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Author Topic: The [s]United Nations[/s] World Assembly!  (Read 2689 times)

Offline Gulliver

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The [s]United Nations[/s] World Assembly!
« on: March 10, 2007, 11:55:58 PM »
What is the United Nations World Assembly?

The United Nations? World Assembly is the main in-game way of influencing the rest of NationStates. Every five days, the United Nations? World Assembly has a resolution that is voted on. Each member may vote-- each vote by a UN WA Member counts once but the vote of a UN WA Delegate counts with a weight equal to 1 + the number of endorsements they hold. A UN WA Delegate is considered to be the regional representative to the United Nations? World Assembly , and is given power as such.

The first power of the UN WA Delegate as I mentioned is to hold a vote in the UN WA that is weighted by their endorsements. Because of the size of this vote, many regions, including, Taijitu require the Delegate vote the way the majority in the region wants them to.

The second power is the ability to nominate proposals: In order for a UN WA proposal to reach the voting floor, at least 6% of all delegates must nominate it over the course of five days.

The third and perhaps most important power is that Delegates often have access to a region's Regional Controls allowing them to change the WFE, to set a regional password, and to eject and ban nations from the region. This power can be turned off by a regional Founder, and it costs the Delegate Regional Influence to use it.

How do you join the United Nations?

There are a few things one must do to join the United Nations:

  • Make sure your nation that you want to join the UN WA has a unique email address.
  • Go to the UN WA page and click on the "Apply to Join" button.
  • Within 24 hours your nation will get an acceptance TG and you will get an acceptance email. Unless of course you're rejected (if you followed step 1 that's pretty much impossible) or your email provider thinks the NS UN WA is a spammer.
  • In the acceptance email you should click on the link helpfully provided to immediately activate your UN WA membership!

Remember, you can only have one UN WA nation at any given time.

Original text by Eluvatar
« Last Edit: June 03, 2010, 09:57:28 AM by St Oz »

Offline Otaku-do

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Re: The United Nations
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2007, 12:28:17 AM »
Which board on here can I post my ideas for UN resolutions on?

Offline Eluvatar

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Re: The United Nations
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2007, 03:03:55 AM »
Probably This one?

I'm not sure though. Perhaps we should address that question?
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Offline Starflower

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Re: The United Nations
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2007, 09:58:30 PM »
I'm a little confused and caffeine addled (isn't that supposed to make you more alert?), so can someone clarify for me, please. Can we vote with our UN nation for/against the proposals or is it just the delegate who votes on behalf of the region? If any UN member can vote and I disagree with the majority vote (ie that of the delegate), can I vote based on my views or do I have to vote based on what the delegate has done?

My apologies if my post is more confusing than I am confused. I want to make sure I do this stuff right and want to be clear on how it all works.

Offline Khablan

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Re: The United Nations
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2007, 01:32:06 AM »
Not confusing at all, Starflower, and a lot of people ask that.  You're free to vote your conscience regardless of the way the delegate votes.  The difference between your vote and the del's is that your vote counts as 1.  But the delegate's vote counts as however many endorsements he or she has at the time.  By the way, in the Delegate's Office here on the forum, you can make your voice heard to the delegate on all those UN issues too.
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