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Author Topic: The Imperium of Validus  (Read 1984 times)

Offline Validus

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The Imperium of Validus
« on: January 01, 2008, 05:43:35 PM »
The Imperium of Validus

This nation is more commonly called Validus, both in unoffical channels and offical government documents.

The Geography

Validus is a nation of Islands. It mainly prosides on one island name Vala, however their are nearly 1300 smaller islands, some are as small as a large roc k others however are massive, all of which are claimed as territory by the Imperium. Most of the Islands are temperate however their are hints of a tropical climate in the northern coast. In the interior of Vala their is a single large mountin range known as the High Cliff Mountins, for the sheer drops off of many of the peaks.

Validus it self is located off of the southern coast of the mainland of the Aurorean Continent, a Continent of which is is appart of.


The People of Validus are called Valideens. They are a modern people, who mainly concern themselves with what is happening on the Internet and were their tax dollars are being spent. However dont let this fool you, they have fearce national pride and many are members of the Militaries 'Ready' Reserve, which will be explained later.

The Average yearly income of the citizens of Validus is around $30,000 NEOs (New Economic Operations), however this includes anyone with an income including the large number of High School and College Students who hold low income part-time jobs.


Offline Validus

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Re: The Imperium of Validus
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2008, 06:14:12 PM »

Regular Force
The Regular Forces of the Imperial Valideen Military comprises of just over 400,000 soldiers, sailors, Aircrew, and Marines. Each member of the Military is issued the same basic KIT, however depending on their trade they are issued more specialized KIT, for instance Specialized Combat KIT is given to the Combat Arms, on the other hand Mechanical tools are given to the Technician Support Trades.

Primary Reserve
The Part Time Military Members. Each branch of the Military has a Reserve and then their are two specialized reserve commands on top of that. In total their is nearly 340,000 Primary Reservists separated into the six commands.

-Army Reserve
-Maritime Reserve
-Marine Reserve
-Air Reserve
-Medical Reserve
-Communication Reserve

Ready Reserve
This is the largest branch of the Military, but has the fewest active members. It contains nearly 3,000 Active Full time members with a total of nearly 2.5 million non active members broken up into the four regular force commands. These are military members who chose to take a 1-2 year tour (after training) and then spend the next 20 years on the Ready Reserve list. They Train 2 weeks a year to make sure they are up to date on current weapons and tactics. They usually have last generation KIT as all the new stuff goes to the Regular Force and the Primary Reserve first and then filters down into the Ready Reserve.
