News: If a neighbor is in need of revolutionary rehabilitation, report it to the Citizen-Liaision!
To Whom it may concernIn the matter of this war it seems that peace has been restored. Irnotian Forces will stay active only for as long as it is needed for us to insure that peace has returned. As it seems that their will be no peace talks as one side has surrendered completely we will begin our withdrawal soon. We have no interest on how your nation resolves its wounds, we have ended this war in the fastest way we could handle. We hope that the lives that have been lost will show you the pointlessness of such wars as this. Irnotia will stay withdrawal in how you solidify your nation, we will be forming a military base in near by areas. If war ever again boils into your nation we may return, or we may not. Only the gods know.Dux of the Third Legion
To: Irnotia and FeniexaFrom: Queen LaliyaTagirstan is forever in your debt we pray to Allah that a civil war never agains rips our country apart.Sincerely,Queen Laliya
To: King Tarih al-Rashid ibn Gamal al-TagmenracFrom: President BargaYour Highness, your children are being treated the best way possible in Saletsia and shall be welcome in our country until your kingdom is secure enough to allow them to come back.
To: President BargaFrom: King Tarih al-Rashid ibn Gamal al-TagmenracWe thank you for the hospitality shown to our children. The situation in Tagirstan is returning to normal. With the exception of the Nomadic tribes far to the north and a few minor outbreakings of violence which the Tagirstanain police force has undercontrol everything is peaceful again. My wife Queen Laliya misses her children. It has been deemed safe for theyr Highnesses return we thank you for your trouble and will send the Salestian Goverment 1,000 tagos in return for housing their highnessess.Sincerley,King Tarih
To: King Tarih al-Rashid ibn Gamal al-TagmenracFrom: President BargaHelping your nation was a pleasure that needs not be paid. We shall send you back the 1000 tagos since your police forces may need them more. We shall escort your children to the airport. We wish your nation peace and prosperity.
To: President BargaFrom: King Tarih al-RashidWe thankyou for housing the royal childeren during a period of instability in Tagirstan.