Since when was expressing a thing the same as asking a question?
If express is...
1. to put (thought) into words; utter or state: to express an idea clearly.
2. to show, manifest, or reveal: to express one's anger.
3. to set forth the opinions, feelings, etc., of (oneself), as in speaking, writing, or painting: He can express himself eloquently.
4. to represent by a symbol, character, figure, or formula: to express water as H2O; to express unknown quantities algebraically.
5. to send by express: to express a package or merchandise.
6. to press or squeeze out: to express the juice of grapes.
7. to exude or emit (a liquid, odor, etc.), as if under pressure: The roses expressed a sweet perfume.
8. Genetics. (of a gene) to be active in the production of (a protein or a phenotype).
9. clearly indicated; distinctly stated; definite; explicit; plain: He defied my express command.
10. special; definite: We have an express purpose in being here.
11. direct or fast, esp. making few or no intermediate stops: an express train; an express elevator.
12. used for direct or high-speed travel: an express highway.
13. duly or exactly formed or represented: an express image.
14. pertaining to an express: an express agency.
15. an express train, bus, elevator, etc.
16. a system or method of sending freight, parcels, money, etc., that is faster and safer, but more expensive, than ordinary freight service: We agree to send the package by express.
17. a company engaged in this business.
18. British. a messenger or a message specially sent.
19. something sent by express.
20. by express: to travel express.
and a question is
1. a sentence in an interrogative form, addressed to someone in order to get information in reply.
2. a problem for discussion or under discussion; a matter for investigation.
3. a matter of some uncertainty or difficulty; problem (usually fol. by of): It was simply a question of time.
4. a subject of dispute or controversy.
5. a proposal to be debated or voted on, as in a meeting or a deliberative assembly.
6. the procedure of putting a proposal to vote.
7. Politics. a problem of public policy submitted to the voters for an expression of opinion.
8. Law.
a. a controversy that is submitted to a judicial tribunal or administrative agency for decision.
b. the interrogation by which information is secured.
c. Obsolete. judicial examination or trial.
9. the act of asking or inquiring; interrogation; query.
10. inquiry into or discussion of some problem or doubtful matter.
–verb (used with object)
11. to ask (someone) a question; ask questions of; interrogate.
12. to ask or inquire.
13. to make a question of; doubt: He questioned her sincerity.
14. to challenge or dispute: She questioned the judge's authority in the case.
–verb (used without object)
15. to ask a question or questions.
16. beg the question. beg (def. 9).
17. beyond question, beyond dispute; without doubt: It was, beyond question, a magnificent performance. Also, beyond all question.
18. call in or into question,
a. to dispute; challenge.
b. to cast doubt upon; question: This report calls into question all previous research on the subject.
19. in question,
a. under consideration.
b. in dispute.
20. out of the question, not to be considered; unthinkable; impossible: She thought about a trip to Spain but dismissed it as out of the question.
... then how is an expression a question?