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Author Topic: Announcement Regarding Upcoming Delegate Election  (Read 5266 times)

Offline Myroria

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Announcement Regarding Upcoming Delegate Election
« on: June 07, 2015, 02:53:36 PM »
Fellow citoyens, résidents, brothers and sisters in revolution,

Nominations for Citizen-Delegate will be opening on Lacidor 23 (June 18), and the election will begin Lacidor 26 (June 21). It has been a great honor and pleasure serving as Citizen-Delegate these past three months, but I will not be running for a second term.

As head-of-state and the officer focused on foreign policy goals, I think I have accomplished everything I entered office intending to accomplish. Taijitu is connected diplomatically to the NationStates gameplay world at large to an extent I haven't seen since 2008. I don't think I should stay in office a day longer than I need to, and for that reason I will not be running for reelection.

I want to take this time to encourage every new member of the Taijituan community to run for this office. The only two things that will sustain Taijitu are the blood of our revolutionary enemies and the blood of our new citoyens. There are no restrictions on who can run for office. If you're a young, new citizen, with a head full of bright ideas, do not feel intimidated to run for Citizen-Delegate. There is perhaps no other user-created region with Taijitu's prestige and power that puts as much stock into the will of the massed people and the ideas of the young and bright.

The people of Taijitu are a welcoming one. As long as your ideas are well-formed and can withstand hearty debate, you will get votes, and you may even win. I know there has been some controversy with AwesomeSaucer's election as Liaison, but electing young citizens with plenty of ideas is exactly what we should be doing more of. In the same train of thought, think of the new volume of Voice of the People - Citizen bigbaldben transformed a gameplay periodical into a regular newspaper focusing on Taijitu itself - the community he is a part of.

At the end of the next Delegate term, we will have celebrated the first anniversary of the Glorious Revolution. If the Revolution is to succeed in its aims - in creating a new Taijitu - we must elect new blood to these great offices of state. We have had the great change of the legislature, and the great change of the judiciary - now it is time to have the great change of the executive.

I would like to thank the Ecclesia for their support of my foreign policy goals during my term in office. I would like to return to working with the Citizens' Militia and writing for our worldbuilding community, as I said I would when I resigned as Citizen-Initiator nearly a year ago. Taijitu has been my NationStates home for eight and a half years, but it's the people who have had it as its home for six months who will, and who should, inherit the Revolution.

Vive la Taijitu! Vive la Révolution Glorieuse!
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Delfos

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Re: Announcement Regarding Upcoming Delegate Election
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2015, 05:16:15 PM »
poursuite de la façon glorieuse, Vive la révolution!

Offline AwesomeSaucer

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Re: Announcement Regarding Upcoming Delegate Election
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2015, 07:56:31 PM »
Beautiful.  I feel like new members should be MASSIVELY encouraged to run in Taijitu.  I would really just love to see some fresh blood that I think we need in Taijitu.

Former Citizen-Liaison of Taijitu,

Evan C.

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Re: Announcement Regarding Upcoming Delegate Election
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2015, 04:41:06 AM »
Thank you for your outstanding service in this role. It will be nice to see you back on ground level :P

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Offline Lindisfarne

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Re: Announcement Regarding Upcoming Delegate Election
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2015, 07:08:13 PM »
poursuite de la façon glorieuse, Vive la révolution!

Second that! (and a great pic, Delfos!  :clap: )

Offline Allama

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Re: Announcement Regarding Upcoming Delegate Election
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2015, 06:05:59 PM »
Hear, hear!

You've done a lot of work this term to improve Taijitu's standing in NS, much of which was invisible to forum frequenters. Thank you for serving our community so well!