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Author Topic: The People's Republic Shall Stand Firm  (Read 3840 times)

Offline Lenny

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The People's Republic Shall Stand Firm
« on: August 26, 2014, 10:39:41 AM »
The People's Republic Shall Stand Firm

Comrades! The revolution is under siege!

In the ten months since the October Revolution, we have faced countless attacks from the bourgeois, maddened by the resounding success of our worker's state. They have spared no expense, digging up entire canyons for dirt and draining lakes for water to arm their industrial-scale mudslinging machines. They have predicted with ever changing opinions that our fall is just around the corner. They have attacked one Lazarene after another, only to hold them up as some relic of a bygone era when it suits their needs. And yet here we stand, mighty as ever and carrying the red banner ever forward. In ten months we have forged a community from citizens new and old, carved out alliances with those who once stood against us, and proved that the devious words of the criminal classes have no sway. But we now face our mightiest challenge yet.

In recent months, our fellow sinker Osiris has taken a nosedive into insanity. This region we once held close ties with, one whose the announcement of a return to stable government by Lord Ravenclaw is still one of the most lauded posts on our previous forum and who even offered military support in times of transition, has turned into little more than a front with which to assault Lazarus and her allies.

They have claimed that our people bore them insult; perhaps endless shifting alliances have stolen Cormac's sense of humor. Is old Karpathos not known for his sarcasm and wit? Is an idle jab, in the gameplay forum of all places and in response to an insult to our own community, now tantamount to bloody murder?

The answer is clearly no.

They have claimed that we have harbored those who have done their own region ill, yet has our regions policy for time immemorial not been to be a place for a second chance, and what is more do they not do the very same? How can Cormac, one who couped the region itself, forget that Douria, his own Vizier, has been involved in more regional chaos than just about any man? Or that his cabinet-man and present banner-holder of the anti-Lazarene cause NES has admitted that his main cause in Lazarus was to keep the region inactive so that it would not present a threat to his scheming clique? Is Lazarus the world's sole region responsible for taking in repentant masses?

The answer is clearly no.

They have claimed that we mean to do them harm, and yet for all of their mean endorsement levels have we once lifted a finger with our allies to strike them?

The answer is clearly no.

They have claimed with shrill whines that our move to a more secure forum is nothing but a purge or posture, not knowing the facts of our region any better than they know the toil of the fields or the factory floor. They do not know that Hobbes attempted to force our admins into real world legal contracts, an absurdity on this site. Nor do they realize that he wanted non-Lazerenes, raiders at that, as global mods with access to the most secure forums of one of the foremost defender regions. They do not even comprehend the fact that he stated in private that the opinion of the government didn't hold any weight in his determination of who should hold administrative positions, on a forum whose license was paid for by Milograd (who still holds the license). Have we done wrong by attempting to secure our community from an encroaching and power-hungry forum administration?

The answer is clearly no.

They have even tried to claim that treatied allies moving to the defense of our region, in anticipation of their own declaration of war, represents some turn towards fascism. Is defending your friends now the sole domain of evil?

The answer is clearly no.

In no uncertain terms, we are appalled by the Fraternal Order's wanton acts of aggression and tireless manipulative lies against our region, and yet we shall stand strong; a mighty rock withstanding the encroaching sea, a great wall withstanding endless hordes of barbarians, a united people withstanding the attempts of the oppressors to return us to enslavement. And we know that we do not stand alone: even now our allies are gathering their strength to stand at our side, willing to stand strong against the numerous raider and imperialist threat.

The coming days shall be a time of reckoning for Lazarus, but we have no doubt that our region shall emerge victorious.

In the words of the eternal Vanguard, Chairman Milograd:

"All reactionaries are paper tigers. In appearance, the reactionaries are terrifying, but in reality they are not so powerful. From a long-term point of view, it is not the reactionaries but the people of Lazarus who are really powerful."


Latest dispatch from the People's Republic of Lazarus.

Offline Lenny

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Re: The People's Republic Shall Stand Firm
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2014, 10:40:29 AM »
Our excellent new forums are here: http://w11.zetaboards.com/Lazarus/index/

I hope to welcome your new Ambassador there shortly :)