General Category > Minecraft

Planning to Start Again?

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Limitless Events:
The idea of starting up again has been tossed around a bit. With that, I was hoping we could do some planning to work out what we want in terms of mods we want, how many are interested, and how it would be hosted.

First things first, survival or creative?

If survival, what level of difficulty?

What mods would you like to see, if any?

If you were to play would you be able to pitch in towards the operating costs?

I'll second this!

Limitless Events:
I've done some browsing around looking for various hosts and came across

They have a package with 1024MB RAM, 30GB disk space, and unlimited bandwidth for ~$15/month. From what I've seen they are both reliable and go above and beyond with customer service. They also give you the ability to install various mods yourself with some minimal support to quickly add some of them.

A bit later in the month I'd be willing to try them out for a month to see how we like it and how well it works for our needs. As for mods I'd probably install RedPower (it adds a few new things to mine, new blocks, some machines, and improves upon redstone.), chop tree to let me chop down trees in one fell swoop, RailCraft for improved rail things, and Industrial Craft.

To see how well this works I'm going to try and set up a MP server on a computer at home to see how well it works out.

I wouldn't mind running a minecraft server on this (fairly powerful) machine I recently built for a few weeks.

I'd be willing to chip in and see how Creeperhost is for a while.


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