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Author Topic: Character Sheet collection thread  (Read 3942 times)

Offline Solnath

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Character Sheet collection thread
« on: June 14, 2007, 05:40:08 PM »
This thread reserved for character sheets in all Taijituan D&D games.
Neutral Evil

Offline Gulliver

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Re: Character Sheet collection thread
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2007, 09:46:48 AM »
Paavo (VII), level 2 Wizard
8 HP

AC: 12 (Touch: 12 Flat-Footed: 10)

Initiative: 2

Speed: 30 ft

10 Str (0)
14 Dex (+2)
10 Con (0)
16 Int (+3)
12 Wis (+1)
10 Cha (0)

Base attack: +1

Fortitude Save: 0+0
Reflex Save: 0+2
Will Save: 3+1


Concentrate: 3+0
Craft Alchemy: 3+3
Decipher Script: 3+3
Knowledge: Arcana: 4+3
Knowledge: History: 3+3
Knowledge: Planes: 3+3
Profession: Bureaucrat: 7+1
Spellcraft: 4+3

Feats: Eschew Materials, Collegiate Wizard

Special: Summon Familiar, Scribe Scroll

Level 0 Spells: 4
Level 1 Spells: 3


Level 1: Magic Missile, Identify, Tenser's Floating Disk, Feather Fall, Sleep, Mage Armor, Summon Monster, Alarm, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self, Enlarge Person, Reduce Person

Languages: Common, Draconic, Gnomish, Dwarven

Items thus far:

-Spellbook 1 (15 gp)
-Spellbook 2 (15 gp)
-Magnifying Glass (100 gp)
-Pocketwatch (200 gp)
-Scroll Case (1 gp)
-Ink (8 gp)
-Pen (.1 gp)
-Handkerchief (? gp)
-Wallet (1 gp)
-Belt Pouch (1 gp)
-Ledger & Journal (? gp)
-The Big Book of Bureaucracy (? gp)
-Scholar's Outfit (5 gp)
-Alchemist's Kit (500 gp)
-Dagger (2 gp)

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Caral the Druid and Krypto
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2007, 11:56:36 AM »
Name: Caral
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Class: Druid 2
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral good

STR: 10 (0)            Languages known: Common, Druidic, Dragonic, Sylvan
DEX: 10 (0)            Speed: 30ft, 20ft in armor
CON: 14 (2)
INT: 12 (1)
WIS: 18 (4)
CHA: 8 (-1)

AC: 10+0+5+2(shield)
(B)AB: (1)+1(masterwork weapon)=2
Fortitude save: 2+3=5
Reflex save: 0
Will save: 3+4=8

Skills: Concentration 5, Knowledge (nature) 5, Listen 5, Spellcraft 5, Spot 5, Survival 5

Feats: Spell focus (conjuration), Augment summoning

Special qualities: Animal companion, Nature sense, Wild empathy, Woodland stride

0: Light, Cure minor woundsx2, Create water
1: Entangle, Shillelagh, Lesser vigorx2

Ironwood masterwork breastplate  350gp
Masterwork heavy wooden shield   157gp
Masterwork scimitar                    315gp
Quarterstaffx3                             0gp
2 mules+wagon+cover                 61gp
Barding for riding dog (studded)     50gp

Backpack, Basket, Winter blanket, Bedroll, Flint & steel, Chest, Signal whistle, 2 pounds of soap, Spell component pouch, 5xTraveler's & 1 Cold weather outfit, Food for mules for 10 days, Food for me for 10 days
Iron pot, Clay mug, Bucket, 3xFlask, Waterskin, 10 torches, 31.99gp

Physical description:
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 132 pounds
Hair: Long, dark brown, curly
Eyes: Brown

Caral is a traveling druid, who wanders around the world hoping to change it. Though she is a bit awkward in social situations (as she has traveled for years and is rarely accompanied by anyone apart from her loyal pet dog), she enjoys having a small number of people around because the lack of stability in her life makes the few moments spent with other people even more valuable. During her life Caral has been on many adventures and that kind of a life suits her personality very well because adventures usually involve changing the world to the better and meeting other people.

Krypto is a large crossbred riding dog with bushy, almost white hair. Caral found Krypto from a forest near to a battlefield from which Krypto had apparently left. Krypto and Caral have now traveled together for some five years and Krypto has grown very loyal and reliable and has proven his capabilities in battles as well.

Animal companion:

Krypto, war-trained riding dog

Str: 15  (2)        Speed: 40ft
Dex: 15 (2)        Initiative: +6
Con: 15 (2)
Int: 2    (-4)
Wis: 12  (1)
Cha: 6   (-2)

Fortitude: 3+2=5
Reflex: 3+2=5
Will: 0+1=1

Special qualities: Low-light vision, Scent, Improved trip, Link, Share spells
Feats: Track (bonus), Improved initiative (changed from Alertness)
Skills with modifiers: Jump +8, Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +3, Survival +1
Trick: Guard

AC: 10+3(barding)+2(dex)+4(natural)=19  Touch=12, Flat-footed=17
Dmg: 1d6+3
Hp: 20

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Re: Character Sheet collection thread
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2007, 07:26:34 PM »
Name: Der'Sidhe Adena  other common alius: "Maura" "Lilith"
Class(es): Bard
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Good

STR: 10 (0)
DEX: 12 (1)
CON: 10 (0)
INT: 14 (2)
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 18 (4)

AC: 13
BAB: +1
Fortitude save: 0
Reflex save: 4
Will save: 2

appraise 4
balance 3
bluff 9
climb 2
concentration 2
craft (cooking) 4
decipher script 4
diplomacy 8
gather information 6
intimidate 6
knowledge (history) 4
knowledge (nature) 4
-oratory 8
-string instruments 7
-wind instruments 8
-sing 8
sense motive 1
sleight of hand 3
spellcraft 4
use magical device 6

Feats: Combat Casting, Extra Music

Special qualities: Raised by elves so she lives by an elven mind set.

Spells Known:

0 level: Prestidigitation, Light, Ghost Sound, Summon Instrument, Mending

1st level: Charm Person, Unseen Servant

Language: Common, Elven, Undercommon

Inventory: Leather armor, rapier, covered wagon more like a carriage realy, light warhorse, clothing, 2lbs soap, mirror, make up kit,  violin, flute, various scripts and songs in various cases, 2 wagon wheels, 20 days worth of rations, needle, thread, backpack, bedroll, bottle of water from home, flint and steel, tent, waterskin, whetstone, cook ware, 3 bags of feed, 4 torches

What is your character's complete physical description?

What is his/her race, age, height, weight, build?
Female Human; 5'2"; 110 lbs; petite frame; 22 years of age but looks about sixteen

 Hair color, length and type?
 shortish black hair, slightly curly, one curl eternaly swirled on her brow. she often has flowers intertwined with her curls.

Eye and skin tone?
bright blue-green eyes, usualy rimmed with kohl; likes staining her lips red; alabaster skin that seems immune to tanning or burning.

Unusual marks or scars?
fluer de lis tattoo on her right hip bone.

Bearing and usual demeanor?
often quite full of hellfire and drive, she is impulsive but always sees things out to the end. she can be quite fanatic about the things she cares about.

Typical garb (include multiple scenarios, if appropriate)?
black leather pants with a mostly open strip down each side, sleeveless black silk shirt with a high neck open between the breasts, soft red calf hide coat trimmed with longish black fur and raven feathers, black soft calf hide boots, black stovepipe hat with a red scarf tied around the base of it.

What is your character's complete psychological description?

What are his/her ethics, religion, philosophy, and deity?
general philosophy is do as you want as long as its not hurting anyone, she believes in respecting life, love, beauty, knowlege and talent.

What kind of personality and interests does he/she have?
she has a rather loving and passionate personality, she is very interested in music, sex, love, peace and all that jazz

Is he/she intense, passionate, prone to violence, insane, crafty, etc?
passionate, crafty, caring, insane, warm hearted, generous

What are your characters hobbies?
travelling, singing, flirting, playing with kids, smoking

What does your character generally do in his/her leisure time?
play with kids all day and make love all night, or play a funky tune.

What does your character do to "unwind"?
smoke some tobacco, light a fire, get laid

Why does your character have the class, weapon proficiencies, skills, and languages that he/she does?
she was naturally talented with singing as a child, thus at the elven orphanage they embraced and encouraged her natural musical abilities.

What are your character's favorite things? Colors, smells, foods, drinks, sounds, animals, locations, etc.
she loves the sights sounds and smells of the orphanage where she was raised, she loves the sound of music, she favors a red and black color scheme, loves the smell of leather, prefers eating fruits and vegetarian alternatives to meat, she mostly drinks water, she loves shock lizards

What are your character's least favorite things?
meat, men, alcahol, cruelty to children

Who are your character's current friends, lovers, allies and associates?
to be filled out at a later date

What is the nature and intensity of these relationships?

Who and what are your character's enemies and foes?

Are these based on personal experience, second-hand encounters, cultural biases, etc?

Does your character have any pets, henchbeings or constant companions?
she has her horse named lucky.

Does your character want any?
she would love all of the above.

What were your character's previous adventures and experiences?
she has travelled all about, learning random things and meeting many people.

How have they shaped who your character is today?
they have shaped her general attitude on most people and situations.

What are your character's attitudes, habits and vices?
very caring with children, she acts as an older sister to anone younger than her, she starts campfires even if they aren't needed, she enjoys smoking tobacco and enjoys sex.

Does he/she drink, smoke, do drugs, have sex, gamble, steal, etc?
smoking, sex, stealing from the rich.

What are your character's fears, phobias and issues?
mindflayers freak her out severely to the point of hysteria, her parents brains were eaten by mindflayers and she was forced into slavery by them for roughly one year before being rescued by a beautiful bard named Ellisia Ravenwood.

Do you have unresolved childhood traumas?
see above.

Where does your character call home?
the town where her orphanage is based. it is a rather largish elven town found in one of the deep old forests. specificly the orphanage beneath the waterfall is what she calls home.

because she was raised there.

Have there been previous "homes"?
none she cares to remember besides the road.

Is your character a wanderer?
oh yes indeed.

Your character needs a horse for a long journey. Describe the steed's size, coloring, build, training and personality.
steed would be sleek, red, fast, combat trained, free spirited, devoted, loving

Would your character rather make use of an exotic mount and/or use an esoteric manner of travel?
an exotic mount would rock, however a dimensional doorknob would kick ass like whoa.

What are your character's views on death and dying?
it sucks so don't do it.

What would be the "perfect death"?
saving orphans from some evil bastard

What would be a shallow or meaningless death?
dying without glory

If your character has already died and been raised, how has this experience changed your views?

From your character's viewpoint, which is better, being loved or feared?
being loved by those who desrve love and feared by the evil ones.

Why is your character an adventurer?
because the matron of her orphanage told her to bring her singing voice on the road, which she did and did quite well with it.

Is it the money?
sometimes, but mostly to give to the community

The magic?

The power?

The challenge?
often times yes

The excitement?

The hand of Fate?

Some combination of these?

You return to a comfortable way-side inn that has housed you in comfort numerous times over the years. You find that the kindly family has just been threatened, beaten and robbed. You have the means to track down the guilty bandits. What do you do?
track down the evil bastards and make them pay.

Would your answer change if members of the tavern-master's family were killed or raped?
yes then they would be tortured slowly.

Would your character be comfortable being reincarnated?

Why (not)? (Remember, when a person is reincarnated, they often experience a fundamental shift in their personality. How would your character cope with this?)
because death is a drag and life is great so any chance to live is a great thing.

What was your character like as a child?
morbid and quiet

How were you treated?
by parents: not too well, her father habitualy raped and beat her, her mother encouraged this with her ignorance.
by the mind flayers: same as they treat all their slaves, in other words, Survivors of Nazi Death Camps have had a better time of it.
by the orphanage: very well, the matron praised and loved her for many years.

Have you changed much?
yes thanks to the matron mostly.

Was your character a late-bloomer, a wimp, a bully, a nerd, a snitch, a klutz or a rascal?
weirdo is a better word for it, however she was always an attractive weirdo.

Who were your character's childhood friends and companions?
all the children of the orphanage were friends with her, they all lived happily together.

Were there strong bonds between you?

Where are these friends now?
back in the hometown living out normal happy lives, possibley off having adventures of their own.

What would provoke you to murder someone (not kill -- actually hunt down, stalk and slay without mercy)?
harming a child

What are your character's strongest traits, personality-wise?
devotion to her beliefs and nonstop love for life.

What do others see in you?
a loving free spirit.

Do you agree?

Do you as the character agree?
sure but shouldn't everyone be that way?

What emotions can your character express easily to others?
everything besides sadness.

Which are more difficult?
sadness and any variation of it.

Which do you hide from others?
pain, past , all that jazz.

What is your relationship with your god(s)?
what gods?

Are you devout?
not at all

Do you feel that you have a personal relationship with the deity or more of an impersonal tie to the church and/or the social organization it represents?
not my gig.

What were your thoughts the first time your character took a life (you may choose whether it was sentient or not)?
oh no i didn't mean to kill it, but it tried to eat my brain, oh no they are gunna all be mad now....

How did this effect you?
gave her the resolve to do what needs to be done.

What is event or characteristic is your character most proud of?
when she dropped a donation off at the orphanage for the first time.

What meaning does this have in your life?
it means everything to her

Does your character display this pride openly or is it a personal matter?
openly. always.

If you could live anywhere in the multiverse, where would it be and why?
where ever the souls of the innocent go.

Would you bring others with you?

If you are tied to one location, would you change the traits of that area?

If you could have any one thing, what would it be?
world peace.

What purpose would you put it to?
ending alot of suffering.

What is your character's greatest ambition?
to live a full life.

Do you have life-goal?
see above.

Do you merely follow where events lead you?
pretty much unless its a course i don't like.

What is your character's family like?
Your parents, siblings, cousins, home town, etc.

Do you still think about them?

 Do you still see them?

How does your character see others?
as either good or evil, her worldview has no greys.

What is your character's self-image in the eyes of others, as perceived by the character?
she thinks others see her as a nice vagabond.

Is this different than the player's viewpoint?

What is your character's most prized possession and why?

What would you do if it was stolen?

If it was lost?

If it was willfully destroyed?

If your character had a wish, what would it be?
Please be as long-winded as possible!
it would be for the world to be peaceful and for no one to go hungry and for everyone to find a great love.

Why has your character taken your particular alignment?
because its just the way she is.

What relationship does your character feel towards others of his ethos?
a fantastic one.

Is your character evangelistic in this regard?

Who is your character's best friend(s)?
her horse Lucky.

Would you sacrifice your life for this/these people?
sure would.

What is the basis of your relationship?
she helps me i help her, it all works out.

If your character was suddenly catapulted onto 20th century Earth, how would you live?
very modestly, but attending alot of clubs.

What profession would you pursue?
preschool teacher.

Describe your probable life-style (vagabond, married with children, socialite, etc)?
socialite who rarely sleeps.

What animal or creature best symbolizes your character?

Which traits do the two share?
loyalty, friendlyness, wanderlust and a general happy go lucky attitude.

Which are different?
she dousn't lick her own genitals.

How does your character view life?
As an amazing party that everyone should enjoy.

Is it a puzzle?

A challenge?

A stream of events?

How does your character fit in?
in her own boisterous way.

Does your character care?
about kids and thats about it.

What is your character most afraid of?

already explained

Is your character aware of this fear?
oh yes.

What would your character do when confronted by this fear?
spaz big time.

What was your favorite adventure?
no favourites they are all fun.


How do you feel about stealing?
if its needed and not from the poor.

What justification do you need?

How far would you go to steal/recover something?
pretty far.

Do you see adventuring as robbery (of poor orcs/ogres/dragons/etc) or justice?
justice man those big evil bastards needed to have justice smacked upside their scaly faces.

Do you feel you risk your life when you adventure?
to live is to risk your life.

Why (not)?

Have you ever thought about the odds of survival?

Do you care?

Are you a virgin?

If not, what was your first time like -- the partner, the experience, the relationship, etc?
Either way, how has this affected your life?
first time was with her father when he raped her in the batcave near their house, things went downhill from there. and she still dousn't trust men.

What secrets does your character keep?
her entire past is a secret.

How personal are they?

Whom do/would you confide in?
the matron.

Does your character like him/herself?
of course why wouldn't she?

Why (not)?

Do you as the player agree?
yea pretty much.

What characteristic are you most interested in improving?
her secrecy about her past.

its a good character developement.

How would this change your life?
it would bring some people far closer.

Are you a fairly independent person?
most of the time.

How often do you ask others for aid?
when its needed or a better idea.

How well do you work in a group?
very she fits in with most anyone.

How does your character react to clerics and other "god-servants"?
with a rolling of the eyes.

Do you hold people or things as sacred?
children and love thats all.

How do you feel about rival deities and faiths?

How easy is it for you to kill?
somewhat as long as its someone she considers bad.

Do you limit yourself to slaying only monsters?
Only non-humanoids?


Do you ever try to restrain foes with non-lethal force?
its prefered.

What are your limits?

Do you believe in destiny?
Do you have a specific destiny to fulfill?
not as far as we know.

How does this belief color your decisions?
it dousn't.

What fallacies or myths do you believe in? Examples: psionic powers/drow/spell-jamming don't exist, Oerth is flat, all witches are evil, DC is NOT God, etc. Please keep in mind your cultural biases.
alcahol rots your insides, people who drink it are dying.

What magical item does your character most want?
wand of healing perhaps.

to aid others.

If you could change any one thing about your character, what would it be?

because i made her this way for a reason.

Would the character also want to change this?

Do you want to have a family and/or children?
she wants to have children but is completely infertile.

Why (not)?

If your character is part of a lineage, explain what that ancestral connection means to you.

If your character could become some other person or creature what would it be?
someone who could bear children.

Why does your character feel this way?
she wants kids badly.

As the player, do you agree/feel this is a valid reason?
indeed i do.

What is your definition of happiness?
a warmth that emnates from your soul outwards.

Have you ever achieved this?
sure plenty of times.

What would you do to achieve this state (again)?
many things.

What would you as the player most like to see happen to your character?
for her to grow and prosper.


Do you believe in Law or Justice?

Which is more important, the Ends or the Means?

If your answers vary with the situation, please explain.

Have you ever been in love?
not yet.

With whom and when?

What would you do to achieve a strong and healthy romantic relationship?
almost anything.

If your character was born and raised in our 20th century Earth, how would you live?
What profession would you pursue?
she would live very well and be the head of multiple charities, while being a teacher .

What kind of car would you drive?
an electric car.

Your favorite band?

Describe your probable life-style (vagabond, married with children, socialite, etc)?
socialite wokaholic.

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Re: Character Sheet collection thread
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2007, 01:01:57 PM »
mine will be up tonight if its wanted
I don't have anger issues I just prefer to solve my problems with violence!

Offline Solnath

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Re: Character Sheet collection thread
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2007, 01:28:07 PM »
mine will be up tonight if its wanted

Go right ahead, this shall be FCFS due to the excessive delay in beginning.
Neutral Evil


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Re: Character Sheet collection thread
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2007, 01:42:51 PM »
FCFS?  :shrug:

also over what is this being run?
I don't have anger issues I just prefer to solve my problems with violence!

Offline Solnath

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Re: Character Sheet collection thread
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2007, 04:18:10 PM »
First come, first served. Play-by-post and IRC and possibly IM-programs.

God damn double-post...
« Last Edit: June 18, 2007, 10:49:30 PM by Soly »
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Re: Character Sheet collection thread
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2007, 07:05:18 AM »
Name: Haradar
Elven Name: Thoronhen (thore-on-hehn)
Class(es): Ranger
Race: Half-Elf
Sex: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good

STR: 16 (3)
DEX: 15 (2)
CON: 10 (0)
INT: 11 (0)
WIS: 12 (1)
CHA: 08 (-1)

AC: 15
BAB: +1
Fortitude save: 3
Reflex save: 5
Will save: 1

Skills: Listen, Spot, Move silently, Hide, Survival and Handle Animal

Feats: Alertness, Track

Special qualities: Favored Enemy (Orc) and Wild Empathy

Possible spells: None

Weapon Proficiencies: Archery

Language: Eleven, Human

Inventory: Studded leather, Long Sword, Long Bow (Non-composite) with 100 Arrows, Dagger, 4 Hempen Ropes, 6 days trail rations, 1 whetstone, 1 water-skin, 1 tent, Flint, 1 grappling hook, Backpack. (X amount of Gold left over from the purchases.)  Light Horse, Bit and bridal, pack saddle, 6 Saddle bags, 5 days feed.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2007, 09:43:03 PM by Latagon »


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Re: Character Sheet collection thread
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2007, 01:10:44 PM »
Name: Emlin
Class(es): Sorcerer
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Alignment: True Neutral

STR:10 (0)
DEX:10 (0)
CON: 10 (0)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 10 (0)
CHA: 18 (+4)

AC: 10
BAB: +1
Fortitude save: +0
Reflex save: +0
Will save: +3

Class abilities: summon familiar

Feats: Investigator, magical aptitude

Bluff (cha)=5+4
concentration (con)=5+0
craft (fletching) (int)=5+2
Knowledge (arcana) (int)=5+2
profession (wis)=0+0
spell craft (int)=5+2

Possible spells:
Level 0=5: Detect magic, Mage hand, Read magic, open close, Caltrops
Level 1=2:Comprehend languages, magic missile

Spells per day:
Level 0=6+0
Level 1=4+1

Weapon Proficiencies: Simple weapons

Language: Common, Abyssal, Draconic

Inventory: Heavy crossbow (50gp), 50 bolts (5gp), Spear (2gp), Travelers clothes (1gp), Backpack (2gp) Bedroll (1sp), block and tackle (5gp) flint and steel (1gp) 2 pints oil (2sp) pouchbelt (1gp) signal whistle (8sp) 10 days rations (5gp), 50foot hempen rope (1gp) Grand total 74gp
Money 1gp
I don't have anger issues I just prefer to solve my problems with violence!

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Re: Character Sheet collection thread
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2007, 05:26:20 AM »
temptation... to... post.. power... gamer.... charictures....
resist... broken.... assasain... post....
PSR has left the region

The start of ww1
and the russian revolution

Sept 21 Third Season is a go

Offline Solnath

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Re: Character Sheet collection thread
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2007, 05:35:49 AM »
Hahahaa, assassins aren't even near the broken end of the spectrum, feel free.
Neutral Evil

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Re: Character Sheet collection thread
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2007, 11:31:21 PM »
Well, getting to those items costing [?] GP:

-Handkerchief (.1 gp)
-Ledger & Journal (15 gp)
-The Big Book of Bureaucracy (15 gp)

And as a bonus, I found those questions that I managed to answer:

1. Paavo is a 23 year old human male, standing 5'10'' in height and weighing roughly 150 pounds. His hair is cut short and parted down the middle, with more left on the left than the right, and of a dirty blond coloring, though exposure to direct sunlight will eventually bleach it to complete white, the result of a magical accident within the arcane laboratory of his absent minded parents. His right eye is green, while his left eye, previously green as well, has been rendered a starkly pale shade of indigo by yet another magical mishap. Paavo's skin is fair, and the clothing with which he covers it is conservative and straight forward. Also wears glasses, for self evident purposes.

2. Paavo is not a particularly excitable person, and borders on catatonic. When speaking, he does not raise his voice, and often keeps to saying no more than necessary. Ethics wise he sticks rather well to the basics, such as no stealing and murder, and he is not particularly zealous about bringing those who commit minor offenses to any sort of justice either. More serious offenses might draw his attention, but only if no one else is around to deal with it.

3. Paavo suffers from mild graphomania, and finds it relaxing to scribble on end random sketches and bits of writing, to the point that he has developed mild repetative motion injuries in his right hand. Reading is also a decent past time for him.

4. The class skills and what not for Paavo were mostly obtained during his 4 year stay at [Wizard School], though some of it was also acquired through experimentation and practice as a child, both supervised and unsupervised. Lucky him, both of his parents were into the whole arcane business themselves, and so the necessary supplies and facilities were at hand.

5. Paavo is fond of the absence of sound, other than generic white noise, and would very much like to be in anyplace where no one else is around for once. He's not preferential when it comes to color, and while there is a lot he likes in terms of food he is particulary fond of anything made with potatoes. Also fond of dogs, and recalls nostalgically the late family pet Snorri. Paavo dislikes food which is excessively sweet and heavy, and people who are lively and simply insist on talking and talking and talking about who knows what. Nor is he too fond of cats, if not completely hateful, as he has the sneaking suspicion that they are plotting some overthrow of humanity, or at the very least mooching off of it. Also distrusts the moon, nominally because he is worried it will crash into the ground and crush everyone beneath it.

6. Paavo is not a man of numerous friends. He does have one, a fellow by the name of William, who like him is caught in the cruel world of the civil service. A relationship based on the logical conclustion that they both need some kind of social interaction.

7. Few friends, but few enemies as well. Paavo is not the sort who does those things necessary to earn any significant enemies. Except the cats of course, and their plan for global domination.

8. Paavo does not have any pets, nor does he have any underlings. Perhaps a few more years, and he might have a lot of hapless junior bureaucrats scurrying about to do his whim. Or he could very well be stuck where he is or just plain out of a job.

9. Paavo doesn't claim any previous adventure experience, other than a adventuring into the great Realm of Stress Induced Insanity while sorting last years taxes. This particular experience has, thankfully, left no permanent effect save the occasional twitch of the finger.

10. Paavo is not one to steal, gamble, smoke or drink heavily. As to sex, while he might like it that doesn't mean he'll be seeing a whole lot of it, if any at all, much to his chagrin.

11. As previously stated, Paavo, suffers a slight phobia of potential doomsday by lunar impact or feline take over, or perhaps a combination of the two, such as lunar impact induced by the cat's evil schemings. He's also suffered quite a few things in his childhood that might be considered trauma, quite a few self inflicted, but the sheer number of them has made them mundane and a moot point.

12. A sufficient, if small, inn room provides a home for Paavo. The commute to work is short and convenient.

13. Paavo is not one to worry about all sorts of useless little details concerning his transportation. If it works, and if it will get him where he wants to go on time, then it's fine by his standards. So long as he can afford it of course.

14. Paavo is, oddly enough, very much into the idea of being alive, and would rather not be dead. As such his perfect death would not be dying in the first place. Though, if he really must die, then he'd rather it be calm and painless, since that would ipso facto be the least painful way to get it over with.

15. On the face of things, Paavo would rather be loved than feared. Still, he can't help but contemplate being feared when he's in a particulary poor mood.

16. Paavo is an adventurerer because the folks writing his paycheck told him to. Paavo often disappoints people when he tells them this, as it seems just so unromantic and not in the spirit of things.

17. Well, if by means we mean the ability to contact the guard and direct them to the perpetrators to do their job, then certainly. If that is not what is meant by means, and it would involve Paavo actually going out himself to do something which is completely not in his jurisdiction, a situation like this would be enough to have him do it none the less. He's not a completely heartless and logical person bound by absurd bureaucratic procedure.

18. No, Paavo would not be comfortable being reincarnated. He'd much rather remain himself dead then be alive and not himself. Seems rather pointless being alive if you aren't yourself from a solopsistic point of view.

19. Paavo as a child was a rather hyper and active little scamp. Insatiably curious, he insisted on sticking his nose into any place that it didn't belong. An optomist, with a bright outlook on things and high hopes and dreams. Work in the civil service has since repressed or dulled there qualities.

20. While Paavo's parents may have been odd in the best possible sense of the word, there was still suspicion trailing them and whatever they were researching any particular day or week. As such, most children, perhaps all, were banned from going over to play with Paavo, spawn of those mad scientists down the road. Thus he contented himself playing instead with his three brothers, of which he was the eldest, Oskar, Jan and Olle. The lot of them, despite the standard attempts at fratricide on occasion, were close, and he still maintains intermitent contact by mail.

21. Immediate danger of bodily harm, lethal in particular, would prompt Paavo to turn to murder if it were necessary to defend himself.

22. Emotion in general is difficult for Paavo to express to others. He in some ways considers it an unecessary waste of time and enerey, beside more important points, and is annoyed by those who get worked up about anything.

23. Paavo is not a particularly devout person, but maintains respect for the divine and will resort to prayer if all else fails, as well as uphold some bare minimum commitments.

24. The first time that Paavo recalls taking a life was prodding some innocent ants to death with a stick. He did not find the experience particularly interesting or life altering.

25. Perhaps the moment in his life that Paavo is most proud of was when he graduated from wizarding school, filled with dreams of great and brighter things. This was all of course before his dreams were unceremoniously crushed. He does not talk much of it anymore, as it only brings up bad memories of what could have been.

26. Paavo has never really considered this in depth, but he greatly suspects that it really wouldn't make much of a difference where in the multiverse he lived when all was done and said.

27. Paavo will often struggle with such questions, as he does not relish the idea of making himself vulnerable in anyway, including revealing such deep emotional matters. Whatever it is he wants, he's not telling.

28. Paavo once had a goal which he was fairly sure was ambitious and great. But he's since left those on the wayside, and really just goes with the flow of things. Secretly he wishes that he could go back to having some sort of meaningful goal, even if he does externally show no concern.

29. Paavo's parents are one Paavo and Kaisa, both excentric. They busy themselves by conducting constant research into just about everything, regardless of whether any practical applications exist, of the arcane sort. Their residence even is outfitted with a laboratory for the purpose. Kind people, even if they can be bumbling and absent minded about just about everything. In addition to Paavo, the couple has also spawned the twins Oskar and Olle and Jan, all boys. The house in which they live is removed from the town proper, mostly because of the explosions and smoke and various what not that plagues it regularly, so Paavo didn't get into town much while growing up.

30. Paavo sees others as the most part as people. He doesn't consider it his business to look deep into their private affairs and self, though he makes an exception for those who are already are advertising all their strangeness on the outside in plain view of all.

Offline Ranholn

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Re: Character Sheet collection thread
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2007, 05:36:05 AM »
its less the assasin but the Rouge/fighter combo that lets me attack you flat footed every round dealio... and the charicture sheet is 3 hours away in the hands of my dm...
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Offline Tshern

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Re: Character Sheet collection thread
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2007, 01:22:28 AM »
its less the assasin but the Rouge/fighter combo that lets me attack you flat footed every round dealio... and the charicture sheet is 3 hours away in the hands of my dm...
How bad can that actually be? Pretty much the only dangerous sneak attacker I know is Teflammar Shadowlord and I'm quite sure something along the lines of Rogue 10/Teflammar Shadowlord 6/Assassin 4 would be a lot nastier...