Which should be the human rights, or what do you understand about human rights?
Discuss about the current listed and why they should or shouldn't appear there.
* rights disapproved by the current administration.
**Justification: Only a constitutional law of each nation can dictate what is just or what is not.
Gathered List:
01-right of Liberty (too vague?)
Liberty is vague, but should be part of this list, as a mark of civilized societies, it already implies 'freedom of conscience', we should describe this kind of rights as vague, as a guide of rights to come in the future. Although, suppressed by other elementary rights, such as the right to freedom of though and whatever, the prohibition of slavery and other restraining actions.
02-right of Freedom of Conscience
Suppressed by a more elementary right.
03-right to Dignity
From the moment you are born to the moment you die, you have the right to live in dignity. This means that any human has the same dignity as any other, and every human must respect someone else's dignity, because if we are disgraced by someone else, that someone is taking our right to be a respectful human being.
04-right to Privacy
Some say even the righteous governments have to violate privacy for the security of the nation. Because of this and other issues, we are willing to suppress this right from the human rights bill.
05-right to Life
Probably one of the most important rights of this bill. This right means that nobody can take anyone else's life away without justification. This justification can only be applied by national constitutional laws.
(Against the will of many delfian protesters and politicians, this point will allow the death penalty and the right to bear arms of some of the nations, but this rights must be in their constitution to proove the justification asked as national constitutional law.)
06-right of Choice
This right prevents any human to suppress any other's will without justification**. Any human has the right to choose their future, their path, their appearance, their sexual partner, their supporting club, among many other choices. Although, suppressed by the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
07-right to Property *
Many of the governments think this right can only be implied by a national constitution. Some countries give their own property to their civilians. If you think this right shouldn't be silenced, please protest.
08-right to Food
Suppressed by a more elementary right.
09-right to Water
Suppressed by a more elementary right.
10-right to Shelter
Being almost impossible to be controlled, the government cannot be forced to give shelter to anyone. As expressed by the Ipod of Cantr, if nature allows, people may not have shelter. So it will be very difficult to impose this right.
11-right to Justice
Suppressed for the right to a fair trial. (19)
12-right to Health-care
Protest against taking away this right if you feel that, if the person doesn't have access to health care, governmental/national entities must intervene and give the requested Health Care.
13-right to Vote (suppressed by right 06?)
Suppressed by a more elementary right.
14-right to Bear Arms *
Suppressed for Right of Protection (17)
15-right of Self-Defense (suppress right 14?)
Suppressed for Right of Protection (17)
16-right of Choice of Path (suppressed by right 06?)
Suppressed by a more elementary right.
17-right of Protection (suppress right 15?)
Protest against taking away this right if you feel that, if the person doesn't have protection against human or other entities, humans must be protected by the government and/or national security entities as a right.
18-right for Food and Water.
As basic properties of survival. A government or collective cannot hide or remove such resources from their population, this will prevent the illicit property of goods during any natural or human-made events that causes starving or dries.
19-right for a Fair Trial
Every human has the right for a fair trial, including the right to a public hearing before an independent and impartial tribunal within reasonable time, the presumption of innocence, and other minimum rights for those charged in a criminal case.
20-prohibition of torture
This prohibits torture, and "inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment". There are no exceptions or limitations on this right.
This provision usually applies, apart from torture, to cases of severe police violence and poor conditions in detention.
Also this, if violated, violates the 'right to dignity'.
21-prohibition of slavery
This prohibits slavery and forced labour, but excepted from this prohibitions are conscription, national service, prison labour, service exacted in cases of emergency or calamity, and "normal civic obligations".
22-no punishment without law
Prohibits the retrospective criminalisation of acts and omissions. No person may be punished for an act that was not a criminal offence at the time of its commission. The article states that a criminal offence is one under either national or international law, which would permit a party to prosecute someone for a crime which was not illegal under their domestic law at the time, so long as it was prohibited by (possibly customary) international law. This also prohibits a heavier penalty being imposed than was applicable at the time when the criminal act was committed.
23-right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion
This provides a right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This includes the freedom to change a religion or belief, and to manifest a religion or belief in worship, teaching, practice and observance, subject to certain restrictions that are in accordance with law and necessary in a civilized society.
24-prohibition of discrimination
This prohibition is broad in some ways, and narrow in others. On the one hand, the article protects against discrimination based on any of a wide range of grounds. The article provides a list of such grounds, including sex, race, colour, language, religion and several other criteria, and most significantly providing that this list is non-exhaustive.