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Author Topic: OOPS  (Read 2758 times)

Offline Towlie

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« on: June 28, 2011, 07:10:02 AM »
#Now talking on #taijitu2
#ChanServ gives channel operator status to Towlie
#Towlie gives channel operator status to GMT
GMT looks around
<GMT>   wow this place is so dusty
GMT picks up a banner but it crumbles in his hands
#Towlie has kicked Govindia from #taijitu2 (Govindia)
#Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
<Towlie>   lol i cant get it to save damn it
<GMT>   hehe the flora and fauna in here is on autojoin
<GMT>   a rare form of bacteria
#Towlie has kicked Govindia from #taijitu2 (Govindia)
#Govindia (~Govindia@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com) has joined #taijitu2
#   GMT sets ban on *!*@cpe-70-95-247-33.san.res.rr.com
#GMT has kicked Govindia from #taijitu2 (Vermint)
GMT grins
<Towlie>   oh shit
<Towlie>   prepaire for the wrath of gov
<GMT>   lol I shake and tremble already
#   Towlie has changed the topic to: TAIJITU2 NOW GOV FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<GMT>   was he even active in here or did he just forget he was?
<GMT>   loool
<Towlie>   if someone was to unban him he would join
<Towlie>   shall i inform him of his new ban
<Towlie>   i made a exceitive decision
<Towlie>   prepair for the pm
<GMT>   lol
<GMT>   alrite
<GMT>   I was getting rusty
<Towlie>   if he hasnt officaly given up
<GMT>   could be
<GMT>   the Senate might kick our ass though, they were preparing to fund an expedition and study Gov
<GMT>   in here
<Towlie>   we can unban him later
<GMT>   lol
<GMT>   true
<GMT>   wanna post a log of this in the forums?
<Towlie>   this channel or the pm
<GMT>   this channel
We might have accidentally messed up the #taijitu2 expadition plans.  ::) 
Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink. --Lady Astor to Winston Churchill
Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it. --His reply
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. --Henny Youngman

Offline PoD Gunner

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« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2011, 07:24:19 AM »
*unzips bio suit*  :drunks: hunting Govs is fun! *pokes Towlie*
Co-Founder of Taijitu
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Offline Towlie

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« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2011, 07:28:12 AM »
I swear we didn't mean to.  ::) O:-)
Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink. --Lady Astor to Winston Churchill
Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it. --His reply
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. --Henny Youngman

Offline PoD Gunner

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« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2011, 07:54:46 AM »
*thunderstorms, fire f*rts and f***ing bolts of ice pierce your eyes, thou lewd, thatch-headed snap-dragon!* There, I also swear we didn't mean to!
Co-Founder of Taijitu
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Offline PoD Gunner

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« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2011, 11:19:15 AM »
So yeah, true story  :-P:

<Govindia> What the f***ing hell is your problem?
<Govindia> I don't say anything what the hell is your deal?  Can you not act mature for once in your life?
<GMT> watch your stinky mouth there, Uncle Pester
<Govindia> If I didn't do anything wrong there is no valid reason for you to abuse your ops and kick me for personal amusement.  That is not an excuse at all to act like a child.
<GMT> I am not looking for excuses
<GMT> you are doing it for me but I ain't
<Govindia> ok then, please stop acting like a child and act like an adult then and knock it off with the behavior.
<GMT> I tell you what: I'll let you back in #taijitu2 because the Taiji Senate is looking to fund a project
<GMT> where explorers would study the flora and fauna of the channel
<GMT> and you are the most interesting being in there
<GMT> if you promise to be nice and let the scientist poke you with needles
<GMT> and take samples of you.
<GMT> deal?
<Govindia> Stop insulting me
<Govindia> I am not some animal
<Govindia> i am a human being like yourself
<Govindia> so show some respect for once in your life
<Govindia> Stop acting like a child and act like an adult.  Grow up and be a man, not a childish boy
<GMT> hm I was being very civil, seriously. I wasn't saying anything but that you were pretty much the only dweller in #taijitu2
<GMT> and that has sparked the scientific interest of our society
<GMT> I did not intend that as an insult
<Govindia> Then if you claim to be civil you start treating me like a human being then for once.
<Govindia> I am as much as a human as you supposedly are and that is a fact.
<Govindia> there is also no reason to have me banned in #taijitu when I said nor did anything wrong either.
<GMT> so you'd agree to let the expedition study you if we let you back in?
<GMT> hello?
<Govindia> Stop treating me as a test subject and treat me as a fellow human being.
<Govindia> I am a human as much as you are.
<Govindia> Treat me in a respectful manner.
* GMT pokes Govindia with a needle*
<GMT> ok
<Govindia> So stop acting like a scientist when you are not.
<GMT> how do you know that...
<Govindia> You are a human being and I expect you to act like an adult, not like a child.
* GMT cuts a bit of Govindia skin and puts in a container then seals it up
<GMT> how do you know that...
<Govindia> You are a human being and I expect you to act like an adult, not like a child.
* GMT cuts a bit of Govindia skin and puts in a container then seals it up
<Govindia> STOP IT
<Govindia> I said act like an adult please
<Govindia> stop acting like a child
<Govindia> can you not comprehend how to behave like a mature adult?
* GMT writes things down on a note pad regarding the height, weight and other measurements of Govindia
<GMT> yes yes, ok
<GMT> ok done
<GMT> now if you could just look into this bright light for like 5 seconds
<GMT> and then I'll let you back in #taijitu2
<Govindia> Please
<Govindia> stop
<Govindia> acting
<Govindia> like
<Govindia> a immature
<Govindia> child
<Govindia> and
<GMT> urgh you are not very cooperative, are you.
<Govindia> act like an adult for once
<Govindia>  please
<Govindia> You agreed to act like a proper adult so I expect you to do so, please stop acting like a childish troll.
<GMT> oh like posting one word each row totally has a huge convincing power.
<Govindia> You seem to ignore anything else I say.
<GMT> no shit. you realize how that is?
<GMT> because that is your landmark.
<GMT> but you are right, I have been rather inhumane.
<GMT> I'll leave you alone now.
* GMT pushes Govindia into the thick brush.
<Govindia> You have no logical basis to continue to behave this way.  Your bias of me is old, and outdated.  I have not done anything wrong to you or anyone else, and have done nothing wrong, so there is no reason to ban me or treat me in a disrespectful manner.
<GMT> Here you go, little one.
<Govindia> Get over your bias, and grow up please for once.
<Govindia> Act like an adult, not like a childish troll.
<Govindia> even my cat behaves better than you.
<Govindia> so please, stop treating me in disrespectful manner and kindly unban me from #taijitu please.
<GMT> first you tell me that your cat behaves better than me and then you ask me to unban you from taijitu
<GMT> hm
<GMT> lemme think
<GMT> no.
<GMT> I will consult with others I will maybe unban you from #taijtu2 IF you agree to be a nice, non-aggressive object of scientifical study for the young children in Taijtu.
<GMT> but that is all.
<GMT> I have to catch up on my beauty sleep now, you will hear from my lawyers.
* GMT nods
* Govindia disappears into the thick brush, leaving a trail of bread crumbs.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 11:22:44 AM by PoD Gunner »
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
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Offline Dajoh

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« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2011, 12:29:58 PM »
Wow, that's kinda mean. Although I don't know the dude, and he seems like he gets butt-hurt over every little thing...
His Royal Highness the King of Dajoh and Protector of the House Niseh, Negel III

If Fox News is fair and balanced as they claim, then the Great War is actually a bad hallucination invented by Mickey Mouse.

Offline PoD Gunner

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« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2011, 12:57:09 PM »
 :D totally the reaction of any person who doesn't know Gov and is not aware of what he's capable of. Unfortunately (for him) the entire NS world knows it and he's not getting any mercy shown pretty much nowhere around the NS globe.  :shrug: From our region he has been banned based upon multiple violations of all possible terms of service but his history includes harassing other players, stalking them outside the game in real-life etc.

Anyways, I still have the containers with skin samples in case the Senate wants to judge the opportunity of an expedition in #taijtu2 based upon their texture.  :-P
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
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Offline Dajoh

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« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2011, 01:14:54 PM »
In that case, it's the weakest revenge ever. But it's still funny.
His Royal Highness the King of Dajoh and Protector of the House Niseh, Negel III

If Fox News is fair and balanced as they claim, then the Great War is actually a bad hallucination invented by Mickey Mouse.

Offline Eluvatar

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« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2011, 02:00:05 PM »
Wow, that's kinda mean. Although I don't know the dude, and he seems like he gets butt-hurt over every little thing...

It still wouldn't do such unkind things myself but Gov harasses people. Constantly and forever.

There have been several instances where female players were (allegedly) stalked by Govindia. He has been banned from the East Pacific, the West Pacific, Taijitu, the South Pacific I believe; he is blamed by some for the decline of 000000 A World Power and the collapse of (I believe) United Imperium (something abbreviated UI anyway).

Govindia was banned from this region in late 2007: the Court removed his citizenship for disseminating private materials and harassment. Following that forum administration banned him for using proxies, as he was no longer protected from banning by virtue of being a citizen.

If you like you can read Govindia's own statement in his own defense here. Reading between the lines I see someone who takes his difficulty socializing and instead of treating it as a reason to restrain himself and think before acting, takes it as carte blanche to call any treatment of him he does not like "biased". He has contacted me at least six times that I could count offhand privately, asking for unbanning (here or in #taijitu). When asking, he makes clear that his banning is a travesty, that Limi was "out of line" when banning him, and similar.

From what I have seen, he is not unable but unwilling to get along with people. I think it's stupid and wrong to taunt him about it, but I think it was certainly in the interests of the health of Taijitu's community to get him out of it.
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Offline PoD Gunner

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« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2011, 02:01:25 PM »
Revenge? Lol this is not revenge, its scientific study. We were trying to determine whether the Govindia residing in #taijitu2 is a suitable subject for a research expedition.  :-P
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
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« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2011, 05:14:10 PM »
I approve of this expedition and thank you for your service to Taijitu. Towlie, you will receive the Ministry of Lulz' Medal of LOL, the third-highest honor I can bestow on you.

Offline Gulliver

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« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2011, 06:32:52 PM »
Why can't people here just let sleeping dogs lie? And skin samples, ew.

Offline Towlie

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« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2011, 07:15:46 PM »
So yeah, true story  :-P:

<Govindia> What the f***ing hell is your problem?
<Govindia> I don't say anything what the hell is your deal?  Can you not act mature for once in your life?
<GMT> watch your stinky mouth there, Uncle Pester
<Govindia> If I didn't do anything wrong there is no valid reason for you to abuse your ops and kick me for personal amusement.  That is not an excuse at all to act like a child.
<GMT> I am not looking for excuses
<GMT> you are doing it for me but I ain't
<Govindia> ok then, please stop acting like a child and act like an adult then and knock it off with the behavior.
<GMT> I tell you what: I'll let you back in #taijitu2 because the Taiji Senate is looking to fund a project
<GMT> where explorers would study the flora and fauna of the channel
<GMT> and you are the most interesting being in there
<GMT> if you promise to be nice and let the scientist poke you with needles
<GMT> and take samples of you.
<GMT> deal?
<Govindia> Stop insulting me
<Govindia> I am not some animal
<Govindia> i am a human being like yourself
<Govindia> so show some respect for once in your life
<Govindia> Stop acting like a child and act like an adult.  Grow up and be a man, not a childish boy
<GMT> hm I was being very civil, seriously. I wasn't saying anything but that you were pretty much the only dweller in #taijitu2
<GMT> and that has sparked the scientific interest of our society
<GMT> I did not intend that as an insult
<Govindia> Then if you claim to be civil you start treating me like a human being then for once.
<Govindia> I am as much as a human as you supposedly are and that is a fact.
<Govindia> there is also no reason to have me banned in #taijitu when I said nor did anything wrong either.
<GMT> so you'd agree to let the expedition study you if we let you back in?
<GMT> hello?
<Govindia> Stop treating me as a test subject and treat me as a fellow human being.
<Govindia> I am a human as much as you are.
<Govindia> Treat me in a respectful manner.
* GMT pokes Govindia with a needle*
<GMT> ok
<Govindia> So stop acting like a scientist when you are not.
<GMT> how do you know that...
<Govindia> You are a human being and I expect you to act like an adult, not like a child.
* GMT cuts a bit of Govindia skin and puts in a container then seals it up
<GMT> how do you know that...
<Govindia> You are a human being and I expect you to act like an adult, not like a child.
* GMT cuts a bit of Govindia skin and puts in a container then seals it up
<Govindia> STOP IT
<Govindia> I said act like an adult please
<Govindia> stop acting like a child
<Govindia> can you not comprehend how to behave like a mature adult?
* GMT writes things down on a note pad regarding the height, weight and other measurements of Govindia
<GMT> yes yes, ok
<GMT> ok done
<GMT> now if you could just look into this bright light for like 5 seconds
<GMT> and then I'll let you back in #taijitu2
<Govindia> Please
<Govindia> stop
<Govindia> acting
<Govindia> like
<Govindia> a immature
<Govindia> child
<Govindia> and
<GMT> urgh you are not very cooperative, are you.
<Govindia> act like an adult for once
<Govindia>  please
<Govindia> You agreed to act like a proper adult so I expect you to do so, please stop acting like a childish troll.
<GMT> oh like posting one word each row totally has a huge convincing power.
<Govindia> You seem to ignore anything else I say.
<GMT> no shit. you realize how that is?
<GMT> because that is your landmark.
<GMT> but you are right, I have been rather inhumane.
<GMT> I'll leave you alone now.
* GMT pushes Govindia into the thick brush.
<Govindia> You have no logical basis to continue to behave this way.  Your bias of me is old, and outdated.  I have not done anything wrong to you or anyone else, and have done nothing wrong, so there is no reason to ban me or treat me in a disrespectful manner.
<GMT> Here you go, little one.
<Govindia> Get over your bias, and grow up please for once.
<Govindia> Act like an adult, not like a childish troll.
<Govindia> even my cat behaves better than you.
<Govindia> so please, stop treating me in disrespectful manner and kindly unban me from #taijitu please.
<GMT> first you tell me that your cat behaves better than me and then you ask me to unban you from taijitu
<GMT> hm
<GMT> lemme think
<GMT> no.
<GMT> I will consult with others I will maybe unban you from #taijtu2 IF you agree to be a nice, non-aggressive object of scientifical study for the young children in Taijtu.
<GMT> but that is all.
<GMT> I have to catch up on my beauty sleep now, you will hear from my lawyers.
* GMT nods
* Govindia disappears into the thick brush, leaving a trail of bread crumbs.
i am now laughing like a mad man because of this
Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink. --Lady Astor to Winston Churchill
Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it. --His reply
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. --Henny Youngman

Offline Corgi

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« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2011, 09:15:59 PM »
Why can't people here just let sleeping dogs lie? And skin samples, ew.

I concur.
If you strike a thorn or rose,
Keep a-goin'!
If it hails or if it snows,
Keep a-goin'!
'Taint no use to sit an' whine
When the fish ain't on your line;
Bait your hook an' keep a-tryin'--
Keep a-goin'!

Offline PoD Gunner

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« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2011, 06:10:07 AM »
What's the point of having dogs sleep if you're not supposed to wake them up, toss them a ball and have some fun? LULZ I tell ya, that's what makes the world go round and round.
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