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Author Topic: The Kingdom of Kabe  (Read 902 times)

Offline Vasp

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The Kingdom of Kabe
« on: July 13, 2007, 07:31:45 AM »

Nation: The Kingdom of Kabe also known as Kabeland
Population: 6,000,000
Capital City: Kresh City
Spoken languages: English, Polish, Russian
Type of government: constitutional monarchy
Administrative divisions: 36 boroughs:


Climate: varies from tropical along coast to arid in interior
Terrain: 35% low mountains,22% rock wastes, 21% rock mountains, 16% water, 6% jungle,
Temperatures: from 0 to 35 degree
Natural resources: limestone, soda ash, salt, gemstones, zinc, gypsum, diatomite, oil
Land use: 8 % arable land, 12% permanent crops, 5% plantations, 16% usages, 41% other
Natural hazards: drought, flooding during rainy season


Agriculture products: coffee, corn, wheat, fruit, tobacco, tea, horses, bee keeping, bison
Industries: chemical, oil refining; aluminum, steel, tourism, communication
Export goods: coffee, fruit, tobacco, horses, honey, resources
Import good: high processed products, machines, vehicles


* King
* Court
* Parliament - 3 parties, 455 seats - 70% The Royals, 20% The Gentry Party, 10% Citizen Order Party

Most known Members of Royal Family

* King Andrew Ka'Be XVI - previous King of Kabe, father of present King Vasp Ka'Be the I
* Queen Emily from Southsand - wife of King Andrew Ka'Be XVI and mother of King Vasp Ka'Be the I
* King Vasp Ka'Be the I - also titled as King Vasp the Wise, King Vasp the Fair and Sun of the Desert,
* Johnathan the Bastard - brother of King Vasp Ka'be the I,illegitimate son of Adrew Andrew XVI and lady Sophia de Paz
* Lady Rose from Yucktown - wife of Johnatan the Bastard, and daughter of sir Michael Torrent and lady Dolores from   Fickletown gentry
* Lord Anthony Ka'Be - brother of King Andrew

Government positions

Minister of Foreign Affairs: sir Theodor Shacklesmith, from Yucktown gentry
Minister of Defense: sir gen. Arthur Montmart from West-town
Minister of Education: lady Margharet from Hucklecity gentry
Minister of Health: sir Edward Nom from Yucktown gentry
Minister of Justice: sir Frederic Fopa from Shacktown
Minister of Finances: sir Willard Kozlovsky, nomad gentry
Minister of Commerce: lady Erwin Goodheart from Tubitown

« Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 08:24:41 AM by Vasp »
King Vasp Ka'Be the I

Offline Vasp

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Members of Ka'be Family
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2007, 02:22:27 PM »
King Nicola Ka'Be the Great- first King of the Kingdom who fought in Great War with the nomad tribes. During his ruleship he menaged to build Kresh Castle and geather all people who opposed Abdul Nahsim - lider of south nomad  tribes and former ruler of Kresh lands.

King Andrew Ka'Be XVI - son of King Stan Ka'Be. King who introduced citizens of Kabeland into modern times. During his ruleship, peace pact was sign with the last of warrior nomad tribes of Dudulah the Mad. He is the father of present King. Abdicated 11 years ago.

Queen Emily from Southsand -wife of King Andrew Ka'be XVI. All tradition says that King of Kabeland should come from Ka'Be family and queen from nomad gentry. Thats why Andrew Ka'be picked Emily from Southsand nomad gentry as his wife

King Vasp Ka'Be the I - former King of Kabeland. Young but wise. His plans are to make Kabeland safe home for all citizens and thats why he put emphasis on defense and military. He seeks alliances with everyone who will accept Kingdom of Kabe as partner.

Johnathan the Bastard - older brother of King Vasp. he will never be the King. When Queen Emily find out that King Andrew has illegitimate son with lady Sphia de Paz she wanted to kill him throwing from the cliff. Johhnathan owe his life to his brother who changed mothers decision. During childhood Johnathan had strange illnes who totaly deformed his face.

Lord Anthony Ka'Be - younger brother of king Andrew. He was the last general of Kabe Knighthood and first general of Kabe Army. Nowdays when years have passed he serve King Vasp as administrator of Ka'Be family estates.[/center/

« Last Edit: July 19, 2007, 02:53:40 PM by Vasp »
King Vasp Ka'Be the I

Offline Vasp

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« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2007, 10:57:38 AM »

Names of broughts comes from names of nomad tribe leaders who controlled specific land, and are written in ancient language with isn't used nowdays. Name of broughts comes with biggest city. Name of town comes from English, Polish and Russian - languages used nowdays.  

1. Abdul (Kresh City) 2.Samir (Karakof), 3.Adib (Tshebinia), 4.Sayf (Olkush), 5.Khan (Old Choshow), 6.Mika'il (Reshow City) , 7.Zarif (Yucktown), 8.Abdurahman (Hucklecity), 9.Zahid (Tubitown), 10.Yasir (East Town), 11. Shankar (Shacktown), 12. Malik (Tshestohowa), 13. Raja (Zakopane Town), 14.Mustafah (Bielzko White), 15.Namir (Radomiu), 16.Rasshid (Southedge), 17.Zaher (Kaczogrod), 18.Tamir (Wloshtshowa), 19.Usaamah (Klewki Villige), 20.Mejdi (Butshowice Villige), 21.Gadullah (Starachowitze), 22.Tarek (Saint Torun), 23.Najib (New Jurata), 24.Yunis (Hel Cliff), 25.Toma (Kryniza Springs), 26.Usaim (West Town), 27.Wasim (Upper Suwalki), 28.Yaman (West Rudawa), 29.Sharaf (Sanok Sands), 30.Nazir (Free Wilno), 31.Ra'fat (Deer Mountain), 32.Sharaf (Lechu Twin Springs), 33.Tabarus (Opole South), 34.Mohammadi (Tarnow Coast), 35.Wasil (Prushkovice), 36.Tabat (Wolin Town)
« Last Edit: July 25, 2007, 09:39:26 AM by Vasp »
King Vasp Ka'Be the I