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Author Topic: Archive at The Institute of Intellectual and Scholarly Advancement in Vivek  (Read 1576 times)

Offline Lahsrum

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Year: 2000

"Hello, my name is Viria, welcome to The Archives at our Institution founded by Headmaster Artemeno Marsus over 400 years ago.
Inside you'll find all pieces of information relevant to The Grand Empire including scholarly articles, research papers, newspaper articles, journals, editorials, theses, as well as biographies and autobiographies.
Be sure to check out our new visual department filled with resources in the form of photographs, maps, graphs and charts.
If you need help finding something feel free to consult the library database on one of the public computers.

Offline Lahsrum

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*Gallicles Receptus, an imperial scholar in his 6th year of study post secondary school,  publishes an article on the social structure of The Lahsrumean Empire.*

A Brief Treatise on the State of Society in The Lahsrumean Empire in its 3rd Year under the Reign of Olympio Pius I the Lion
By: Gallicles Receptus

Introduction and an Overview of Class Distinctions Part: I of III

In order to fully comprehend the history of any nation, one must first comprehend its social hierarchy as well as the capabilities and interactions of all its classes.  The Grand Empire is no exception to this rule. While many outlanders will look in on our nation and proclaim, “ These people are stuck in time, What an anachronistic and backwards way of living!” This viewpoint is simply one of ignorance and lack of understanding of the basic culture of Lahsrum. My wish for this paper is that it will be able to grant insight to these people and allow them to better understand and appreciate The Grand Empire for what we are as a people.

The social classes and their distinctions are what keeps The Grand Empire so grand. The disparities between classes are not what drives us apart as a people but what drives us together. Because, as an engine requires every part to run properly and efficiently The Grand Empire requires everyone, no matter how insignificant their lives may seem, in order to properly function.

The three social classes in Lahsrum are the following:
(Note: all classes enjoy suffrage)

-Highbornes are full-blooded Lahsrumeans and can trace their family lineage back to the founding of the royal city of Vivek.
-Highbornes are typically moderately to extremely wealthy and come from traditionally aristocratic families.
   -By tradition all able bodied male Highbornes are expected to run for some form of political office in their lifetime
   -Highbornes in the workforce typically hold the higher managerial positions as they are typically the most educated
   -All emperors in Lahsrumean history have been Highborne, except for one notable exception
   -In the military, Highbornes can be found serving as officers and all ranks above.

   -Lowbornes are considered the middle class of Lahsrum and may be full-blooded, non-native, or a mix.
   - Lowbornes in the workforce usually hold the positions of skilled craftsmen, lower  management, and are often owners of small shops
   -Lowbornes are capable of running for political office but rarely reach the higher levels of government
   -In the military, Lowbornes serve as common soldiers who may work their way up to specialist ranks but not officer positions

   -Slaves are the most populous of all three classes comprising a little less than half of the total population
   -Slaves are typically foreigners, savages, natives who have succumb to debt, or prisoners of war and raids.
   -Slaves fulfill the need in the workforce for common laborers and do most of the unskilled work
   -All Slaves are subject to their master who collects their earnings while also providing their shelter and food
   -In general slaves are not treated cruelly in Lahsrum but their have been cases of sadistic masters abusing their slaves.
   -Slaves are not traded freely in the public market but are distributed by the government.
   -When it is time for a slaves compulsory military service they are seized by the government where they will serve as common infantry.
   -When their two year term in the military is complete the slave has the option to continue service or return to domestic life. Through a continued service of 25 consecutive years slaves may gain the status of a Lowborne.

Next Chapter
Education, Government, and Religion Part: II of III

Offline Lahsrum

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*Writings of Gallicles Receptus imperial scholar during the reign of Olympio Pius I the Lion*

Education, Government, and Religion Part: II of III
Subsection A. Education

Education is an extremely important aspect of Lahsrumean society and along with social class helps formulate the social hierarchy of The Grand Empire. After social class, higher educated citizens are often held in higher regard then those with only a basic education.

All Lahsrumean children, who are not slaves, will receive a primary education as designed by the Ministry of Knowledge. Primary Education in Lahsrum takes places between the ages of  6-12 years and consists of general lessons laying the foundations of basic arithmetic, reading and writing, and Lahsrum history and nationalism. After a child's primary education is completed his next step will be decided by his social class.

 Lowborne children will take advanced career placement tests and enter specified trade schools will they will study to hone a craft until the age of 18. Lowborne children who come from families of lesser economic standing can also enlist as apprentices in the workforce where they will work under masters while receiving meager pay.

The path of a Highborne child now differentiates from their Lowborne peers, after his primary education is complete he will receive a secondary general education which takes place between the ages of 12-18. When the Highborne child completes his secondary education he encounters many different paths he may take. The child may either enter the workforce, attend an intellectual institute, or enter military academy. Intellectual Institutes are the centers of higher learning in Lahsrum and the birthplaces of most technological innovations. Scholars who attend these institutes receive free room and board and are allowed to continue their pursuits of knowledge for as long as they wish. Military Academies are where the finer arts of warfare and leadership are taught to aspiring commanders in the Lahsrumean armed forces. These Academies are not overseen by the Ministry of Knowledge but rather the Ministry of Defense.

This graphic provides a visual representation of the education system in Lahsrum and the differing end results of each bath. Note the Political career path is not represented in the graphic as it will be discussed in full length in Subsection B. Government