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News: Be vigilant: Anticitoyens could be behind any corner.

Author Topic: Loyanese National Informer  (Read 9119 times)

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Re: Loyalist National Informer
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2007, 11:47:18 PM »

In a 5 to none vote by PGL districtors, the Provisional Government of Loyalist will hereby be integrating its government and citizens into the Empire of Canada, effectively becoming a Canadian provincial legislation and territorial jurisdiction. The Province will adopt Canadian Common law and all Loyalist citizens will be granted Canadian citizenship to complete the procedure.   

Reactions by Loyalists are mixed, but a majority feel indifferent to the decease of their national identity. For many, it is a inspiration to moving on with their new lives, a symbol to the revival and reconstruction of Loyalist culture and society.

occ: All news regarding Loyalist destruction has been backtrack and revamped for Loyan.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2007, 01:26:28 AM by Loyanese Republic »
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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2007, 01:54:36 AM »
Harmony Group suspended by Parliament

The Loyanese Harmony Group has been suspended by Districtors and major members arrested for conspiracy against the State. In a surprise raid on Harmony members' homes, the State Police detained several thousand LHG affiliates and place them in the political prison complex in Lai. The following morning many citizens raise in uproar to the arrests, some taking to the streets of the capital to protest. The State Guard units in State Square were order into riot gear and to secure the government buildings in the area. A sparse usage of water suppression and smoke grenades manage to prevent mob rush against the State Military Commissioner, Leng Tao, who was a major influence factor in the proposed arrests.

For the few days, anti-PI riots had flare up in the major cities, pro-LGH citizens voicing for the release of Harmony group members and the withdrawal of Loyanese membership in the PI. State Police reports to have arrested several dozen violent protesters who made attacks on involved Districtors outside the National Parliament Complex. Administrator Sau was urge by Commissioner Leng Tao to summon LA personnel to deal with the escalating protests, in a memo release by anonymous government officials.

The Loyanese Harmony was a political group establish by nationalist and anti-imperialist candidates over thirteen years ago. For the last decade, they have been pushing a decrease in military buildup at home and globally, showcasing their peace ideologies in Loyan and abroad. They amassed substantial support, with over ten thousand register members and countless informal associates and politicians. The banning of the LHG poses a major shift of political power in the Republic, in favour of pro-imperialist candidates and the four out of seven Districtors in the Loyanese Parliament.

It has been reported that several LHG members were seen fleeing the main island for the small deserted island of Red Cliff, several hundred miles west of the mainland. State police uncover several boating permits that belong to escaped Harmony members, all register to large cargo vessels ranging from 8 000 to 12 000 tons. A Navy attachment of marines has been sent to apprehend the fugitives, along with the destroyer SLS Resurrection.   
« Last Edit: September 05, 2007, 02:08:57 AM by Loyanese Republic »
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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2007, 05:54:17 AM »
War Parliament Under Fire

Ajei Meng

The ending weeks of March has been a dramatic eruption of intense public unrest, with widespread protest taking place across the usually peaceful Republic. People are up in arms against the recent actions of Parliament and the controversial influence of the Loyanese military on affairs of the State. Many prominent figure heads among academic circles have openly spoke against the imperialistic agenda of the military, and the corruption of districtors in falling to the say of the Military Commissioner. Protestors have label them as the “War Parliament”, in reference to their aggressive and expansionist policies.

With elections only three weeks away, the public is leaning away from the current forum of Districtors, but new (and appropriate) candidates remain scarce with the exodus of Harmony figures. Among the issues  of public protest, demands for the release of Harmony associates remain strong in addition to widespread outrage to the military’s operation against Harmony fugitives in Red Cliff. In addition to the civil population, parts of the military body itself have also display their dissent for the war government. It is reported that all five Marshals of the original LA regiments assign to the Red Cliff operation refuse to levy out, resulting in the last-minute deployment of less prepare Marine regiments. Various high ranking brass have also resign within the last two weeks, whether from internal pressure or personal conscience. In any case, the internal conflict with Harmony has resulted in a major drain of morale throughout the military.

The business community has also voiced their concerns, mainly towards public unrest sparked by the actions of Parliament. The destabilization of the government was discouraging investors and scaring away business relations abroad, an unwanted plaque that could ruin the economic boom in Loyan. The LBB has already file a petition demanding the resignation of five districtors and initiating a early elections. With this added pressure, Districtor Hao Kin of Lai District already plans to resign by the end of the week.

No doubt, the events of the last month are having dramatic effects on the future of Loyan. An opportunity lies for Loyanese to test their newly found sense of power and liberty, to establish the integrity of democracy in Loyan. No doubt, a brighter and more conscience future awaits for the people of Loyan.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2007, 06:03:40 AM by Loyanese Republic »
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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2007, 06:29:54 AM »
Air Tanker

  In Yaolin, this was the spectacular sight that caught the eyes of locals as they looked across the waters of Hiyan Bay. Beginning at 8:30 in the morning, they witnessed an LF-8 Skyhawk fighter taking off from and landing on the deck of a large oil tanker. The Skyhawk made a total of six takeoffs and landings, the thump of landing on the tanker's deck can be heard from shore. What in the world was going on?   

  What they have just seen, was the first operational testing of the Navy's ECV-1, it's first operational carrier ever. This unique vessel is fully capable of carrying and launching a complement of 30 LF-8 Skyhawks, all in an effort by the LN to develop a naval air strike and power projection capability. 

  The ECV-1 was conceived four years ago, when HOLA begin to draw up plans for an aircraft carrier to strengthen the expanding navy. Unable to get its hands on one abroad, the project managers were force to come out with it's own design. Work was thwart by lack of expertise and cost factors. It took the prodigy of senior engineer Lin Halin to overcome these crippling drawbacks. His solution was simple: modify a conventional oil tanker into a working carrier platform. Oil tankers were a good choice, with their large size and practical design. However, finding a oil tanker large enough to carry a launch deck was a problem. The country's shipbuilding industry was still expanding and the Navy's shipyards were occupied by other projects.

  It was then that project researchers found out about a half-built VLCC tanker sitting in the dry docks of Star Coast Ltd. The Prosperity, as it was originally register as, was a double hull supertanker order by Sui Petro, a private oil distributor in Loyan. With the increasing demand for oil in Loyan, Sui Petrol wanted an up-sized vessel to carry Terran crude oil to it's refinery in Na Sui. If finish, it would had been able to carry up to 300,000 tons of crude oil in its enormous tanks. When the Sui Petro went bankrupt three months later, Star Coast was left with large hulk of metal and no one to pay for the half-finish ship hull. Measuring at 327 metres long and 52 metres wide, it met the size requirement for a carrier deck. the LN immediate placed an offer, and worked with Star Coast and fifteen other private contractors to modify the design.

  Work began a year later. The filling tanks were cut and seal at half their height, and a wide second deck created between the main deck and the stunted tank compartments. The midsection tanks will contain the fuel for the ECV-1's engines.The second deck forms the hangar for the carrier's planes and was subdivided into crewquarters and rooms.The main deck was widen by 7.3 m at the starboard, the extension supported by diagonal steel struts. The main deck is cover in Asphelt, a plastic substitute for road asphalt, to provide a good runway surface for the planes. An indigenous steam catapult and landing arrestor system is fitted. A electronics package is also integrated into the ship, allowing the ship to have full military telemetry and coordination. Work was completed two months ago, and the ship was registered as the SLS ECV-1 Fortune. It's construction is reported to have cost 220 million international dollars.

  In yesterday's carrier flight, the flight deck, launching catapult, and arrestor cable were tested and found satisfactory. Before this, tests were conducted on static systems installed on land. These essential takeoff and landing systems were refined in these ground tests to allow for the real test on board the ECV-1. Test pilots also honed their technique during the ground test, skills that were needed to fly off safely from an aircraft carrier. For the most part, the Skyhawk took off and landed successfully through the test; except for a jam in the arrestor's gearing which luckily did no damage. LAA pilots reported no complications either with their takeoff and landing procedures. 

  The next step for the LN will be to do a moving test. Yesterday's test was done with the ECV-1 anchor and stationary in the water. Takeoff and landing on a moving platform will pose a step up in difficulty for the test pilots. Project managers are currently running computer simulations in preparations for this second test, to minimize unforeseen issues that might arise. The LN admits that the test will still carry risks for pilots and test crew. If the testing is successful, the ECV-1 will enter operational combat service with the Loyanese Navy, despite its limited capabilities (lower speed and capacity, unconventional flight deck,..etc.) compare to conventional aircraft carriers operated by other nations. It will serve as a operational testbed for Loyanese carrier program until newer designs become available.       

ECV-1 Fortune

Length: 327 m
Breadth: 52 m (waterline)
Draught: 25 m
Displacement: 88,500 tons fully loaded
Propulsion: 2x steam turbines
Speed: 15 knots max
Aircraft Complement: 30 modified LF-8 Skyhawks, to be transfer from the LAA

« Last Edit: September 16, 2007, 07:03:08 AM by Loyanese Republic »
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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2007, 11:55:28 PM »
« Last Edit: September 16, 2007, 11:58:00 PM by Loyanese Republic »
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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2007, 04:46:30 AM »
LA discussing plans to switch to 6.5 mm caliber munition for their infantry arms --- Loyan's supply of uranium for nuclear plants threaten by war in Canada --- mainstream cult group found in cities across north Loyan, little information on them other than their eccentric dress wear, authorities cast worries --- Meisa Martial School celebrates it's 200th anniversary --- 671 Harmony fighters reportedly capture by LA troops in Red Cliff, military forces gradually pushing into the failing defenses of the island --- trade with Delfon increases 13.5 percent over the last quarter --- Parliament passes bill to increase aid to the Canadian war effort, despite rising opposition by the public --- Districtor of Wai resigns from mounting public pressure --- elections open in two days ---
« Last Edit: September 20, 2007, 04:48:03 AM by Loyanese Republic »
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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2007, 06:59:06 PM »
--- Canadian transfer three battleships to the LN---

---Election Week over, ballots being counted---

---Son of Firecell Corporation's head accountant murder and mutilated on streets of Anyia---

---Loyanese troops from Canada board their transport home after weeks of fighting under Canadian command---

---Unrest dies down with the procession of state elections---

---Rumours of foreign naval action near Red Cliff, HOLA refuses to confirm---

---secretive organized cult sweeping Anyia, officials are considering a probe into the agenda---

---Loyanese Navy announces the near completion of five new frigates in Yaolin shipyards---
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2007, 09:19:30 PM »

All seven former Districtors have been voted out of office, the first occurrence of this kind in the history of Loyanese democracy. The first day of the new Parliament begins with the removal of criminal status from all Harmony members and their release from prison. The military has been order to cease its actions in Red Cliff and return to their home bases.

In other related news, the Military Commissioner is facing charges of corruption and bribery by the legislation. Early this evening, State Police officers from IS division arrested him at his home in Gasun. He is currently awaiting trial in Anyia State Prison, along with other affiliates who face similar charges.

Tonight, the streets of Anyia are crowded with cheerful citizens, celebrating the results of the election and the release of Harmony members. Fireworks  can be seen in the night sky as private citizens do all they can to commemorate the events. Taverns and pubs around the city are reported to be full and citizens are seen cheering out from their apartment windows. The amount of national fervor the last few hours had been amazing, one not felt since the days of democratic reform two decades ago.   

"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #23 on: October 14, 2007, 11:34:01 PM »
Prototype main battle tank is unveil at Anyia University campus after a 5-3 victory by the university's hockey team, the Iron Blizzards.

After a stunning game by AU's Iron Blizzard team against the NYU's Wolframs, students and faculty celebrated over their victory with a sneak peek at the LGF's newest armor tank, deem to replace the aging and obsolete T-64s in the army. It is reported that several prominent figures of the university were involve with the development of the third generation armor vehicle.

Project manager, Siu Meng Ki, confirms the completion of the design and testing process of the new modern battle tank for the Loyanese Ground Forces. The new tank will give the Loyanese Army it's first viable match to other modern MBTs currently deploy by other militaries, namely the M1A2 and Challenger 2. The new design incorporated components of foreign technology, namely the advance composite armor and fire system of Delfian and Canadian origins. The tank remains without a name at present, classify by officials as the Prototype Armor GT-96.

The main gun however, is of Loyanese design, developed from the 120mm Penetrator experimental anti-tank gun built by Loyanese Arms (sub division of Loyanese Arms Factories). The chasis and engine was also developed without foreign technologies.

Little detail has been disclosed about the performance and abilities new tank, only that it will be protected by the composite armor license from Haribishi Armor and it will carry a 125mm gun capable of firing tungsten carbide KE rounds, and potentially KE rounds with depleted uranium sabots. Previous information publish about the 120mm Penetrator gun state that the gun is capable of penetrating 412 mm of RHA steel from 1800 meters off with a tungsten alloy APFSDS. The new 125mm gun on the tank is suspected to have improved penetration over the original Penetrator, especially with the use of a DU KE round.

Production is expected to start within the year, with a projected order of 200 of the new tanks within two years.

A GT-96 prototype sits in a shallow ditch on a Army testing ground. The GT-96 will replace the aging T-64 in the mobile armor role. The cost of the new tank is estimated at $ID 1.3 million each.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2007, 12:02:02 AM by Loyan »
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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2007, 08:14:59 PM »
National Headlines

  • Loyanese oil firms increase drilling on off shore reserves, production of crude expected to rise
  • Exports increases for Loyanese goods and services
  • Wages on the rise, complement with state tax cuts
  • New AWAC aircraft enters service after a long joint research program with Delfians
  • Loyair's IL-96 wide body airliner encounters structural problems, BAL airport technicians report
  • Air Loyan increases its flight destinations in hope of expanding both international and domestic market share
International Headlines

  • More nations enter the IPO
  • Reports of poor hygiene and crowded living conditions for Dysannian soldiers as the country's military masses troops along it's border with Canada
  • Violence in Gelibolu escalates
« Last Edit: October 21, 2007, 08:18:59 PM by Loyan »
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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #25 on: October 22, 2007, 09:58:49 PM »
International Headline

Dysanii invades Canada

Aun Mai Tang, senior writer

Dysaniian forces have enter Canadian soil, beginning a second war front in this conflict drunk region of the world. While their motives are unclear, their actions have flare up considerable shock from the international community, including the Loyanese government. We have been inform that the LA has already mobilized regular troops and are in the process of transporting them to Canada.

The rest of the international community has yet to show any intention to send troops to ratify the aggression of the Dysanii dictatorship. Major PI members have shown little reaction so far, and critics are debating if Myroria will join in the defense of ally Canada. Some analyst forsee a intervention by the Xyraelis, but mainstream experts cast this off in light of internal conflict arising within the Eastian hegemony.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2007, 10:14:18 PM by Loyan »
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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #26 on: October 30, 2007, 12:10:59 AM »
Looking Over

New multi-static OTH radar station now online

Red Cliff, an island battle ground between the military and it's political opponents just a year ago, is now the site of a new and strategically placed OTH radar station. Construction of the station has been partially completed, and the system became online yesterday, operating at half capacity. The site has been designated as OTH Station D. Once completed, it will be among three older OTH stations built by the military just a decade ago. All three OTH systems are integrated with the LAA's Air Control Network and the Navy's NNS, allowing the detection and tracking of aircraft and ships within their ranges. Commercial flights and shipping is also monitor on this basis. 

Station D holds many advantage over it's predecessors, with better detection range, resolution, and digital processing. As a multi-static system, it also has the capability to detect stealth aircraft and vessels. Once completed, Station D's range will extend to Xyrael, the entire area of Cantr, and the north extremes of Araselia. This will give the Loyanese military considerable advantage in early warning and home defense; enough to persuade the LAA to spend an additional 120 million dollars in "hardening" the island with SAM sites and defense components. The station is currently being power by a mix of a wind generators and a small oil power plant.       

Average range of existing OTH stations and Station D shown. Red lines show the full extent of Station D's area coverage once finished. Station D's ranges include a 900 km minimum range.

Red Cliff was bought off from the Harmony group several weeks after the political conflict ended. Station D is reported to have cost 320 million dollars to build, with funds supplied by both the LA and Transport ministry. Project managers are planning to build a state of the art solar plant to power the station, but cost restrictions has delayed the venture. Environmental groups have also voiced their concerns on the impact on Red Cliff's prestigious wildlife. Green Loyan has filed a petition to the State government to open Red Cliff for eco-tourism, despite the military sensitivity of the area.

Station C in the south island of Loyan has reported been upgraded with components similar to Station D. Station A and B are expected to receive similar upgrades along with several OHT sub-stations planned for constructions. These efforts have been taken in face of the rising tension in the international community. 
« Last Edit: October 30, 2007, 12:16:35 AM by Loyan »
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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #27 on: November 04, 2007, 06:24:00 AM »
National Militia Police Bill Passed

Today at 5:38 pm, Parliament passed the National Military Police Bill which will transfer jurisdiction of the National Militia Force to the Ministry of Law and Order. This also means that the NMF will come under the funding of the Ministry, a department historically known for its lucrative and excessive budget. The move came after years of debate on the role of the National Militia and the decreasing capacity of the Loyanese Army to fund both militia and regular forces. This issue has hamper the extent of force projection available to the Loyanese military.

With this Bill, funding of the NMF will be lifted from the military to allow funding to be directed to regular forces. However, the NHF will maintain it's ties and administrative connections with the main military body and in times of invasion will report directly to HOLA. Ministry of L&O department will maintain control over NMF during peacetime, and might impose new training regimes to establish it as a policing body. It's organization however will remain unchanged, as it was for the last hundred years. It will serve alongside other Law&Order departments, including the distinguished State Police department.

Traditionally, the National Militia has been a independent body from both the Army and State Police, but retains close connection and cooperation with both agencies. It coordinates with the LA in the home defense role, and the military continues to be the main source of equipment and training for the old paramilitary organization. The NHF during peace regularly assist State Police in apprehending smugglers and high level criminals. It has a long establish tradition in Loyanese history, and Miltia Groups continue to be a prominent cultural and social aspect in local communities.

The Bill has drawn some criticism from observers, mainly concerning the NHF's contradictory with recruit policies in the Ministry departments. State Police and other departments hire recruits on a volunteer basis set out by regulation, but the NHF is a element of Loyan's conscription laws. Outside observers draw out the consequences and issues pose by a non-volunteer paramilitary body operating in the public order role, and potential social oppression in the future.

Some internal analysts have turn down this possibility as unlikely. Anyia University's head of History comments:

"The Militia has had a long and well establish presence in the local community, such that it becomes a element of it (the community) and a social icon of the community. This is especially true for the rural communities of the country, where militia groups make up competitive bodies for inter-town sports events and community gatherings. Militiamen are base in their home towns and they are integrated with community life as much as any other citizen. They do not exist to impose military presence, but rather as a open bond between the military and public. It is this close bond that the militia depends on for it's morale and integrity. In fact, the militia body is more likely to revolt against the military than against the public, as shown during the military coup of the Military Council several decades ago." 

The Bill is expected to free up to 7 billion dollars annually, which will go to various military projects.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2007, 08:06:39 AM by Loyan »
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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #28 on: December 05, 2007, 07:39:15 AM »
As the conflict in the South Continent cools off, exports to and imports from Canada are now secure once more in Loyan. Grain shipments and steel goods from Canada have return to normal levels, effectively stabilizing the domestic market here at home. Adding to that, Loyanese exports to Canada have increase steadily as Canada continues to drawn war materials globally to supply it's renew obligations in the Americas.

One sector of Loyan's economy that is gaining particular interest, is the alternative fuel business. As a increasing population and expanding industry calls for more oil, air pollution and oil prices become a issue. A uncertain Terran oil reserve are worrying economists at home, who fear a major increase in crude prices if demand continues to rise. While Terran oil production is expected to rise for awhile longer to cope with supply balance, companies such as Loyan Energy and Green Feed are looking at the environmental consequence that will result as oil consumption increases.

While alternative fuels such as ethanol and bio-diesel has been available to Loyanese for decades, the production and distribution of these alternative fuels have not expanded along with demand. The yearly production of ethanol and bio-diesel are falling compare to consumption, and prices for alternative fuels are raising in relation. The stank in production is the effect of changing agriculture environment in the Islands. Urban development is swallowing up Loyan's rural regions, what results is a drop in agriculture activity and a decreasing supply for alternative bio-fuels.

LE and Green Feed are remedying this by looking abroad, for the first time, for a source of crops to feed their bio-fuel refineries. Canada has became a first choice, but companies are also looking in Mor'os, Xyrael, and even Collatica. Switchgrass, a sort of low upkeep grass crop, has caught the eyes of investors with its high capacity for ethanol production.

While these business project continue to make in roads in reducing Loyan's dependency in crude oil, the government is still stressing on the need for reduction and conservation, which might just be the best route to take regarding the exodus of the carbon economy.   

Parliament Pushes Spending into Alternative Energy   

With a dramatic spending cut to the Defense budget this new year, Parliament was left with 18.5 billion dollars extra cash to spend on other things. While commercial investment and social projects ranked high on the list of spending priorities, Districtors have put interest in the recent issue of oil dependency here in the country.

Loyan consumes the total of 2.27 million barrels of oil each day. While per capita, this amount is low compare to other developed countries, national security experts are worry about the long term supply of the oil that Loyan does use. A top Terran university professor had recently release a report on the status of worldwide oil supplies, revealing that the amount in reserves are being depleted drastically, in face of increasing demand from burgeoning populations and military conflicts. During the recent South Continental War, Canadian oil consumption increased over seven percent as the movement of mechanized vehicles and naval ships drew up oil fuel.

While the oil supply with Terranger is relatively stable and protected at the moment, military planners believe that Loyan should possess "emergency" provisions in case their oil shipments are cut. This may mean investing into alternative technologies that will counter any effect of a "oil famine", such as next generation high capacity batteries and fuel economy.

210 million dollars have already been allocated to research groups in supporting the development of advance battery technology for the cars, mopeds, and scooters of Loyan's city streets. Already, LE's Compact Advances Division has released its Loyio line of high efficiency batteries for electric vehicles, capable of storing 30 percent more energy while charging 70 percent faster. These batteries have been integrated with the new electronic packages in this year's models of CVs, which will better control energy consumption with adjustment to different road and speed conditions of the vehicle. It is expected to raise performance of Loyanese Compact Vehicles dramatically and increase market shares abroad. Batteries such are these are of high interest to military designers who hope to see electric combat vehicles in the near future.           

A further 5.3 billion dollars will be allocated to other technology developments. Parliament hopes to see a general rise in the technological capacity of Loyan, especially in fields of economic and social nature. While we can't really expect flying cars with zero emissions to come out anytime soon, it is a start to this new era of the nation, where peace has set in and the government can worry less about defense and more on progress.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2007, 06:57:44 AM by Loyan »
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Re: Loyanese National Informer
« Reply #29 on: December 11, 2007, 08:08:09 AM »
K-2 Black Panther

   Military officials have leaked the existence of a new tank serving in the Ground Forces. Referred to as the K-2 Black Panther, the tank is reported to be vastly superior to the Type 96 in terms of armor protection and firepower. The tank was the work of designers in the military's prospective Next Generation Armour Advancement project, built up upon data learned from the recent Type 96 design and technologies imported from Canada.

   Tanks have always been a sensitive topic in HOLA. Military expansionists have call for funding in developing new tanks to match those of oversea countries. Conservative critics have denounced heavy armor as a waste of money and resources, it having little defensive value in Loyan's tropical terrain and the weapon's predicted death in post-modern warfare. Nevertheless, the project receives 3 billion dollars annually to fund research and testing.

   The K-2, is the ultimate fruit of this money. Its designers believe that the Panther considerably outmatches other modern MBTs such has the Canadian Challenger 2 and the Delfian Leopard 2. Designers have derived much of the K-2 from these two foreign designs in return, incorporating features such as blow out panels and an improved 120mm gun unavailable in the Type 96. The most unique surprise is the tank's revolutionary soft-kill and hard-kill anti-missile defense systems, developed secretly by multiple firms. Designers believe that these new feature will extend the life of the K-2 in face of evolving weapons and tactics. The K-2 also uses newly developed guided munitions to extend it's firepower and range over its competitors.   

   However, these knick knacks comes at a price. The K-2 system is priced at a whopping 8.8 million dollars per tank, making it the most expensive combat ground vehicle in the Loyanese arsenal to date. With a reduced defense budget, the military has only purchased ten K-2s to date. From the beginning, it's designers have state that the Panther was not meant to replace the much cheaper Type 96 in service. Instead, the K-2 will be showcased in the export market to foreign militaries. It's designers believe that the advance tank will succeed in attracting buyers. 

K-2 Black Panther

Weight: 55 tonnes
Length: 10 m (7.5m chassis)
Width: 3.1 m
Height : 2.2 m
Crew: 3 (commander, gunner, driver)
Armor    Layers consisting of soft- and hard-kill anti-missile defense systems, ERA, NERA, modular composite/TiT armor
Primary Armament: 120 mm L55 smoothbore gun (40 rounds)
Secondary armament: 1× .50 cal.(12.7 mm) K6 heavy machine gun (3,200 rounds)
                              1x 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun (12,000 rounds)
Engine: 4-cycle, 12-cylinder water-cooled diesel 1,500 hp
Suspension: In-arm Suspension Unity
Operational Range: 480 km
Max Speed: 70 km/h (acceleration of 0-32 km/h with in 7 seconds)

Cost: $8.8 million unit price
« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 08:10:25 AM by Loyan »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."