Equilism Statement Regarding the Events in Taijitu and The Rejected RealmsThe Foreign Affairs Chancellory of The Realm of Equilism has been following the raid of The Rejected Realms and its aftermath with great concern. We strongly condemn Red Kagran's invasion and the reprehensible methods he employed to accomplish it. Our major objections are as follows:
1) The very act of invading denies the right of regional sovereignty that Equilism has long upheld.
2) To invade under the premise of spreading democracy both ignores the right of regions to self-determination and displays a dangerous lack of awareness of the political situation in The Rejected Realms.
3) The unauthorized use of the Founder nation shows a deep lack of respect for due process.
4) In utilizing game mechanics to make the invasion viable, Red Kagran and his associates took no regard for the right of Taijitu civilian citizens to refuse participation in an extremely controversial military operation.
We in Equilism understand that Red Kagran's actions were not condoned by the executive Government Cabinet of Taijitu. We thank those who have taken pains to apologize for what has happened, particularly Allama and The G Rebellion. We approve of Taijitu's swift action to impeach the author of this travesty.
However, the rest of the region of Taijitu cannot be held blameless. Those who helped plan and execute a foreign coup, disregarding civil rights for the sake of military expediency and taking it upon themselves to formulate Taijitu's foreign policy, must be held accountable for their actions. Those who made possible, either by direct assistance or by their silent and knowing consent, the dissolution of civil authority and the destruction of liberty, must be brought to justice. To do anything less is to condone their actions and to excuse in many what has been condemned in one. Most importantly, it would demonstrate that the citizens of Taijitu have not understood the gravity of the offenses committed in their name.
In this election season, the future of Taijitu hangs more than ever in the balance. Taijitu can no longer afford to ignore the invader-defender dynamic. Neutrality may only be obtained by foregoing all regionally sanctioned military action outside of the warzones. Maintaining the present course of unpredictable military policy will result in the closing of foreign relations between Taijitu and Equilism.
It has long been Equilism's policy to hold no foreign relations with invaders, believing as we do that there can be no ideological common ground between those who deny the right of regional sovereignty and us who fight only to restore it. Should Sovereign Dixie be elected Delegate of Taijitu, despite his acquiescence in the invasion of The Rejected Realms and disregard for civil process and authority, we will expect immediate and definitive action taken to disprove Taijitu's invader standing.
We in Equilism hope that the citizens of Taijitu still stand for the ideals of democracy, fair justice, and the combat of tyranny. It is on the basis of those ideals alone that we call on Taijitu to demand, for all its citizens, justice uncompromised.
Equilism Foreign Affairs Chancellory
27th Day of July 2007