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News: The arteries of Taijitu run not with blood, but with kittens!

Author Topic: Daedalus Should Never Set.  (Read 3306 times)

Offline Feniexia

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Re: Daedalus Should Never Set.
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2007, 05:26:33 PM »
Slowly, then Abrams stopped, and started moving backward, still firing, but trying to cover themselves near buildings. Some of the helicopters are launching missiles, but mainly, they are covering too. ADATS tanks are preparing to fire out of moore-or-less-protected places.

"Squad Zephir - 5,6,7,8 - Coordinates transmitted; come ASAP. Order 45. Order 45." Yashimo yelled trough his ComLink.

"General. They are not Baltijan militias. They are Ozians."

"Look like they want to claim some land too. Order supportments. Try to contact the ozian government."
Myriel ordered. "We won´t loose."

Army stats:
Edit: I forgot the scouts

RP Chars:

Leader: General Yashimo Akira
Class: Old grandfather (human)
War experienced: High and superior trained, but not able anymore to participate in battle.
UNI-visor 2.0
Brown General-Uniform
XM8 in standard mode

Councilwomen Myriel Shaya
Class: Light Power Armor unit
War experienced: Almost none, but well trained
UNI-visor 2.0
AGX-v12.7 power armor 10.0
XM8 in standard mode (other parts are carried in a small packet fixated on the power armor).


5 Imperial Air Force (IAF) squads a 10 Dassault Mirage 2000s
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
Modified pilot-UNI-Visor
All that standard stuff each well trained and well equipped pilot have.

30 ground-to-air tank regiments a 5 ADATS tanks
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
Drivers: 3 ITS (Imperial tank squad) trooper (commander, driver, turret-controller [marksman ?]).
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
UNI-visor 1.0
Interceptor body armor
Repair Kit

5 ground-to-ground tank regiments a 5 M1A2 Abrahams
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
Drivers: 3 ITS (Imperial tank squad) trooper (commander, driver, turret-controller [marsman ?]).
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
UNI-visor 1.0
Interceptor body armor
Repair Kit

1.000 Imperial Standard Force (ISF) troopers,
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
UNI-visor 1.0
Interceptor body armor
telescopic Imperial Standard Army Knive (ISAK)

500 Imperial Infiltration (II) troopers,
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
UNI-visor 1.0
Interceptor body armor (in hide colors, rarely a "Hide armor" [see below])
Arctic Warfare
telescopic Imperial Standard Army Knive (ISAK)

500 Imperial Sniper Unit (ISU) troopers:
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
UNI-visor 1.0
Interceptor body armor (in hide colors or even some special "hide armor" with woods, leaves, and bryophytes)
Arctic Warfare
telescopic Imperial Standard Army Knive (ISAK)

Some divisions are equipped with a M82 Barett instead of a Arctic Warfare.

500 Imperial Heavy Trooper Force (IHTF) troopers,
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
UNI-visor 1.0
Interceptor body armor
M1A1 (sometimes Mistrals instead)
Repair Kit
telescopic Imperial Standard Army Knive (ISAK)

250 Imperial Combat Engineer (ICE) troopers:
War experience: Almost no one, but well trained
UNI-visor 1.0
Interceptor body armor
EOD Equipment
bombing kits
telescopic Imperial Standard Army Knive (ISAK)

OOC: Act of war much?
Seems so...
« Last Edit: February 16, 2007, 12:41:55 PM by Nathaniel »

Offline St Oz

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Re: Daedalus Should Never Set.
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2007, 12:56:18 AM »
In Ozian
"You got some interceptors coming towards you." yelled the radio. The pilots looked at their radar relay from ground stations."

"Poly-Static correct?" said the pilot in his microphone.

"Correct, I recommend R-37, they're coming in fast."

"Thank you station-7, I have target on radar."

The pilot placed a lock on one of the radar targets, activated the warhead, and then activated the missile's anti-jam systems. The missile dropped out of the Staii-7 and then did a quick turn back at full speeds. His partner had done the same. The area they were going to was considered a No fly zone to the Baltijans.

"Staii inbound, Sending out ping."

The ping gave access as the planes continued to go throw the no fly zone.

monitors of Missile lock had died out.

secure line in Lithuanian
"Mei, I don't know if we can last! These Myrorians and other foreigners attacked too suddenly!"

"Relax General, you militia is part of the Ozian Army, you signed it over remember?"

"Yes I do Mei."

"Do remember your original mission."

"Attacking Myroria?"

"Yes, they just slapped first, big deal, Command your legions General, We'll do our part here"



Offline Eluvatar

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Re: Daedalus Should Never Set.
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2007, 08:06:21 PM »
In Eluvatar, Peté Tar-Ilium walked angrily up to the podium of the Hall of the Dunedain. "I am simply disgusted, disgusted that our Presiding Steward has chosen to go ahead with this policy without the consent of this Hall. Does he not remember the evils of the Baltijans? Does he not remember how their government gathered weapons and oppressed its citizens? How can we justify providing arms to them?"

Aldacir Matanatar, Second Dunedain of Eldalondë looked coldly at Tar-Ilium and said, "Guardian I request that Tar-Ilium's statement be stricken from the record on grounds of a conflict of Interest. It is his Kingdom, his so-called Imperium which is engaging in the atrocious and unjustified invasion of our southern neighbor."

Metanir Elendili, Third Dunedain of Ilium responded heatedly "Guardian I object to this request! Tar-Ilium has every right to make his stance known as a leading member of this Hall!"

The debate continued for hours, days, weeks, while Eluvataran tanks and planes continued to be 'sold' to 'freedom-fighters,' while Eluvataran 'advisors' poured across the border...
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Offline Myroria

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Re: Daedalus Should Never Set.
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2007, 11:48:55 PM »
Disgruntled at his loss in the Hall of the Dunedain, the Consul of the United Imperium, Peté Tar-Ilium, returned to his Grand Imperial Residence in Myroria in the small town of Quarrovth outside Pelagis. Sitting at his desk in his study, poring over map after map, he decided that the cause in Baltija was lost, and he would look east - east to South Taijitu. Much as his counterpart in Ryazania, Consul Robert II, had done, he aimed for ports before land. He quickly devised a plan for the land he wanted to own, and showed it to his advisors. They all agreed that it was more seemly to control the sea before controlling the land, and a place to view the vile republicans of the Democratic States.

He handed the parchment to an advisor.

"Summon me Hupprecht Patrick."
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Feniexia

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Re: Daedalus Should Never Set.
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2007, 11:52:50 PM »
A Feniexian Private ran down the street, signalizing with a white flag that the Feniexian army is wanting to settle down this coflict diplomatically.

Offline St Oz

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Re: Daedalus Should Never Set.
« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2007, 03:26:28 PM »
A Baltijan with his rifle on his shoulder walked down the road with this Zuavka cigar in his mouth. When he came to the guy with the flag he said to him, "You surrender to the Baltijan Militia?"

Offline Myroria

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Re: Daedalus Should Never Set.
« Reply #21 on: February 19, 2007, 11:06:12 PM »
OOC: Myroria's part in this RP is now closed. PM me if you want to RP with me and I'll consider it.

Also, I've moved the expansion site near Pelargir.

IC: Hupprecht Patrick's ship, the HAIMS Discovery II slowly approached the shore. The beach was a grey color, and behind it was a forest of conifer trees. He closed his spyglass.

"Helmsman! Stop 'er!"

The ship drifted to a stop, and Hupprecht directed his men onto lifeboats. His headwrap had been traded in for a beaver-skin hat, and his parka for a light fur jacket. Hupprecht's repeated expeditions to the far corners of the planet had earned him the title Marshall of the Conquesteurs, and several medals. He took a swig of his jug of beer before climbing into the lifeboat. The lifeboat was pushed away from the Discovery II and it, along with five others, rowed to shore. When they arrived some men in fur with painted faces emerged from the forest. They talked in their native language for a bit before one came forward.

"You Khaali?"

"No. Are you?"


"Then who are you?"

"We Trabnaki. You?"


"Myrorian want see our village?"

"Yes. That'd...that'd be nice."


The men were led into a small village, about the size of a Myrorian small town. The church, however, had been replaced with a soothsayer, and the fountain with a fire.

"This Trabnaki village. Myrorian like it?"

"Yes, it's very nice."

The man looked pleased. The villagers were looking at the pale white men who came there. Most had seen the occasional Khaaliman on patrol or hike, but these didn't look Khaali.

"Myrorian want eat?"

"Yes, yes please."

The group and natives had friendly banter and friend (and love) making for several nights before the natives could be called allies. When the group had to leave, they told the natives that they considered them real friends, but had to move on.

But not all the natives would be so peace loving.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 01:36:15 AM by Myrorian Theocratic Kingdom »
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Feniexia

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Re: Daedalus Should Never Set.
« Reply #22 on: February 19, 2007, 11:58:18 PM »
The exhausted Feniexian quickly handed over a PDA. "Speak to our leader, General Yashimo-san."

A picture of a very old, japanese-looking man in white uniform with black jacket appeared on the screen.

"Thou are greeted. Are I speaking to a baltian citizen? Please stop all military actions, as we do. We have some things to clear out. Like, why none of your government never contacted us as your allies. Can you take this PDA to one of your leaders please?"

Offline St Oz

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Re: Daedalus Should Never Set.
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2007, 12:48:09 AM »

The Ozian who was in charge of the Baltijan Militia received the PDA.

"Hello and who am I speaking to? What do you want? What are you doing here? Why are you invading this area?"

Offline Feniexia

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Re: Daedalus Should Never Set.
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2007, 09:53:32 AM »
"My name is Yashimo Akira, I´m the leader of the Feniexian army divisions in your country.
As we heard nothing from your nation for a long time, we begun to seek your lands for any signs of life. We only saw destroyed cities and streets...so we thought Baltija were destroyed by war or similar.... We apologize frankly for trying to claim your lands. We just thought, better we claim this lands to settle them as someone else do. We didn´t know that there were still people left."
« Last Edit: February 21, 2007, 12:26:29 PM by Nathaniel »

Offline St Oz

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Re: Daedalus Should Never Set.
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2007, 02:51:42 AM »
"Well there is Mr. Akira... I would hope you would be smart and leave this area or you will wake up to a hell the next morning. You'd have Staii shooting all over you. Resistance is Futile."

Offline Feniexia

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Re: Daedalus Should Never Set.
« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2007, 12:30:18 PM »
"As there are still Baltijans in this area, we surely will leave, but a few diplomats to clear this situation...we don´t want to harm the Baltijan people neither invade them."

OOC: Since Yashimo is a japanese man, he speak out his name like in the japanese language:
surname first. The first name is only used by impolite or foreign, or between children or close friends...

Offline St Oz

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Re: Daedalus Should Never Set.
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2007, 02:06:47 PM »
"No Diplomats, I don't want to see a Feniexian on this land at all."

Offline Feniexia

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Re: Daedalus Should Never Set.
« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2007, 07:13:10 PM »
"Hmm...ok. But you might regret to refuse us sometimes..."

Yashimo disappeared from the screen. The Feniexian soldier took back the PDA and ran back to his comrades.

Not even one hour later, the Feniexian air transporters begun transporting the Feniexian army hime.