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Author Topic: Count to 10,000  (Read 163612 times)

Offline Bara

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Re: Count to 10,000
« Reply #2415 on: July 29, 2007, 03:10:28 PM »
2516- How about your mom!
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Larry

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Re: Count to 10,000
« Reply #2416 on: July 29, 2007, 04:10:23 PM »
2417 - How about shut up!
Enigmatic Comrade of The Party

Those who forget the pasta are doomed to reheat it.

Offline Cyadkuso

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Re: Count to 10,000
« Reply #2417 on: July 30, 2007, 05:33:03 AM »
2418- How about Piano Man?
“People seldom do what they believe in. They do what is convenient, then repent.” ~Bob Dylan

"Had I not seen the Sun, I could have borne the shade" ~Emily Dickinson

“The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.” ~Oscar Wilde

“Eskimo: "If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?" Priest: "No, not if you did not know." Eskimo: "Then why did you tell me?"”  ~Annie Dillard

Offline Trey

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Re: Count to 10,000
« Reply #2418 on: July 30, 2007, 10:58:38 PM »
2419-Actually, I agree...How about shut up, Bara!
"I believe every single person is extraordinary. The tragedy is that we
have a society where too many people never get to fulfill that
extraordinary potential. My view – the liberal view – is that
government’s job is to help them to do it. Not to tell people how to
live their lives. But to make their choices possible, to release their
potential, no matter who they are. The way to do that is to take power away from those who hoard it. To challenge vested interests. To break down privilege. To clear out the bottlenecks in our society that block opportunity and block progress. And so give everyone a chance to live the life they want." - Nick Clegg, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Offline Vive Mon Genie

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Re: Count to 10,000
« Reply #2419 on: July 30, 2007, 11:12:25 PM »
2420- how about ice cream??? :-P mmmm...

Offline Bara

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Re: Count to 10,000
« Reply #2420 on: July 31, 2007, 12:04:57 AM »
2421- how about candy....  :-P
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Cyadkuso

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Re: Count to 10,000
« Reply #2421 on: July 31, 2007, 07:09:01 PM »
2422- i cant have candy,  :'( :'(
“People seldom do what they believe in. They do what is convenient, then repent.” ~Bob Dylan

"Had I not seen the Sun, I could have borne the shade" ~Emily Dickinson

“The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.” ~Oscar Wilde

“Eskimo: "If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?" Priest: "No, not if you did not know." Eskimo: "Then why did you tell me?"”  ~Annie Dillard

Offline Trey

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Re: Count to 10,000
« Reply #2422 on: July 31, 2007, 09:16:34 PM »
2423-Poor Cyadkuso...
"I believe every single person is extraordinary. The tragedy is that we
have a society where too many people never get to fulfill that
extraordinary potential. My view – the liberal view – is that
government’s job is to help them to do it. Not to tell people how to
live their lives. But to make their choices possible, to release their
potential, no matter who they are. The way to do that is to take power away from those who hoard it. To challenge vested interests. To break down privilege. To clear out the bottlenecks in our society that block opportunity and block progress. And so give everyone a chance to live the life they want." - Nick Clegg, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Count to 10,000
« Reply #2423 on: July 31, 2007, 09:20:18 PM »
2424 is a big bowl of candy ice cream

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

Offline Omnipius

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Re: Count to 10,000
« Reply #2424 on: July 31, 2007, 09:23:34 PM »
2425 is due to extreme cubicle boredom.
"Calium videre eessit, et eraos ad sidera tollere vultus"

Offline Trey

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Re: Count to 10,000
« Reply #2425 on: July 31, 2007, 09:24:18 PM »
2426 is waiting for his next assignment.
"I believe every single person is extraordinary. The tragedy is that we
have a society where too many people never get to fulfill that
extraordinary potential. My view – the liberal view – is that
government’s job is to help them to do it. Not to tell people how to
live their lives. But to make their choices possible, to release their
potential, no matter who they are. The way to do that is to take power away from those who hoard it. To challenge vested interests. To break down privilege. To clear out the bottlenecks in our society that block opportunity and block progress. And so give everyone a chance to live the life they want." - Nick Clegg, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Count to 10,000
« Reply #2426 on: July 31, 2007, 09:33:43 PM »
2427 is pounding the pavement in search for work

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

Offline Omnipius

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Re: Count to 10,000
« Reply #2427 on: July 31, 2007, 09:36:18 PM »
2428 is laughing all the way to the bank
"Calium videre eessit, et eraos ad sidera tollere vultus"

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Count to 10,000
« Reply #2428 on: July 31, 2007, 09:42:12 PM »
2429 is getting jerked around at the sperm bank

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

Offline Trey

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Re: Count to 10,000
« Reply #2429 on: July 31, 2007, 09:51:48 PM »
2430 likes jerking around at the sperm bank.
"I believe every single person is extraordinary. The tragedy is that we
have a society where too many people never get to fulfill that
extraordinary potential. My view – the liberal view – is that
government’s job is to help them to do it. Not to tell people how to
live their lives. But to make their choices possible, to release their
potential, no matter who they are. The way to do that is to take power away from those who hoard it. To challenge vested interests. To break down privilege. To clear out the bottlenecks in our society that block opportunity and block progress. And so give everyone a chance to live the life they want." - Nick Clegg, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom