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News: The counter-revolution will soon be as dead as the Q Society!

Author Topic: The Republic of Selid  (Read 3038 times)

Offline geek girl

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The Republic of Selid
« on: December 06, 2007, 02:39:31 AM »
Police and Armed Forces

In the republic of Selid the two bodies are both part of the same organization under the auspices of the council for security and order.  This secretive organization has a budget of around $15 billion USD each year and around 75,000 personnel at its disposal.  Its purview is to protect the republic from threats both external and internal.  The council for security and order is a body of advisers appointed by the councilman for security and order, it can be of any size, its meetings are secret as are who is in the council (with the obvious exception of the councilman for security and order) no body has the right to information from the council (an exception being a majority vote of the judiciary and then the high council).

The Police Special Group (P.S.G.)
This is the body that most closely resembles an army with ~10,000 combatants split between two detachments, detachment A being a mechanized infantry and armored formation while detachment B is air mobile infantry.  While not required to live in barracks they are supposed to live within 5 minutes walk of their assembly area.  Administration is carried out by the police administrative sections.  While primarily for protecting against outside aggression they are also trained to act as riot police.

This body is tasked with patrolling the streets of the republic solving and preventing crime officers cycle through the five units, rapid response units, patrol units, administrative units, technical units and investigative units and will perform each task at some point in their career (though they may elect to spend most of their time in one unit after their first cycle).  With ~25,000 officers this is the main part of governmental forces.  In addition to maintaining order within the republic in times of war the national police force is expected to turn out as infantry in defense of the republic's borders and to facilitate this APC's and other heavy equipment are available to them.

Police Militia
This body is tasked with aiding the police in performing their function, limited to patrol and crowd control they are there to taking the strain off the regular police force in times of crisis.  ~15,000 officers.  In times of war the tasks of the police militia are to safeguard the public, perform emergency medical functions, maintain lines of communication and where necessary fight as light infantry.

The penal service
This force of ~7,000 men is tasked with supervising penal service work gangs made up of those criminals whose crimes were not serious enough for death but too serious for short terms and fines as well as manage the prisons.  In times of war prisoners are used to maintain the lines of communication or in extreme circumstances formed into penal units and used to fight against the invaders.

Air guard
This force of ~8000 men is tasked with manning anti aircraft positions around the republic as well as crewing and maintaining one squadron of fighter bombers, one squadron of helicopter gunships as well as helicopters for the P.S.G.

Coast guard
This force of ~4000 men is tasked with manning the various vessels used to protect the borders and maintain order within the national waters of the republic, it also had roles such as customs and excise and air sea rescue.

Fort garrison
The republic is dominated by two large fortifications, the new fort and the old fort.  These fortifications are designed to provide an interlocking field of fire as well as protect the population within their large shelters.  The old fort was designed and built during the course of the 50's and early 60's and is the smaller of the two with a garrison of ~2000 personnel, while it has been updated it is beginning to show its age.  The new fort was built during the 80's and is the larger of the two with a garrison of ~4000 personnel.

« Last Edit: January 02, 2008, 09:03:31 PM by geek girl »
Welsh plan of action:
-drive those english out of britain
-then we get those b******s from powys

You've no where to hide,
No where to run,
Your village will burn like the heart of the sun
with infinite glee
its going to be me
who slaughters the world

Offline geek girl

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Re: The Republic of Selid
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2007, 08:32:43 PM »
Equipment used by the Council for Security and Order
FN F2000 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FN_F2000)

Sub machine guns:
FN90 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FN_P90)
CBJ-MS (http://world.guns.ru/smg/smg101-e.htm)

Heavy machine guns:
FN BRG-15 (http://world.guns.ru/machine/mg26-e.htm)

CV9040: The original model with a 40mm Bofors autocannon.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Vehicle_90)
Patria AMV (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patria_AMV)

Light tanks:
CV90120-T: Equipped with tank turret and smoothbore 120 mm gun. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Vehicle_90)

CV9040 AAV: Anti-Air Vehicle, fitted with radar and 40 mm autocannon. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Vehicle_90)

Specialized vehicles
CV90: Command Vehicle. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Vehicle_90)
CV90: Forward Observation Vehicle . (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Vehicle_90)
CV90: Armored Recovery Vehicle. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Vehicle_90)

SP Artillery:
AMOS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMOS)
Patria AMV (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patria_AMV)
CV90 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Vehicle_90)

G5 howitzer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G5_howitzer)
15 inch naval gun (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BL_15_inch_/42_naval_gun)

Anti tank weapons:
MBT-LAW (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MBT-LAW)
Brimstone (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brimstone_missile)

Anti aircraft weapons:
RBS-70 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RBS-70)
40mm L/70 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bofors_40_mm_gun)

NHI NH90 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NHI_NH90)
AH1 Supercobra (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AH-1_SuperCobra)
AH2 Rooivalk (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denel_AH-2_Rooivalk)
« Last Edit: January 02, 2008, 09:04:13 PM by geek girl »
Welsh plan of action:
-drive those english out of britain
-then we get those b******s from powys

You've no where to hide,
No where to run,
Your village will burn like the heart of the sun
with infinite glee
its going to be me
who slaughters the world

Offline geek girl

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  • Posts: 139
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Re: The Republic of Selid
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2008, 09:58:02 PM »
Political parties of Selid

Democratic Socialist Party (D.S.P.)
The D.S.P. follows a moderate left wing line the policies they stood under last election were as follows:
-Increase in the minimum wage to 7 trade marks per hour
-Defense of Free at point of delivery health care
-Total transparency of the council for security and order
-Defense of the militia act
-Stabilization of military spending
Welsh plan of action:
-drive those english out of britain
-then we get those b******s from powys

You've no where to hide,
No where to run,
Your village will burn like the heart of the sun
with infinite glee
its going to be me
who slaughters the world

Offline geek girl

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Re: The Republic of Selid
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2008, 12:31:54 PM »
The New Model Army

1st army:
   -1st Corps:
      -1st Rifle division:
         -1st Rifle Brigade:
            -1st rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -2nd rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -1st support battalion (800 men)
         -2nd Rifle Brigade:
            -3rd rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -4th rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -2nd support battalion (800 men)
         -3rd Rifle Brigade:
            -5th rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -6th rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -3rd support battalion (800 men)
         -1st support Brigade:
            -4th support battalion (800 men)
            -5th support battalion (800 men)
            -6th support battalion (800 men)
            -7th support battalion (800 men)
            -8th support battalion (800 men)
      -2nd Rifle division:
         -4th Rifle Brigade:
            -7th rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -8th rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -9th support battalion (800 men)
         -5th Rifle Brigade:
            -9th rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -10th rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -10th support battalion (800 men)
         -6th Rifle Brigade:
            -11th rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -12th rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -13rd support battalion (800 men)
         -2nd support Brigade:
            -14th support battalion (800 men)
            -15th support battalion (800 men)
            -16th support battalion (800 men)
            -17th support battalion (800 men)
            -18th support battalion (800 men)
      -1st air mobile division:
         -1st air landing brigade:
            -1st air landing battalion (800 men)
            -2nd air landing battalion (800 men)
            -3rd air landing battalion (800 men)
            -1st support helicopter battalion (800 men)
            -1st transport helicopter battalion (800 men)
         -2nd air landing brigade:
            -4th air landing battalion (800 men)
            -5th air landing battalion (800 men)
            -6th air landing battalion (800 men)
            -2nd support helicopter battalion (800 men)
            -2nd transport helicopter battalion (800 men)
         -3rd air landing brigade:
            -7th air landing battalion (800 men)
            -8th air landing battalion (800 men)
            -9th air landing battalion (800 men)
            -3rd support helicopter battalion (800 men)
            -3rd transport helicopter battalion (800 men)
         -1st helicopter brigade:
            -1st attack helicopter battalion (800 men)
            -4th support helicopter battalion (800 men)
            -4th air landing battalion (800 men)
            -5th transport helicopter battalion (800 men)
            -1st heavy transport helicopter battalion (800 men)
   -2nd corps:
      -1st Mecanised division:
         -1st motor Rifle Brigade:
            -1st motor rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -2nd motor rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -19th support battalion (800 men)
         -2nd Rifle Brigade:
            -3rd motor rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -4th motor rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -20th support battalion (800 men)
         -3rd Rifle Brigade:
            -1st mechanised rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -2nd mechanised rifle regiment (2200 men)
            -21st support battalion (800 men)
         -1st armoured Brigade:
            -1st armoured battalion (800 men)
            -2nd armoured battalion (800 men)
            -3rd armoured battalion (800 men)
            -22nd support battalion (800 men)
            -23rd support battalion (800 men)
      -1st Auxilary division:
         -1st Brigade of Gendarmes:
            -1st regiment of Gendarmes (2200 men)
            -2nd regiment of Gendarmes (2200 men)
            -24th support battalion (800 men)
         -2nd Rifle Brigade:
            -3rd regiment of Gendarmes (2200 men)
            -4th regiment of Gendarmes (2200 men)
            -25th support battalion (800 men)
         -3rd Rifle Brigade:
            -1st Garrison regiment (2200 men)
            -2nd Garrison regiment (2200 men)
            -26th support battalion (800 men)
         -3rd support Brigade:
            -27th support battalion (800 men)
            -28th support battalion (800 men)
            -29th support battalion (800 men)
            -30th support battalion (800 men)
            -31st support battalion (800 men)
« Last Edit: March 05, 2008, 12:14:43 PM by geek girl »
Welsh plan of action:
-drive those english out of britain
-then we get those b******s from powys

You've no where to hide,
No where to run,
Your village will burn like the heart of the sun
with infinite glee
its going to be me
who slaughters the world

Offline geek girl

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  • Posts: 139
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Re: The Republic of Selid
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2008, 06:23:36 AM »
Weapons of the New Model army

FN F2000 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FN_F2000)

Sub machine guns:
CBJ-MS (http://world.guns.ru/smg/smg101-e.htm)

Heavy machine guns:
FN BRG-15 (http://world.guns.ru/machine/mg26-e.htm)

CV9040: The original model with a 40mm Bofors autocannon.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Vehicle_90)
Patria AMV (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patria_AMV)

Light tanks:
CV90120-T: Equipped with tank turret and smoothbore 120 mm gun. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Vehicle_90)

CV9040 AAV: Anti-Air Vehicle, fitted with radar and 40 mm autocannon. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Vehicle_90)

Specialized vehicles
CV90: Command Vehicle. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Vehicle_90)
CV90: Forward Observation Vehicle . (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Vehicle_90)
CV90: Armored Recovery Vehicle. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Vehicle_90)

SP Artillery:
AMOS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMOS)
Patria AMV (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patria_AMV)
CV90 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_Vehicle_90)

G5 howitzer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G5_howitzer)
15 inch naval gun (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BL_15_inch_/42_naval_gun)

Anti tank weapons:
MBT-LAW (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MBT-LAW)
Brimstone (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brimstone_missile)

Anti aircraft weapons:
RBS-70 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RBS-70)
40mm L/70 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bofors_40_mm_gun)

NHI NH90 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NHI_NH90)
AS 532 Cougar (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurocopter_Cougar)
CH-53E super stallion (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CH-53E_Super_Stallion) (no gunners)
Bo 105 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%B6lkow_Bo_105) (mixture of anti tank and anti air missiles carried (ratio 2:1 used) used for recon/observation and interdiction where possible/safe)
AH1 Supercobra (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AH-1_SuperCobra)
AH2 Rooivalk (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denel_AH-2_Rooivalk)
Welsh plan of action:
-drive those english out of britain
-then we get those b******s from powys

You've no where to hide,
No where to run,
Your village will burn like the heart of the sun
with infinite glee
its going to be me
who slaughters the world

Offline geek girl

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Re: The Republic of Selid
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2008, 07:55:46 AM »
Welsh plan of action:
-drive those english out of britain
-then we get those b******s from powys

You've no where to hide,
No where to run,
Your village will burn like the heart of the sun
with infinite glee
its going to be me
who slaughters the world

Offline geek girl

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  • Posts: 139
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Re: The Republic of Selid
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2008, 06:04:33 AM »
Military organization and training

The Republic of Selid's military partially runs on conscription rather then being a purely voluntary force.  There are a number of reasons for this, firstly there is the fact that to make the wages of the lower levels of soldiery competitive would stretch the limits of the national treasury and secondly due to the fact that in the current (and unfortunately probably the future) world climate it would be advisable to be able to greatly expand Selid's military forces were it required and to this end large numbers of conscripts are being trained in at least the rudiments of how to fight so that they are there if needed.  To further extend this point the Selid military also has a high ratio of permenant specialists NCO's and officers in its forces as well.

Conscripts are split into two classes, the short term 2 year conscripts and the long term 3 year conscripts.  Short term conscripts are limited to the army and civil defence and are generally trained in very basic roles, your average short term conscript is your basic infantry man (or in civil defence fire fighter/driver/orderly/auxiliary police) with a rank of stalant and estalant (roughly equivalent to private and lance corporal).  Long term conscripts can be found in any service (though their numbers are lowest in the airforce and navy) in the army they are minor technicians such as cable layers, radio operators, weapon specialists.  In civil defence long term conscripts are sub section leaders, emergency response drivers and part of such groups as the heavy rescue division (in this case a division as in a subset of a larger body rather then the military formation).  In the airforce 
« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 06:27:22 AM by geek girl »
Welsh plan of action:
-drive those english out of britain
-then we get those b******s from powys

You've no where to hide,
No where to run,
Your village will burn like the heart of the sun
with infinite glee
its going to be me
who slaughters the world