had been tailed by a Validean carrier flotilla during this time, for reasons unknown. Repeated hails to the Valideans fail to deter or disclose the intentions of the two F-35s, which was detected by a nearby Loyanese Sea Hind. Officials will be pressing the matter to IPO officials tonight. It is also reported that the incident alerted other international elements in the area as well.           

  As for the the rest of the schedule for the 2712 Military Bash, the majority of the LN will arrive in Vancouver by this afternoon. LAA personnel landing in Fort Jolen will arrive tonight on rail in time to see the spectacular city-wide firework display. Other smaller M-Bash parties will be held in Loyanese cities at home, for those servicers operating on roles too important for national defense for them to visit Vancouver. There's always next year, right? A salute to those that had to stay behind...

Vancouver was named "Canada's Party City" by TIM Magazine Canada two years in a row. Despite years of conflict in the region, the city has not lost any of it's spirit for fun and play. Definitely a good choice by HOLA.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2008, 05:54:46 AM by Loyan »
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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #34 on: January 27, 2008, 11:21:52 PM »
WAR! Possible Worldwide Conflict Drags the Islands into the Fight

In a unprecedented move by Parliament today, four out of seven Districtors had sign off on their support for a Preparation of War against the nations of the AC Alliance. The move had been resisted by anti-war citizens, sparking a series of protests and rallies over the course of the day. The Districtors are discussing a re-vote in the face of such public opposition. A major face-off between pro-war and anti-war advocates is expected to ensue over the months, said analysts. On a side note, strong support for the war has surprisingly come from Loyan's business community and rural communities in Lia and Mei districts.

While a minority, support for the military liberation of Valhene (which recently enter the PI as a full member) has been unusually high among Loyaneses. While many Loyanese acknowledge that Valhene should be recognized as an independent state, many are mixed in their opinion on the illegal AC presence. Pro-PI and neo-militarists have traditionally supported a solution of force against DYSFOR's illegal occupation. They have recently been join by right-activists and libertarians, after reports of civilian oppression and suppression of civil protest by DYSFOR leaked out. The Water Incident had only deepen the suspicion on AC's presence in the area. Many politic thinkers had deem DYSFOR actions as "cultural, civil, and economic" rape against a post-defeat people, oddly mirroring the behavior of pre-modern empires against conquered people.       

While civil politics clash in a battle at home, the Loyanese military is preparing with all speed for operations abroad. Several divisions of the Loyanese Ground Forces have been summon for combat duty, along with squadrons of the Loyanese Air Arms preparing to ship out for Arcadia and Fenexian held territories of defunct Dysanii. The First Expeditionary Fleet in Vancouver has also been order to patrol the sea lanes between Loyan and the South Continent against DYSFOR fleet elements. However, mobilization of troops itself had been resisted from within Headquarters, with many anti-PI brass members resisting the move for external combat in Valhene. The recent death of Military Commissioner Alri had increase tensions between the factions of military leaders, one side calling for liberation while the other calling for non-intervention in the Valhene issue.   

The official declaration of war against AC has been scheduled three days from now. During this time, AC nationals have been urged to leave the country as soon as possible. An trade embargo has been put in effect, and all AC commercial vessels have been given a deadline to leave Loyanese waters before the official declaration of war.   

Military Commissioner Dead after a Car Accident

Alri Leng Biu was deemed dead yesterday night after his car swayed into an eight wheeler a few blocks from his country cottage. Paramedics from Huilan County Hospital arrived too late to save him, and he died from a puncture skull and internal bleeding two minutes into the ambulance ride. SP investigators had found a large amount of alcohol in his blood, which is suspected to be the cause of the incident. SP has ruled out the possibility of external motive after they investigated his cottage, finding two open bottles of champagne. Further questioning with his family revealed he left for the cottage two days ago on a unknown errand. SP concluded that Alri was on a rush to get home for his daughter's birthday, and the drinking of liquor was a ill-fated mistake for the 56 year-old. His close colleagues however had rebutted the SP's conclusion of an accident, and demanded further probe into the investigation.

Alri was elected head of Loyanese military after the Harmony Incident of 2709, replacing his controversial predecessor. With his death, Military Secretary General Jiama will be taking his place as temp-Chief of the Loyanese armed forces. However, Jiama's automatic rise to head had been opposed by pro-PI brass members. Currently, Superintendent Keng (former Secretary General before the Harmony Incident) is vying to replace Jiama and take up the now-free position of Military Commissioner, supported by the pro-PI faction of HOLA. He will have to wait for Parliament's decision on the who the new Military Commissioner should be. 

Alri is scheduled to be buried next week in a Honourary State burial in Anyia. He started in the military as a prodigal commander in the 1st Anyia Lotus Division. The man well liked among his subordinates and took an active role in political circles. He was particular sensitive towards Loyan's growing military power and was renown for his isolation policy on the use of Loyanese military power.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 04:56:12 AM by Gigi Advocate »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."