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Taijitu Influence Rankings February
Influence Rankings
Obviously, it is incredibly difficult to put any number to somebody's influence. Influence is a very difficult thing to capture, as it is more than just how much somebody speaks and is in actuality how much the words affect the listeners. Because measuring listener effects is next to impossible, we're forced into something that doesn't take into account quality so much as quantity.
What I did was, for the month of February, dig in to the Ecclesia and count posts. Depending on the contents of the post, every member got a different amount of "influence points." I didn't count any votes after successful motions and I ignored World Assembly, Citizen Applications, and the Deployment thread as that was not a discussion of a proposal in February, rather a status update. I also counted public votes in February. The breakdown of points follows.
New Topic10 PointsSuccessful Motion to Vote3 PointsSeconding Motion to Vote2 PointsOther Discussion1 PointVote3 PointsAbstention2 Points
The following rankings are not meant to hurt anyone's feelings or suggest that anyone is better than anyone else. They are merely a fun thought experiment not to be taken too seriously. Without any further ado, I give you Taijitu's February Influence Rankings as of February 26.
Taijitu's February Influence Rankings
Delfos & Allama
al 'Khem
Full rankings & points:
Myroria62 PointsGulliver42 Pointsal 'Khem26 PointsDelfos22 PointsAllama22 PointsCormac20 PointsDyr Nasad13 PointsBustos12 PointsMusitant12 PointsPauline Bonaparte11 PointsFunkadelia9 PointsOf The US7 PointsSt Oz6 PointsLetonna6 PointsThe Church of Satan4 PointsEluvatar4 PointsAlina3 PointsStone Shark3 PointsRapture3 PointsErno3 PointsEnchancia3 PointsWast2 Points
Personally, I'm left with a lot of questions I have difficulty answering. Are these rankings fair? Do I put too many points on voting or discussion? Should I treat all discussion equally or go even further into qualifying which discussion deserves more points? Is this encouraging to the Ecclesia? Is this a good system to compare activity in the Ecclesia month-to-month? Do you guys want to see more?
In all seriousness this was a very interesting lecture. I will comment more once I'm at home and not on my cell phone.
I love this but then didn't realize I was so influential :tai:
Very very interesting. Does this make me part of the Cabal? :keke:
:shrug: To me, this means who are the most active when it comes to the voting process. The more active you are, the more points you get.
An interesting take on it though.
Points from voting are around 40% of total points, though they're a lesser percentage as we get higher in "influence." I figured that voting is the actual decision making process in the Ecclesia, and so it was considerably influential. The most points anyone received from voting was 9 points, and only five people did so.
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