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Author Topic: The Selgrix Inpendet Defesne Milita (AKA Baras Warhammer 40k Army)  (Read 911 times)

Offline Bara

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The SIDM Soldiers (Yes, i did everything my self) I know they may not be the best painted, and im not that done, still need to paint my other squad

1st Squad (Normal squad, amred with a flamer speacial Weapon

2nd Squad (the Support squad, might add anthoer heavy weapon later, flamer as a speacial weapon)

Atnhoer picture of my 1st squad

By the way, im working on a chimera to transport my ogryns, when i get them.

And since im talking about this, might as well tell you the background of the planet and the army.

Selgrix is a planet forgotten by the Imperuim. It wasn't near any shipping route, and all it was used for was dumping off prisoners, rebels and other riff-raff who wasnt worthy to be in the Emperors Protection.  However, the local mineral, Kacth, is slowy found out to be valuable, and they began exporting off world. The locals build up a impunity to the crystals, however, ones that go father into the Kacth mines, soon are mutned into a large, hulking beast, much like a ogryn, yet, not as stupid. However, the Miners are under constant threat of Ork WAAAAGHS!, and began to grow Semi-Inpendet of the Goveers rule. Soon, they launch a full scale rebllion, and they take much of the main land, and one island from the Governors rule. The Governor, reterats back to the lone island still loyal to him. The Rebels began to form small, Nomadic Clans. Soon, they began to fight amongst them selves, and the Kacth begins the Spread. Soon, the Wasteland Clans, as they are called now, soon, are in a post-apocalyptic type era, where the clans fight for control of the mines, roads, and small villages. However, some of the Larger clans take large town, and make them Fortifed areas, and began to conquer other clans with that. Soon, 3 Wasteland tribes were created, and they have a Feudalism type scture, the nomadic clans can wonder the lands the "Boss Clans" have taken, but they give some of the profits, and everyyear, they give some of there Men to fight in the Tribal Milita. The differnces in each tribe are strong, yet if untied, they can pose as a large therat. Yet, the Still-Loyal to the Imperuim followers, even though it is a inpendet platent, still fight for the Emperors, using modifed auto-guns, while the wastleland tribes use just about anyweapon they can use. However, they do have just enough Techonly to make ships, and the Wastleland tribes use cpatured Ships, from the pre-Rebblion. The Wasteland tribes have rectlnly made a Defense Force, suing it to raid other planets, and bring back loot and tech back to the Tribes, where they spilt it. They are somtimes hired out as Mercernies by the Imperuim(To get light manfruting cpatiles), The Tau (nly to get techonlgy, otherwise, they dont trust them) and the Orks(Rarley, and thats only to get loot).

By the way, i took inspertipn from the middle ages and mad max to make the palnets background
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline The Empire

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Re: The Selgrix Inpendet Defesne Milita (AKA Baras Warhammer 40k Army)
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2007, 07:57:05 PM »
You should try to get links to larger versions of the pictures

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Offline Bara

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Re: The Selgrix Inpendet Defesne Milita (AKA Baras Warhammer 40k Army)
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2007, 07:58:55 PM »
sorry, i tried, but that was about as big as i could get them,
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.

Offline Delfos

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Re: The Selgrix Inpendet Defesne Milita (AKA Baras Warhammer 40k Army)
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2007, 09:01:46 PM »
wrong link, always paste the last link imageshack gives, "Direct link for picture". Back in the time it was simple you didn't have to worry about it.

Offline Bara

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Re: The Selgrix Inpendet Defesne Milita (AKA Baras Warhammer 40k Army)
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2007, 09:10:07 PM »
ah, hold on. i have to go to image shack!
Bara, King of Spam, Slayer of Spelling, Vanquisher of Grammar.