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Author Topic: Khalifan Revolt  (Read 4574 times)

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Khalifan Revolt
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2007, 12:52:03 AM »
Nero had ordered the Intervention, they really didn't care who wins. It was two false religions trying to kill each other, but it was a way to activate the military.

Dux Gius Aries stood on the deck of the Air Craft Carrier, Forward Troops were preparing for landing. The Fleet Moved Towards their Target, they would land on the Western coast of the war torn land. They would bring peace here at the Edge of a blade.

He Drew His Spatha, he looked at the blade, it was old style, hand made. It was given to Dux once they were given control of a Legion. He Raised it.. the fleet slowing down. Thrusting it forward, destroyers moved up to give cover if needed, the other air craft Carriers launched fighters for the same. And The pride of Irnotia, the Legion. Each Man was given the highest training and each were elites. the first wave all linked up their head sets and took off in the landing craft for a shore. Hopefully the war wasn't so close to being done no glory could be found.

A Message to the leaders of the two sides.
The Mighty Third Legion of the Grand Military of the Irnotian Imperium. Has come to bring an End to this war. We are here Under the Blessing the Imortal Imperium and the Imperator. We will Not leave till our mission is complete. Both Sides will lay down arms Immediately, any who do not match our Ultimatum will be forced to the Negotiation Tables. This is not a campaign of Conquest, this is a campaign of Peace.
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Re: Khalifan Revolt
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2007, 12:03:48 PM »
OOC: First message is from the rebels

To: Irnotia
From: President Muhammad of the Islamic Republic of Tagastan

We spit on the infedels who reject Allah's word!  Leave this land your prescene pollutes Allah's sacred ground.  Allah will punish all infedels on judgement day.

A loud voice shouted "they are doing what?"  President Muhammad shook with fear before his master Bakur al-Komeni.  "Irnotia belifs she can conteded with the will of Allah."  Bakur stalked around the room and smirked "this proves Tarih is a fool!  He claiums he rules by the will of Allah.  Ha.  He can not even hold Tagirstan together without forgein aid."  Bakur looks directly back at Muhammad and asks "what does the shira say about aristocrats?"  "They are not permitted" stated Muhammad like a good student.  "Right so that means Tarih is what?"  "A heretic?" answered Muhammad with some trepedition in his voice.  "Good" replied Bakur "that means we shall bomb Tagshknet now."  A look of stark terror crossed Muhammads face "we can't Tagshknet is Muslim she is center of Islam in Tagirstan we can't"  "We will" growled Bakur

To: Nations of Taijitu
From: King Tarih al-Rashid ibn Gamal al-Tagmenrac

We wish for this conflict to be over without the lost of more lives.  We welcome Irnotian aid in reaffiming peace in Tagirstan.  May whatever god you worship bless you.  We have conformation the Tagshknet will be bombed all delegates are being returned to there nations or being evacuated out.  Myself and the remaining members of the royal family have relocated to Oushul near the borders with Feniexa.  The Tagirstanian air force will watch for rebel planes while Our RBI (FBI in RW) are searching Tagshknet for bombs.

King Tarih al-Rashid ibn Gamal al-Tagmenrac

Later that day King Tarih learned of the devistation of Rajani.  He lapsed into a deep depression increased by his wound.  He laid in his bed mummbling.  The Royal Council determined untill Tarih was fully recovered that Queen Laliya would take over as regent of Tagirstan.
We walk not on our legs but on our wills.
-Sufi Proverb

Re: Khalifan Revolt
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2007, 12:56:10 PM »
An open letter was shown in the Kalvskarian Islamic web site.

To: President Muhammad of the Islamic Republic of Tagastan.
From: Mohamed Al-lwariorKar, Emir of Kalvskar.

Your terrific action of bombing the center of Islam in Tagirstan will condemn your soul. You shall desist now or the yihad will turn against you.

President Muhammad, shame of our religion, desist in your blasphemy and recieve your punishment!

Mohamed Al-lwariorKar
Empire of Kalvskar

Re: Khalifan Revolt
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2007, 01:34:03 PM »
Muhammad came running to Bakur "a letter from the Emir of Kalvskar condems our bombings of Tagshknet.  The threaten with Jihad."  "Show me this letter" growled Bakur.  He read the letter to him self than bus out laughing "ha they condem us. ha ha ha they know nothing you will reply to them exactly what I tell you."

To Mohamed Al-lwarioKar, Emir of Kalvskar
From: President Muhammad of the Islamic republic of Tagastan

You have the nerve to condemn us!  Has not Kalvskar helped the monarchy of Tagirstan?  We simply just wished for Princess Anaissa to be killed.  She converted to Christianity and her father did nothing.  How can he claim to be a Muslim and follow Allah's word when his family rebels.  If Kng Tarh and Princess Anaissa are killed all violence against Muslims in Tagirstan will stop.  Ofcourse we will finish killing those who rejects Allah's word but they are infidels any ways their lives are not important.

President Muhammad
We walk not on our legs but on our wills.
-Sufi Proverb

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Khalifan Revolt
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2007, 03:51:47 PM »
The battleships and destroyers of the Irnotian Fleet opened up with a defining roar on the coast, destroying the Defensive positions held. The A.C.C. launched their fighters to provide support for the Troop Transports.

Then The Pride of Irnotia Was Launched. The Mighty Legionaries moved out, each armed and ready for battle. They were sent here with orders of the Imperators, and Blessing of the Imortal Imperium. Ares would give them a great battle. 

The Legionaries Moved quickly, From the Sea Battle Ships Guns Launched Diggers(shells designed to blow big chunks of earth out to create fox holes), to create temp Fox holes for the troops to move between. After each wave of Troop ships landed they would immediately launch back out allowing more to come. Waves after Waves landed, each one linked to the other (irnotian troops have a version of land warrior system, we don't have the integrated weapon systems but up loaded maps and order systems.) The small armored divisions also landed, but they were vastly smaller then the vast rows of Legionaries.

Their short term goal was the capture of the coastal towns, and then move out. They would begin scouting for areas that the combatants were. Then they would move to the send some divisions to the capital, and begin to move into the hostile areas. They really had no care who controlled the nation, but the rebels had unwisely refused their ultimatum.

Message to the Rebels
Your refusal to come to peace is not wise, we are just the point of the military spear. We are not hear to support one government or put one in. We will force both sides in this war to the Table of peace, even if we must do it by the barrel of a gun and with the blood of your people.
If you want to bring about your goals and not be placed in a position with out power or leverage. If to bring you to the table of peace we must cut off your arms and legs it will be done. And a stump gets little respect it peace talks.

300,000 troops plus support began to move towards the capital city and government controlled lands, 100,000 stayed to defend the beach head and create a temporary Strong Hold. The rest would push north into the Muslim Extremist controlled lands, their goal was to cut the head off the military dragon and bring it down.

message to the ruling body of this nation
We are moving troops into your land, we demand that you halt all independt military activities and only work in defensive or in conjunction with our forces. We give you our word in the name of Zues and the immortal Emperor Augustus that this is not a war of Conquest, once peace is restored we will leave, we will not claim any lands in any form in your nation.
I also give you my word, as a Dux, an Irnotian, and a Legionare that we will try our best to bring peace to your lands with as little blood as possible.
I must also inform you, before you hail us as your saviors, we are not here in support of you. We are here to bring both sides in this conflict to peace, so both of you will talk to each other in negotiation. We have no interest in who rules, as long as the war is ended.
Dux of the legion
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Re: Khalifan Revolt
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2007, 04:04:30 PM »
To: Irnotian Goverment
From: Queen Laliya

We desire peace in Tagirstan as well.  We do not wish for any of our people to be harmed though.  Of course the leaders of the rebels will be executed.  Our troops will be ordered to cooperate with your legionaries.   We also wish to negotiate with the rebels of course they must admit to royal rule again we will not allow the extremist a soverign nation in which to continue their acts of terror.  We also refuse to give them our daughters head or that of our King Tarih. 

Queen Laliya al-Jamal
We walk not on our legs but on our wills.
-Sufi Proverb

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Khalifan Revolt
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2007, 04:33:55 PM »
To Queen Laliya
We Do not care how your negotiations end, but we will not execute anyone on any side. We will bring them to the table. We care not then what happens as long as the war ends. We also Request Intel on the Capital of the other faction in your war so we may move on it as fast as possible.
Dux Gius Aries

The Military Divisions Moved Towards the Extremist controlled areas. The tank support and air support moved in, hitting areas of military contentions. Enemy Anti Armor Guns Tear into the tank divisions, disabling and destroying many of the MBT's

The Legionaries were having different luck, Islamic Republic Forces that were meet seemed to have not been used to fighting such large organized forces. Irnotian Marksmen Fired on people who looked to be officers, but to be honest they had no idea what was what and fired mostly randomly into the enemy. Legionaries, kept low, moving in squads, heavy weapon divisions setting down support fire and mortar rounds. The Legionaries Com link was updated endlessly as new forces were found.

As they moved, small cell attacks from the side caused more trouble then organized forces. It slowed the progression as they had to have advanced forces insure no one was near. Speakers announced that all civilians must have hands presented or be considered enemy forces.

Ooc: I don't know exactly how the northern people would fight, so I'm just guessing, if I'm accurate on how they do battle tell me so i can rp it better. :D

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Re: Khalifan Revolt
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2007, 06:50:34 PM »
OOC: Yeah you are accurate. In truth some of the more northern people are Tagirstanain in name only.  They mostly live in small tribes with limited weapons they have some planes and tanks they captured when they overan cities.  The very north of Tagirstan they are still nomads and use bows and arrows.

To: Irnotia Forces
From: Unknown

I have information.  I am King Tarih's spy.  I have been giving King Tarih, Grand Vizier Noor and Queen Laliya information.  I have conformatiuon president Muhammad is just a puppet.  Go to Hishku village and there you will find a man named Bakur al-Kohemi.  he is the head of the resistance.

Tagirstanian forcese morale was boosted by Irnotian victories.  They found a force of about 1,000 rebels.  The Tagirstanian force of about 2,000 quickly fell upon them.  367 rebels were taken captive and put in prison for treason.  The war was quickly turning for the Royalist again.

To: Irnotiaian Goverment
From: Queen Laliya

Rusqunet is their capital.  It is the largest city in the North.  There are around 1 million citizens.  The Fuusko river rins by it.  There are about 5,000 rebels staitoned in Rusqunet.  The Hussan Hotel has been converted ino the presidential palace.  President Muhammad has converted the penthouse into his personal suite.

Queen Laliya al-Jamal
We walk not on our legs but on our wills.
-Sufi Proverb

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Re: Khalifan Revolt
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2007, 07:19:15 PM »
To:  Emperor Nathaniel Cordre
From: Grand Vizier Noor al-Farouk

We wish to open our market for trade with Feniexia.  It is his majesty wish that we also warn you.  The Islamic Republic of Tagastan may claim they will resolve the conflict with the death of HRH Princess Anaissa but they are terroist.  We have spies in Rusqunet who have confirmed the fact that the rebels wish to declare a region wide Jihad.  It is our belif that if the rebels prevail in Tagirstan they will turn their attention to Feniexia.  These terroist must be stopped before more life is lost in Taijitu.

Grand Vizier Noor al-Farouk

To: Grand Vizier Noor al-Farouk
From: Emperor Nathaniel Cordré of Feniexia

We don´t have to fear terrorism. We have a very good, nationwide security system, Our nations borders are heavily protected, and we have enough Ground-to-Air weapons and a powerful airforce to prevent
terrorist entering or operating in Feniexia.

We have decided, the Feniexian Army´s aid is yours.

P.S.: You might consider the services of our well trained secret service. Send a message to the council, adressed on "X18823".

To: Grand Vizier Noor al-Farouk
From: General Shimada Yuki

May I introduce me, I am Shimada Yuki, General and Counciless of Feniexia.
I will be the operating supervisor of the Feniexian Army´s divisions in your country;
any questions or orders concerning the army I´m your partner.

Please send us the coordinates were we should land our planes and air ships.

I´m not awaiting any coordinates, just invent something and add were in your country the place is.
Oh, and not forget, japanese names: surname is wridden before the first name. My General´s forename is Yuki.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Khalifan Revolt
« Reply #24 on: March 30, 2007, 07:57:31 PM »
The Dux Read the Message "This is interesting, it may be false but we will still look into it."

He sent down orders, the 1st (the first of a legion was always the most highly trained, the 5th was the least) Cohort would go towards the village of Hishku the rest, half of the infantry forces landed would march towards the northern Capital to bring an end to this war.

It was a good thing that this war was going so well, this land was so far away that resupply would be a logistic nightmare, they could only go a short time before they would have to slow to a crawl or possibly even stop and wait for resupply.

Moving along the roads jeeps and trucks with mounted heavy weapons screamed over hills and bluffs and fired at the troops, most of the rounds hit the armored columns that flanked the Proud Legionaries, but those that went in caught and cut down many a proud men. Legionary Heavy Troops pulled out Personnel Mounted Missiles and fired on the attackers, the missiles streaking towards their targets. Other legions were ordered to take cover and return fire, over a ledge more fighters attacked the forward divisions. MBT and light Armored tanks fired at the enemy forces.

Soon the ambush ended, the outnumbered and outgunned warrior fled. The Army kept moving towards the Capital.

The First cohort moved rapidly towards the small village that was their target. These were the most elite of the entire force that landed. As they moved the few ambushes that hit them were defeated or destroyed rapidly by the skilled Legionaries, most of the rebellion forces were focusing on the army group that was going towards the Capital.

They moved as the moved, the Cohort Commander Sent the Centuries to divide and spread out, the first, and most skilled of them would make the forward push, the rest would spread out. Rapid deployment Calvary (Motorcycle units :D) would spread out and halt any movement away from the village and fire on and capture anyone who refused.

IF all went according to the Dux's plan soon the capital would fall and the village from the letter would be surrounded and captured.

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Re: Khalifan Revolt
« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2007, 05:24:35 PM »
To: General Shimada Yuki
From: Queen Laliya

Grand Vizier Noor is attending the leaders BBQ and untill such time as my husband is well I have been named regent.  Irnotian forces are concentrating on the Rusqunet there they are having success.  The city of Damaskuos at 900N 1700W is one of the few suppliers of arms for the rebels.  If your army would go there the rebellion could fizzle out.

Queen Laliya

Bakur al-Kohemi ran outside his modest hut.  He asked a sentry what was that "Irnotian legionaries sir." "Damnit" he swore.  "Bring me Muhammad!" barked Bakur.  When Muhammad arrived Bakur was sitting there with a gun.  "You failed" with that Bakur pulled the trigger and Muhammad fell dead to the ground.  "Men today we will enter the highest level of Heaven!"  "Prepare the suicide packs!"  "We will kill all the forginers, infedels, and the weak!"
We walk not on our legs but on our wills.
-Sufi Proverb

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Khalifan Revolt
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2007, 06:55:58 PM »
The Legionaries Surrounded the Small Village "This is the 1st Cohort of the Grand Legion, Surrender and agree to enter Peace Talks to bring an end to this war. We are not here to support any side, but stop any who keep fighting. The War is over, Come the the table of peace. You have no other option"

With that columns of troops moved into the village to look for the man from the message, calvary and tanks also moved into the village.

At the Capital the small amounts of artillery that was brought opened onto the defenders of the city. Tank regiments and Legionaries moved in, the defenders fought much harder then the Irnotians had ever seen before. As they made it into the city, they were fired upon from many different homes and houses. The forces had to move slowly, constantly sending messages demanding the fighters to come to the peace talks.

Messages were also sent to the "leaders" of the kingdom of Tagirstan that all military actions on their parts will come to an end and both sides will be made to talk peace and bring an end to this how they seem fit.
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Re: Khalifan Revolt
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2007, 07:36:41 PM »
To: Irnotia
From: Queen Laliya

We will end all military action against the rebels.  We desire peace and unity in Tagirstan.

Queen Laliya

Bakur noticed all the legionaries surronding the city.  They were obviously looking for him.  He shouted out to them "I am Bakur al-Kohemi.  I am the Imam for this village.  We regret to infor you that we do not tolerate infidels in our land.  I am sorry."  With that he and five others detonated bombs strapped on their bodies. 
We walk not on our legs but on our wills.
-Sufi Proverb

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Khalifan Revolt
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2007, 05:19:23 PM »
A few Legionaries were hit by the explosives, but only one actually died the rest were just injured to different levels, but 3 were in critical condition and under risk of death, these legionaries and those who had high risk injuries were taken out the fastest. The Leaders of the Military at the village ordered a sweep of every home in the village, anyone who resisted would be arrested until the sweep was finished. The orders were to confiscate all weapons and explosives, people with simple weapons and hunting rifles would have the weapons temporarily confiscated but not arrested any one with explosives or more military weapons would be arrested and detained.

At the Capital Legionary forces moved about the city infiltrating houses they were fired from. A general order of a night fall curfew as well as searches of any suspicious persons, anyone who resisted in any way was arrested. As well as an order for the leader of the temporarily to report in for peace talks. The war was over. Peace, had seemingly been restored.

At the village sweeps discovered the body of Muhammad.

Irnotian Units in all parts of the nation began missions to round up any remainders of militant activities, many felt that withdrawal would come soon.
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Re: Khalifan Revolt
« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2007, 08:21:21 PM »
To: Irnotian Forces and House Tagmenrac
From: Mansur Ajami Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Tagastan

The death of our President Muhammad and the jihad by Bakur and the faithful may Allah bless them have left us leaderless and weak we wish to subject our self to the divinely guided rule of King Tarih and House Tagmenrac.

Mansur Ajami

We walk not on our legs but on our wills.
-Sufi Proverb