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Author Topic: Canadian Colonization  (Read 5195 times)

Offline Bara

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2007, 11:04:49 PM »
OOC:ummm, who said i was trying to be dirty. but anyway, let us begin the RP.

Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #16 on: July 18, 2007, 11:06:28 PM »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #17 on: July 18, 2007, 11:10:14 PM »
The Mercenary Commander looked at Tom, his main employer since the begins of the war.

"Good job...sir."

The Mercenary Commander knew he had over 2,500 men at his disposal and a few Huey helos. They made good money here, and he didn't want to lose it.
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2007, 11:14:47 PM »
Tom looked at the Mercenary Commander. "Thank you, commander." The secreatary ran up to the two men. "Colonel Richards, you are ordered to take your men and head to Abed-Nego. The Canadian Army will take over command of this region. You have been ordered to leave immediatly." Richards felt sad he wasn't going to be able to take her to coffee, next time. "Commander, I need to leave. The General will most likely take command of the Canadian and colonial armies here while I am away." Richards saluted the mercanary and went to catch his helicopter.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #19 on: July 18, 2007, 11:18:34 PM »
"Yes, sir"

The Mercenary commander, or called Gunny by his men, was a though vet of the Veramark Civil War, and most of his men were also. This was there 1st Mecerny Contract, and it was basically to provide support to the Candian when needed. He turned over to The secreatary.

"Excuse me miss, did the man in charge leave any orders for me?"

Hope my scars and crazy eye doesn't scare her...  
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Lia

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #20 on: July 18, 2007, 11:59:43 PM »
occ: like I said, you can't have a planned colonization thread...but I'll play along.
Another thing...seeing how you're taking their land...you shouldn't call them rebels.

"Ubraka don sio! Prema reyon!"

Abrak Jio look down over the cliff where his band of clansmen were hiding. There it was, the Canadian watering hole, a montrous web of pipes and metal. There were several guards posted all over the water depot, SVT-40s slung on their backs.

"There are many of them John don,...can we really take them?" Abraka spoke to the man beside him. The man was unlike the others, he was wearing desert camoflage rather than the traditional garbs of the Nerubians. His skin was white as well, like the Canads. But there was something about his facial feature that separate him from the conqueror's race.

"Don't worry, just remember what we talk about." John reply.

Abrak nodded. "I do."

Abrak thought highly of John, more than most "big men" in his tribe. John had came to his village several months ago, on a camel loaded with gifts to his people. From then on, he lived amongst them, teaching them the warcraft of his tribe and providing spectacular weapons to the tribe warriors. John taught them to not make mass attacks on the superior armed Canads, but make small lightning attacks on the supplies of the enemy instead. He gave his clansmen the same weapons carry by the Canads, fearsome fast rifles and lethal bomb balls. John spoke of being sent by "Lia", to help his tribe defeat the Canads and take back their rightful land. 

"Remember Abrak don, we must make small but many knife pricks onto the Canadians, weaken them slowly...like the stings of many bees onto a bear. And run like the wind in a storm when needed."

"Your wise words enlighten us, John don. We will follow you to death." The other clansmen nodded in agreement.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." 
John sighted the water depot with his binoculars. "1320 meters," he waved three of the clansmen. The trio set the level and angle of a 70mm mortar. They load the first round, a smoke shell. The mortar round flies high up into the sky, before dropping down at the edge of the water depot. Smoke bellow out, casting a great white cloud over the Canadian position.

"Fell short, angle up two degrees." After the adjustment, the mortar crew launched 13 HE rounds into the water depot, shredding unlucky Canad soldiers and bursting the water tanks. When the smoke cleared, the water depot was in tatters.

"Good job, the Canadians will have to walk a bit further for their water now. Pack up, the blade fliers will be here soon."

The group scurry down the slopes of the terrain in a hurry, staying inside forage cover until they reached the desert sand below. They manage to escape before the Canadian gunships could find them...

Over the week, various Nerubian tribes made numerous small surprise attacks on Canadian supply and water depots. Ambushing supply convoys with RPGs was also frequent. The Nerubians attacked in small groups, playing  a shoot-and-run game with the Canadians, taking advantage of their familiarity with local terrain and underground tunnels. The effects of the raids were modest, but it was a great triumph for the Nerubians who refuse to give up the fight.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2007, 12:28:38 AM by Lia »

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2007, 02:08:40 AM »
ooc: you can have a planned thread. Alot of people have planned threads, why do you think no one was on my colonization thread or any others, because colonization threads can be planned.

"Yes, commander. You are ordered to go inland and take out a Nerubian camp. Apparently, this camp has some of the native leaders in there. You will leave immediatly.

The gunship were flying a routine patrol flight. The giant Spectre transport was armed with 105mm howitzers adnd large gatling guns. The plane was flying high over Canadian-held Nerubia when they got the call. <If anyone is hearing this, we are a Canadian convoy bringing in supplies. We are under attack by Nerubian natives, send immidiate help.>

The pilot of the gunship picked up his radio. <Canadian convoy, this is the gunship Gaurdian Angel. Relay your coordinates.>

<Guardian Angel, we are four klicks north of Cacos.>

<Roger, on our way>

The pilot turned his plane towards Cacos. he flew over the small town and soon found the convoy. Many Canadian soldiers were holding off a Nerubian raid. The gunship took aim and let loose on the Nerubians. The fighters took cover, but if the gatling guns didn't get them, then the howitzers did. The surivivors ran but were cut down by Canadian soldiers. The pilot thought to himself. Another day in paradise.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Myroria

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2007, 03:40:04 AM »
OOC: Yeah, they can be planned.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Lia

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2007, 04:56:40 AM »

"Buracka num ari!"

Hira Kuma slammed his gun on to the dirt walls. "Those Canad bastards! Why are they here?!? What did we do to deserve this?" Hira broke into tears, his fellow clansmen watching silently.

"I'm sorry Hira don...there was nothing we can do..." His friend kneel beside him, hugged Hira tight. Tears ran down from Hira's eyes, the drops forming a puddle on the dirt floor. His cries echo out into the tunnel.

"My Joji! Why take my Joji!...He's gone...those bastards took him from me!" He bash his fist onto the floor as he wail in loss. His only son was taken out by the flying demons during a raid on a convoy, his body blown to pieces by a howitzer round...leaving not even a body to bury.

"Hira! Calm yourself! We will get them back! John don will help us! Joji died a valiant warrior...please my old friend, we all lost sons and family to the Canads...now is not a time to let your mind sink into the sand."
As a few clansmen went to reconciled the old man, the rest assemble in the room for a meeting.

"These gunships are becoming a problem...we can't make any sort of stand with enemy air cover over us..." John took a sip of his liquor. "No place to hide in the desert..."

"Flying dragons...they fly high and they breath fire upon us from the skies...what can we do John don?"

"...There is one thing, I procured a shipment of..."dragon rockets"...they should deal with these gunships with ease..."

"Dragon rockets?"

From there, John explained the principle of shoulder-launch air defense to the clansmen and how to use one effectively.

"..You don't want to aim it at the sun, cause that will blind the eye of the rocket."

"John don...when will these rockets arrive?"

"Tomorrow...Lia likes to send stuff early to us."

On queue, clansmen from the Haja tribe picked up several crates of strange metal tubes from the Lia sailors. It took several days for it to reach the hidden base where John and his band was living. Soon, the sharpest eye men from each of the tribes were recruit and train in the use and tactic of the new weapons.

"Hit them as they come in low, it's also better to shoot their backs than front. These dragons might look fast, but their dead slow from where I'm from. Two of these ought to take them out."

Soon, many ambush band began to carry two AA tubes with them on convoy raids. The Spectre pilots were caught unprepared by the appearance of MANPADS in the hands of the Nerubians. Many gunships were force to retreat during a support mission, their engines hit by heat-seeking missiles as they strafed Nerubian raiders. Two were even shot down and destroy.

"How you like someone shooting back at you, you fucking bastard!" a warrior cries out as he fires a missile onto a passing Spectre gunship.



Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2007, 05:19:40 AM »
Viceroy Morena and General Salem sat down and looked over the map of their expansion into the Nerubian territory. The general was not pleased. The Nerubians were armed with a new weapon that could destroy the infamous Canadian Spectre gunships. He thought hard. He needed a new strategy then just the Spectre gunships. All the attacks, he had noticed were far away from the inner part of the Canadian held territory. He noticed that the river moniters were able to defend the inner parts. So what could be used to stop the attacks or even slow them out. "I have it. The ballistic missile submarines that we have have enough cruise missiles to fill the gap of the Spectre gunships. We use satillite imagery and AWACS to locate the natives, and then the fleets and the submarines can fire off cruise missiles to destroy them. The battleships can fire bullets over 38 km. Also we use one of those new Artorion supercarriers as well as some of the Nimitz carriers. The CF-35 fighters are steath jets and so are the B-1 bombers we have. We can drop bombs on the natives without them knowing they are even under attack. If we can't beat them on the ground, then we will use our air force and navy. The army are going to be organized in smaller, quick reaction units. We have to make the enemy react to us. We need to respect the Nerubians so we will make a Nerubian Parliament headed by a Nerubian Prime Minister. We give the Nerubians the same rights as the colonials. Their religous places should be respected. We show that we are fighting them and the people will switch their loyalty to us. That is how you win a gurellia war.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #25 on: July 19, 2007, 12:54:40 PM »
The Mercenaries slowly entered the camp, guns drawn. They forced all the people inside the camp into one building and they raised a Canadian flag. They took the men and women, and put them apart. The commander said through a bullhorn that this village was now under Canadian control, and they were not soldiers from Canada, but Mercenaries. The 2nd mercenary in Command,  Jake Castle, talked to gunny about this.

"I'm not sure about this gunny..."

"Why not?"

"Well....they do look a Little...shifty."

"Like...the attack kind of shifty?"


"We have orders to take this village and to hold it until the Canadians Arrive."

« Last Edit: July 19, 2007, 12:56:48 PM by Democratic Republic of Barakarin »
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Lia

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #26 on: July 19, 2007, 04:57:06 PM »
"Hira don! The Canads! They took a camp in Sa Dun!"

"We must go save them then! Rja, you stay here with your brothers. We'll go! John don!"

"May the Desert Spirit be with you!"

The band of rescuers went double time, riding hard into the desert. They stop two miles from the village and walked the rest of the way. Peering over a sand dune, they saw a perimeter of Canads around the camp. They could hear the cries of woman and children.

"Bastards! My wife and daughter are in there! We must attack them now!"

"No Bado don, they will see us. Frontal attacks on defenders never work. There must be another way..."

"John don, there is a old grain tunnel several hundred paces from here! It should lead us into the camp."

"Yuja and Mujin, you and your men stay here to cover us, use your scopes. Don't shoot till we are inside!"

The band sneaked across the desert, cover by the darkness. They reached a patch of red sand, where a buried rope protruded from the sand. Pulling the rope revealed a trapdoor into a dark tunnel. They flip their muzzle flashlights on, and crawl inside.

A few minutes later, they resurface into a unlit supply tent. They quietly crawl out, rifles in hand and eyes and ears scanning the outside.

"Wait. Put these onto your muzzle like this." John whispered as he handed out silencers to his companions. "Kill them like the silent scorpion." 

They peer out from the tent door, and saw their first targets. They carefully took aim and fired into the intruder's bodies. They fell limp as the shots hit their neck. The band quickly sweep through the camp, until the alarm sounded.

"They know we are here! Quick! Find the women and children! We'll hold them off."

A firefight broke out inside the camp. The sound of gunfire alerted Yuja and Mujin, and they began sniping the perimeter Canads.

"John don. There's two inside the camp!"

"Cover and fire! Remember what I taught you! Go!"

The Nerubians fought with tribal ferocity complemented with the tactical cunning of modern soldiers. John don was not shy in training these desert nomads into the military grade of veterans. They were evenly match in skill to any Canad soldier. All they need now, is hope of victory.

"Well done boy! You're better most of my classmates in the Academy!" John searched the dead Canad bodies. He found several pistols. He handed it to his young companion. "Take these. Com'on, we need to help the others."

The mercenaries began to retreat from the camp. They were chase for a few hundred paces before the Nerubians gave out. They quickly ran back to camp to regroup with the others.

"Quick Hira don, we must get everyone moving now! They will be back with more men!"

"There is a place we can go, three days from here. We will be safe there."

Soon, the entire camp began moving for the mountains. There a place of refuge in the rocky and dangerous terrain offers safety from the marauding conquerors.


Offline Aquatoria

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #27 on: July 19, 2007, 07:38:58 PM »
Omdurman was alive with cheering. The first ever Nerubian Parliament and the first ever Nerubian Prime Minister had been elected. Viceroy Morena and General Salem stood outside the new Parliament Hall. The Nerubians held up signs with the faces of the new Prime Minister and the Viceroy. They cheered their names. The Prime Minister, an former elder of one of the coastal tribes, stood up over the crowd. "Today is a good day. Today, our Canadian brothers have created a true Nerubian state. We can have peace. The new government is going to open mosques in every city and town. Many of you see the Canadians as maruading crusaders, sent here to take us over. I have been to the Empire of Canada. They have many things that we can have. Free healthcare and education, freedom of speech and religion. We can have all these things. When the Canadians got here, we were bands of nomadic tribes, and now we are a part of the Canadian Empire. We have been rewarded home rule. We govern ourselves. These Nerubians that continue to fight, LISTEN! What are you fighting for? You are fighting for a Nerubia that is nothing more than broken tribes. You fight for a Nerubia where our chidren are taught to fight animals just to survive and shamans who know nothing about modern dieases. The Canadians, they are fighting for a Nerubia that the world has never seen. They fight for a Nerubia, where our children can learn about the outside world, they can become doctors so that modern dieases can be healed, or they can become teachers so they can teach the next generation. The Canadians are not asking us to get rid of our heritage, they are just asking us to unite. They are fighting for a united Nerubia!" The crowds roared. The Viceroy had done his job, he had won the loyalty of the people.

Grand Admiral Calawitz stood tall and silent in his submarine Vanguard. The Vanguard was the flagship of the new Subcorps and was the first ballistic missile sub in the Canadian military. The other Vanguard-class subs patroled the waters of Nerubia along with the older Oberons and Swiftsures. The sub was submerged and was waiting for orders.

"Sir, AWAC has located five large insurgent camps." called an ensign.

Calawitz nodded. "Get the coordinates and fire cruise missiles on their locations. Their scared of the "sky dragons", well, now I'm going to make them fear the sea dragons."

The cruise missiles flew from the ocean and headed for their destinations. The camps didn't know what happened. One minute they are arming themselves for another raid and the next, they see nothing but a flash as the cruise missiles decimate the camps.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Bara

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2007, 11:09:00 PM »
The Large Explosion was heard from the Mercenaries Position, a Area that they had been holding for weeks. They watched as a large flame and smoke came from the distance, and the men watched for a bit, then went back watching the people.

"Sir, one of these people is sick, what should we do?"

Gunny thought for a while, and gave his answer

"Patch her up"

They Merc's patched here up, and earning the respect from most of the local people. A few days went by, and soon, most of the Nerubian fighters have heard of them.
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Lia

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Re: Canadian Colonization
« Reply #29 on: July 20, 2007, 03:24:04 AM »
occ: A bit unreal...I guess you forgotten your history on the Native Americans. Will you really be friends with the people that come and claim your home as theirs? and then kill you and your family when you resist? Then they force their culture on you and expect you to be good little sheep?

"They come and take our land, destroy our traditions and kill our families. Now they expect us to forgive them and just let them walk over us?"

The remaining Nerubians had left for refuge in the mountains. The cowards that stay behind surrendered to the Canads and offer their fealty to the foreigners. Bribes and fear were at the root of these betrayals.

Inside the camp, the cries and mourning of orphans and widows echo through the mountain. The Canads were ruthless in their attempt to take their land, killing all that stood in their way.

A young man sulks at the corner of a cliff. His friend attempts to comfort him. But no words could sooth his pain, for yesterday he lost both his pregnant wife and only son to a Canad rocket attack on their home. He like many, has lost irreplaceable love ones to the Canads.

John don sits with the remaining tribe chiefs, their faces mask with misery and hopelessness.

"These Canadians don't know how to hold back...your families won't be safe here anymore."

"My aunts, uncles, cousins...all dead...John don, what can we do? If we fight anymore, our families will be targeted."

"There's not much choice...those traitors have given up your secrets to the Canadians...there's no place to run. You will need to leave Neru."

"But where can we go? We have no other place. This has been our home for centuries! We can not give it up without a fight! Not after how many of my kin they killed! I'll die before I let these barbarians get away with it..."

"Fight we must...but first we must protect your families from the wrath of the Canadians. I have arrange passage  with Lia, your wives and children will found refuge in the land of my tribe. We must leave quick, there's no telling when the Canads will find out about our position."

"John don...there's always a question that strike us all...why are you helping us? You are not Nerubian, nor do you have a wife or child here to protect."

John was silent for a moment before replying. "I do what Lia commands me to do. And Lia has told me to protect your people. That is all. But I believe in morality, something my tribe holds sacred."

The others ponder over John's answer. Deep down, they knew John was sympathetic with their cause, fighting shoulder to shoulder with them ever since he arrive in Neru. Whatever his reasons, he could be trusted.

"Agree, we will leave it to you to protect our love ones. We put faith in you John don."
One weeks later... 

"LE, I'm picking a cluster of thermal bodies at the west end of shore, coming down the mountain...wait...I'm picking up the beckon signal."

"That's Agent Saph, he's here with the refugees. Put down the launches."

Twenty motor launches are drop from the six large transport ships. From there, they ferry weary and exhausted Nerubians to the waiting ships.

"Agent Saph, good work. Glad to see that the Canadians didn't get a bullet into you."

"Long time no see 020. I hope you guys bought enough room...I have 7 000 women and children that need to be carry to safety. Hope the Canucks didn't pick you up?"

"Even if they did, nothing they can do. We're in international waters. If I see them, I'll flip them one."

"Enough jokes. We need to get food and water to the passengers, it was a long trip."

"I'll get the galley on it."

The ships lifted anchor as the last of the launches were pulled in. They proceeded northwards, towards their checkpoint. The journey was hard for the passengers inexperience with the rolling sea. The ship reeked of vomit and filth. It was a relief when they finally landed on a foreign tropical shore of trees and hills. The passengers were led onto the wharf, where they went through quarantine by John's people. The people spoke a strange tongue, and a majority them had light skin similar to John's.

The Nerubians were then transport on moving wagons along a pair of steel beams, a contraction that John called "a train". They were taken to a vast meadow dotted with plentiful trees. The land look fertile and wholesome, with an abundance of wildlife. 

"How you like it Mujin? I know it's not the same as home. But it was all we can come up with here. A least there's plenty of grazing for your livestock."

"So much green...John don...thank you. We owe you and your people our gratitude."

"You're lucky that my country had some empty land here in the south. You won't be bother here, Lia made sure of this. It all belongs to your people, until you get back your old homes. Your livestock will come in tomorrow."

Supplies were move in to help the refugees settle in. Here, the small group of Nerubians could live safely under the protection of the local government. Their way of life will continue, as well their fight. 
Collateral asset secure. Free Engagment

Authorization accepted. STFUC project initiated

Submerge below the sea, a small fleet of submarines glides silently through the waters of north Neru.

"It's 3:20. Time to launch. Unlock tubes 1 to 12. Falcon Fire engagment initiated."

Thirty-six medium range ballistic missiles pop out from the top of the subs, exiting the water and arcing high into the sky. Their GPS guidance were coordinated on the major pre-sighted Canadian airfields in Nerubia. Three missiles for each airfield, the two ton warheads explode on impact. Runways were cratered, fuel tanks exploded, and hangars were blasted down.  Several planes were also damaged in the bombardment.

With the Canadian air capabilities reduce, the remaining Nerubian fighters have a chance to fight on a more equal level. This fight was long from over...

« Last Edit: July 20, 2007, 03:31:46 AM by Lia »