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Author Topic: Takasia Factbook  (Read 6815 times)

Offline tak

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Takasia Factbook
« on: April 20, 2007, 10:32:35 AM »
Factbook of The Kingdom of Takasia
In Money We Trust
Official Name: Kingdom of Takasia
Common Name: Takasia
Government: Monachy
Head of State: King Takas I
Capital: St. Takasburg
Location: 753N, 1316W (St. Takasburg) in Taijitu
Official Language: None, though English is used as lingua franca
Spoken Languages: More than 1,800 Languages
Literacy: 100%
Currency: Takasky Mark (™)
GDP Per Capita (Estimated): 20,000™ ($44,000)
Royal Animal: Otter
Population: ~450 million
Symbols and Flags:
National FlagNational Symbol - el Sol*
Naval EnsignMilitary Flag

* Also used as roundel, occationally with royal blue background
« Last Edit: July 13, 2007, 08:00:16 AM by tak »

Offline tak

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« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2007, 11:53:20 AM »

Political Map (Provinces and Districts):
« Last Edit: July 10, 2007, 02:58:52 PM by tak »

Offline tak

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History and People
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2007, 05:21:55 PM »
History of Takasia:

As in the area in Northwestern O, the "Horn of O", where Takasia is located, were all feudal lords. One of them being the Pabosky's, which roughly own the current land of Takasia. There were no organized government as of now, as the land was not particularly welcoming.

When Talstadt was founded, the Pabosky's did not join the union. The union of Takasia was formed, promoting free trade. At that time, there were only two government functions: security and trade facilitation. Follow this came the influx of immigrants who came to the abandoned land for fortunes in the early 1990's.

On 13th April 2007, Vladimir Pabosky declared the founding of the Kingdom of Takasia. The monachy would continue to maintain the free trade environment and peace of the area.

People of Takasia:

In the early 1990's there was an influx of immigration from all over the world, making Takasia one of the most cosmopolitan kingdom in the world.

Races: >2,000 (registered and recognized)

Name: Collectively called Takasian

Description: Nobody is the same. Takasians are so cosmopolitan that there is no common feature that you can tell.

Special Abilities: Humans. Takasians are known to be some of the most adventurous and opportunistic.

Social: Takasians enjoy spending time with other Takasians, particularly to look for business opportunities. As a young country built almost exclusively by immigrants, extended families are unheard of.

Religion: Most Takasians are not religious, though there are known minorities of Cathoics, Lutherans, Moslems, Sikhs, Hindus, Pagens and all have their establishment for worship all over Takasia, especially in St. Takasburg.

Language: There is no offical language in Takasia, though English is the lingua franca. Many other languages are spoken.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2007, 05:37:30 PM by tak »

Offline tak

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Takasky Mark
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2007, 05:37:50 PM »
Currency of Takasia:

Takasky Mark (™) is the most common currency used in Takasia, though currencies of neighbouring countries and other hard currencies are widely accepted here.

Units smaller than 1™ are denoted after the symbol ™. For instance, ™25 denotes a quarter of one Mark, and 30.75 Takasky Marks is denoted as 30™75.


The Takasky Mark came as the establishment of the union of Takasia. It was at first pegged to Talmanner Geldbar. As the economy grew stronger in the late 1990's, the Union Bank of Takasia has floated the Takasky Mark. Since then, the Mark has risen sharply, and is currently worth about 4 Geldbars.

The Union Bank of Takasia was renamed the Royal Bank of Takasia since the founding of the Kingdom on 13th April 2007. Though the Mark has not received the Legal Tender status, the Mark is the most commonly used and widely accepted currency in Takasia.

There are 5 kinds of coins in Takasia, namely ™05, ™10, ™50, 1™ and 5™.

The denominations of Takasky come with 10™, 50™, 100™, 500™ and 1,000™. The designs are shown below.

Both coins and notes are issued by the Royal Bank of Takasia.

Coin and Note Designs

« Last Edit: July 10, 2007, 02:19:36 PM by tak »

Offline tak

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« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2007, 02:10:19 PM »
The Royal Court of Takasia:

Head of StateKing Takas I (Vladimir Pabosky)
Head of FinanceAlan Greenback
Head of Internal AffairsIngrid Domestik
Head of Foreign RelationsAurelius Diplomas
Head of Commerce and TradeMarketa Byznyzova
Head of Social WellnessRoberto Bueno
Head of National SecurityMohammad Seqir

Takasian Ambassadors:

The AbodeBoris Koshayev
AlgerianbaniaFelicia Rodriguez*
CanadaLukas Dvorak
Chinese LoyalistLiu Deming
CosternagesJoseph Osborne
FeniexiaYamasaki Miki*
JutensaZheng Rong
Mercantilist StatesJohan Bjorklund
MusachanageJurgen Hannelore
MyroriaJohn Wiseman
New DelfosRaul Gonzalez
SaletsiaRobi Laci
St OzSir Nikolas Schizoyev
TalstadtOndrej Dvorak
TagirstanAbdullah Mahatir
TerrangarSumomo Ken
U.S.S.C.F.Bjorn Andersson
VarkourSir Park Wa-Koo

* Yamasaki and Rodriguez had their appointment switched.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2007, 03:22:52 AM by tak »

Offline tak

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National Anthem
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2007, 02:45:33 PM »
I Still Call Takasia Home

I've been to cities that never close down
From Bandana to Vusun and Old Decartes Town
But no matter how far
Or how wide I roam
I still call Takasia home

I'm always traveling
And I love being free
So I keep leaving the sun and the sea
But my heart lies waiting over the foam
I still call Takasia home

All the sons and daughters spinning round the world
Away from their families and friends
Ah, but as the world gets older and colder
It's good to know where your journey ends

And someday we'll all be together once more
When all the ships come back to the shore
Then I realize something I've always known
I still call Takasia home

No matter how far
Or how wide I roam
I still call Takasia home
« Last Edit: May 31, 2007, 11:10:01 AM by tak »

Offline tak

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« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2007, 05:18:43 AM »
Natural Resources:

Takasia's arctic environment is not particularly suitable for growing crops. Though small scale farming are used for breweries and distilleries. With the Mercantilist Brewery Co. setup in Alland Major, there is now small scale cultivating of the premier tobacco, marketed as "Alland Perique".

The fauna of Takasia has made up most of the daily diet of a typical Takasian. Seafood from Takasian Bay and the east coast are some of the best in Takasia. While most seafood is for local comsumption, salmon roes and caviar are some of the major exports of the country. Other locally consumpted wild animals are reindeers and elks. Domesticated horse meat is almost exclusively eaten as kotbullars, while some Mongols do drink fermented horse milk called Airag. The more exotic food in Takasia is the national animal otter, which is usually roasted after skinned for fur.

Natural gas and oilfields are found in the North Sea, off the northeast coast of the peninsula. Natual gas and oil are not much extracted - only to the subsistence level of domestic uses.

Other natural resources include iron and copper deposits mainly in Norland, uranium in near the southern border, and timber in the south.


The manufacturing industry is booming here, mostly related to the natural resources found in the area. Mustcovite Steel is the giant in not only the steel industry, but also the iron and copper ore extraction businesses. There are plane and arm manufacturing in Toadloose and Vladivalstalk. Civilian and military vassels are built in Alland Minor and Gulangyue, an island off Peaking district. It is also rumoured that nuclear weapons are manufactured near Poonyoung, but there is no official confirmation of its existence.

Service Sector:

The greatest proportion of Takasia's economy is driven by the service industry. Gambling and sex are the greatest industry in Takasia, especially in Bangcock district. This include the so-called "pink tourism", with attractions catered to gay and lesbian tourists. Logistics is another huge business here, as the country is proud to use the arctic route as an alternative to the tropic Bustos canals. Marks Sealand is arguably the largest shipping line in Taijitu, and is constantly expanding. Takasair, the national carrier, while not the most well-known in the area, is making handsome profit mainly from its freight services.

Apart from the casinos and whorehouses, tourists are flocking to Takasia for the cruise trips especially along its fjords on west coast, till the northern end of the peninsula. White nights is enjoyed by most tourist in Winter in the St. Takasburg and north, while the beer festival Augustfest in Munching is much celebrated without rest or sunset! In winter, though with much fewer tourists, one can stay in an ice hotel admiring aurora in the deep north - definitely a breathtaking experience!
« Last Edit: June 23, 2007, 05:39:35 PM by tak »

Offline tak

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Natural Resources
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2007, 02:52:41 PM »
Common Resources:
1, Seafood (Salmon, Cod, Tuna)
2, Seafood (Whale, Crab, Caviar)
3, Animal (Deer, Elk, Horse)
4, Lumber
5, Water
6, Salt
7, Iron
8, Copper
9, Uranium
10, Natural Gas

Rare Resources:
1, Offshore Oil
2, Fur

Mineral Resources Distribution (Oil, Natural Gas, Iron, Copper, Uranium):
« Last Edit: May 04, 2007, 03:43:07 AM by takasia »

Offline tak

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« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2007, 01:40:26 PM »
Road and Rail Network/Major Cities and Ports of Takasia
« Last Edit: May 04, 2007, 03:43:53 AM by takasia »

Offline tak

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« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2007, 01:51:25 PM »
Troops of Takasia

Takasia has a relatively small, yet modernly equipped defence force (the Royal Armed Forces) of 600,000, plus 10 million reservists. There is no distinct division between army, navy and air force. Instead, every recruit will go through standard navy training, before they specialize into other positions. The navy, as a tradition, has been emphasized to safeguard the country's long coast line.

The Royal Armed Forces are grouped by units of 100 called "baak". Every 10 baak is under the command of a "tseen". Similarly, 10 tseen are commanded under a "maan", which are under direct control of the Head of National Security and the King.

In addition to the Royal Armed Forces, there are also privatized defense forces for different parts of Takasia. They are an integral part to the defense system of the kingdom.

Equipment/Weapons of Royal Armed Forces
By Alland Shipyard:
150x Steregushchy class corvette, 100x Neustrashimy class frigate
By Vladivalstalk Shipyard:
30x Sovremenny class Destroyer, 30x Slava class cruiser
By Stinkapore Shipyard:
80x Borei class submarine, 80x Yasen class submarine

By Aerobuzz:
600x Su-34, 600x Su-35, 200x A400M, 600x Kamov Ka-226 Helicopters
15x OV-10 Bronco, 57x P51 Mustang, 12x A7 Corsair (from Saletsia)
700x F5T Tigris (from Saletsia)
2x Topolev Transporters (from New Delfos)

500x M60 Patton tank, 25x T10 heavy tank, 15x Stingray light tank (from Saletsia)
1000x MBT-2000, 1300x BMP3, 750x PT-76 (from Saletsia)

1.5million x APS95 (from Saletsia)

Missiles and Warheads
No data available
« Last Edit: July 10, 2007, 02:12:48 PM by tak »

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Judiciary and Penal Systems
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2007, 08:08:20 AM »
Judiciary System
The judiciary Systems in Takasia are privately owned. The government pay for the the services if it loses its case, while the offender will pay otherwise. There is little differentiation in services by different firms, though the higher-profile cases are generally handled by firms with better reputation. At most two appeals can be made by each party. A case is closed if one side has won three trials out of a maximum of five.

The judiciary firms settle court cases according to laws formulated by the government (Internal Affairs Department). The government assess such firms periodically to ensure the quality of services.

Such decentralized judiciary system has provided Takasia with one of the most unbiased and independent judiciary systems in Taijitu. It has also kept the cost low as it does not only eliminate bureaucracy, but also makes criminal offenders bear the costs.

Penal System
Prisons, known as "rehabilitation camps" in Takasia, are all privately-run. They are meant for repent of the offenders' crime by hard labour. When checked-in, an inmate is injected with an RFID tag. Such tag does not only provide the identifications of the inmate, but also "contributions" of the offender. Contributions are calculated in monetary terms, and is a basis for early release.

Inmates are usually required to "contribute" by producing government goods, such as uniforms and roadsigns. Minor offenders who do not require "rehabilitation camp residence" are almost always required to "contribute" by working for some private firms on 20% of normal wages.

A Typical Rehabilitation Camp