wow, finally. Yes, when Iran brought the well sponsored by USA monarchy down, Iraq invaded Iran..well sponsored by USA again...poor guys. Anyway, the Ayatollah formed a new way of fighting the invasion of the Iraqi military. They would send waves of men willing to die for their country/faith/fate and proclaimed as martirs. Amasingly, all men that died in this waves are fully respected as martirs inside Iran.
They were all unarmed, mostly because they didn't have enough funds or enough weapons to arm them all, if what i heard is correct, they all brought their bibles and all had a band around their head in sign of believer, if they would die they would go straight to heaven. The Iraqi military pulled off in immense fear of not having enough ammo to kill all men, because they knew they would be killed by them, even leaving their machine guns and heavy material behind. All waves of unarmed men would arm themselves with the weapons of the enemy.
This happened because Iraq couldn't go further, and Iran couldn't pull them back.
right..your turn Loyalist.