Sabmon watched in satisfaction as the first set of guests pulled out of the airport in their limousines, bound for the palace, content with himself for a job well done. The rest was short lived though, as Black's arrival posed yet more work to be done. Sabmon turned around to face the approaching Uichi Ryuan, self consciously taking a moment to straighten his hair out and dust off his shirt. With a practiced precision, he repeated once again the motions of greeting with which he had presented himself to the others.
"Welcome, welcome to Mor'os," he said as he bowed low to Black. "His Divinity will be so glad zat you are here. P'lease, we already have t'rans'portation to take you to the Palace."
At the Palace, Osmar was on edge, filled with a rather unpleasant mixture of expectant excitement and nervous trepidation at what was soon to come. A call had come from the airport some time ago, five minutes, ten minutes, he was not entirely sure, reporting the arrival of the first guests and their departure for the Palace. He now stood, waiting, in the center of the plaza that the newly constructed Palace's southern gate opened into. Accompanying him was the Prime Minister Chasmor and his good friend the Imperial Inspector Shausil, the Imperial Censor and the assorted Ministers of the Ministries. It was a sizable group, but much smaller than what one would have seen not but a decade ago. Most of them had opted for their full regalia, jackets and robes that brushed the ground and hung off the arms in large folds tied about with sashes. Osmar for his own part had chosen not to wear the full formal dress of the Emperor. Instead, he had chosen a relatively simply, though of good quality, set of a red and gold shirt and pants, secured with a sash. He was trying to calculate how long the journey from the airport to the Palace would take. He was also wondering where Hanna was. She was supposed to be present. No doubt she had found herself lost in the swirl of events and ceremonies for the wedding, which only grew more intense as the day came closer and closer, as he had himself on many occasions.