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Author Topic: George Westwind Bush addresses his faithful  (Read 2434 times)

Offline Flemingovia

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George Westwind Bush addresses his faithful
« on: February 12, 2008, 03:35:45 AM »

Who says espionage does not work in Nationstates? We have managed to get an advance copy of George Westwind Bush’s forthcoming speech to the Naked Government and the troops of Gatesville and Equilism. Here is the script:

My fellow nothpacificillians, people of Equilismist descent and Gatesvilorians,

At this time I am proud to be your leader at this time. I realise that we face many, many struggles as we fight a united fight, fighting against the twin powers of constitutionalisation, bureaucratism, and old guardianisallity.

As we face a Russian winter, many people doubt our resolve. They say that Gatesvilorian troops will not show a resolute resolve. But we are resolved. We will fight them wherever and wherever we find them. And wherever we find them, there will we fight. That is the Northpacificillarian way. And it is our way.

There is one matter that I want to address head on. It is an important matter, and one that I know worries many of them. People in my wonderful home state of Equlisorium say to me, “mr Krimson Cing, we are worried. Where are the Weapons of mass Bureaucracy you said were in The North Pacific? We cannot find them!” I want to tell you know, and I want to tell you from the heart. The claims I made, were made in good faith. Whatever I said before this thing that happened … happened, But that was in the past. This is now about regime change, not Bueaucracy. And there has been a regime change which has changed the regime. And I am proud tonight of what Gatesvilloria has achieved.

People also say to me “mr Cing, can you explain why you need foreign troops to shore up your delegacy?” I have a simple explanation for that. It is as simple as it is explanatory, and explains in a simple way what needs explanation. So I am glad to have cleared that up.

In conclusion, life for Northpacificorian people is obviously better now that Gatesvillorian tanks are in the streets. That is an obvious fact that is obvious to all. Those who complain about sovereignty do not have a realizatory understanding that they are now free. Their freedom is a deep and wide freedom, which in time they will freely feel free about. They are now free to do whatever I tell them to do.

I am George Westwind Bush

I am the Krimson Cing.

thank you.

- Flemingovia

Offline Allama

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Re: George Westwind Bush addresses his faithful
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2008, 03:14:25 PM »
* Laughs uproariously.
Well done, Flem, well done.  Excellent reporting indeed.  :clap:

Offline Silanis

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Re: George Westwind Bush addresses his faithful
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2008, 09:36:25 PM »
I must say very good indeed....
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Offline PoD Gunner

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Re: George Westwind Bush addresses his faithful
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2008, 11:22:54 AM »
Flemorama, you have again produced a keeper.
I see only one problem with it: you should know that George double-double u Bush doesn't take lightly to such attempts.
"I don't particularly like it when people put words in my mouth, either, by the way, unless I say it. You know, I guess I'm like any other political figure: Everybody wants to be loved. My job is a decision-making job, and as a result, I make a lot of decisions. We're kicking ass." --George WW. Bush: compilation from speeches in Crawford, Texas, Nov. 10, 2007 / Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 3, 2007 / Sydney, Australia, Sept. 5, 2007 and Washington, D.C., July 12, 2007.

As far as I know, he hasn't said it, he isn't loved, he has not decided upon it nor has he kicked ass.  ;D
« Last Edit: February 14, 2008, 11:30:00 AM by PoD Gunner »
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