Government of Taijitu > Embassy Row

Balder Embassy Application


Hello Taijitu! My name is Topid, I'm a member of the Council of State of the region of Balder. Balder is one of the tree reserection sinkers, where nations are reborn. We have a Nordic theme because we are named after a Nordic God. We have a democratic government headed by the elected delegate, who appoints is Council of State (like a cabinet). The legislature is an elected body known as the Riksdag, which is lead by the Talman (speaker).

We have enjoyed hosting your embassy in our region, and appreciated the last update we got about a month ago. Thank you!

If you have any other questions just post them here and I'll be back by tomorrow hopefully to answer any! Thanks for your attention to this matter, and I hope our regions can grow close!

I'm going to allow 48 hours for anyone to raise objections, and then based on those, if any, I will decide upon accepting the application and having an embassy opened.

I really apologize for the delay. I approve this application and will have a section set up shortly.

It's no problem at all! Thank you! :)


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