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Author Topic: Welcome Telegram  (Read 4076 times)

Offline Myroria

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Welcome Telegram
« on: April 04, 2015, 03:26:24 AM »
Hello, %NATION%!

You're getting this telegram because you just moved to Taijitu. Thank you! You're helping our region become larger and more active, and that's always appreciated.

NationStates is a fun game - at least in the opinions of most of the Taijis who play it! If you agree, but you find yourself wanting more, there are a number of other things that Taijitu offers to supplement your gaming experience, most of them on the Taijitu forum at http://forum.taijitu.org.

1. We have a very active worldbuilding community. If you don't know exactly what I mean, let me explain. NationStates role-play and worldbuilding is one way to write all those facts and events in your nation that the game by itself doesn't offer. Taijitu worldbuilding offers an entire world, driven by characters inhabiting various Taijituan nations, interacting with each other both on a personal scale and on an enormous, global, political scale.

2. We have an active social community as well, discussing everything from real-world politics to video games, books, and movies. Any subject is open to discussion on the Taijitu forums to debate, discuss, or reflect on. Since "everything" is a pretty vast subject, we have divided our general discussion board into categories for things like video games, art and entertainment, real life concerns, and just general miscellaneous discussion.

3. Taijitu is involved in NationStates politics, both internally and interregionally. Taijitu is a direct democracy, where any citizen can participate in regional politics. If you have a nation residing in Taijitu, and since you're receiving this telegram I'll assume you do, then you can apply for citizenship! Citizenship confers upon you the ability to propose legislation, vote on legislation, and run for public office - in fact, you can propose a new public office and, if the other Taijituan citizens vote to create it, then run for it! As a citizen of Taijitu, you can take an active role in determining where our region's future lies!

There are various other things to do as well, but these are the three main ones. If any of these interest you, join our forums at http://forum.taijitu.org! You can also join our IRC channel, #taijitu on espernet. If you don't have a client to run IRC, you can click the handy link on our forums and use a browser-based client to access it. There's almost always someone there to answer any questions you have - usually multiple people!

Hoping to see you around,
[nation=short]Myroria[/nation], Citizen-Delegate of Taijitu

Came up with this welcome telegram based off one we used shortly after the Revolution that we set to the Founder. Any comments or suggestions from anyone? I've already added it but am very open to suggestions.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 03:28:30 AM by Myroria »
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Lindisfarne

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Re: Welcome Telegram
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2015, 11:31:11 PM »
I like it as it is. Nice job!  :D