Weekly Europeian Foreign Update
Nov.17th/07, 9th Congress, 9th Cabinet, 4th Senate
Population: 94 Nations
Regional Power: Moderate
UN Delegate: Paleomiz
Lt. UN Delegate: Helpfulboots/Nlhp
Executive Government:Supreme Chancellor: HEM
Acting/ Vice Supreme Chancellor: Lethen
President: Pineapleboy
Vice President: Lethen
Chief Justice: Pez201
Associate Justice: Jay
Grand Admiral: Allied Alliances
Foreign Secretary: Cordova I
Culture Minister: Gladius
Immigration Minister: Pez201
Provincial General: The Frenchman
Finance Minster: Verteger
Junior Secretaries (All departments): Vacant
Legislative Government:Senate Speaker: Lethen
Senators: Lethen
Cordova I
Pope Lexus X
Paleomiz is back!Europeia joyously celebrates the much anticipated return of an illustrious citizen, Paleomiz. After some soul-searching on her own, Paleomiz decided that home was where her heart is and wanted to return. With the help of her brother, Cordova I, a poll was set up to gauge the public opinion about her return. The vote was a majority in favour of her return. She will be returned the delegacy shortly.
New SenatorIn order to fill the vacancy left by Paleomiz, Pope Lexus X won a Senate by-election to take her seat.
Revengerous to retireAn honorable member of the region, Revengerous, has decided to officially return from NS. He will be on the forums once in a while. We wish him the best.
New Political Party FoundedThe Europeian Political Foundation is founded by presidential candidate, Danoboy.
Centralist Party Chairman resignsAfter thorough deliberation, the Chair of the Europeian Centralist Party, Cordova I, has decided to step down, although he will still remain an active member of the party. Vice-Chair HEM will succeed him.
Nov. 23 Elections Elections are soon and the race is still on!
Official Update from the Europeian Office of Foreign AffairsWritten by:
Cordova I, Europeian Foreign Secretary