* Dipping cookies into every barrel she can reach (without getting out of her own, of course), Alana passes them out to whoever wants one and interminably throws some into a bowl she had placed on Emp's chest.
There, now he has a snack to revive him when he comes to. Anyone want another alcohol-drenched cookie? Khab, oatmeal rum raisin for you? Would you like a beer brownie, Taco? Talmann, perhaps you'd enjoy a snickerdoodle with red wein?
Hmm... I'm thinking of getting a patent and selling them at a Booze Bakery, in which I will also sell brownies, cakes, Scotch Bread, and all sorts of baked goodies with alcohol poured over top or soaked in like a marinade. Oooh, dipping "sauce" as well! Haha, I'm lame enough to make myself laugh.