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Author Topic: Church of Hydrantism  (Read 8639 times)

Offline Illuminatiman

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Church of Hydrantism
« on: June 16, 2015, 02:09:45 AM »
Hello, we are the Church of Hydrantism. We believe that The Hydrant created the Universe and sent It's only Cheese, Cheesus Crust to do stuff. Furthermore, we believe that The Trash Can is the embodiment of evil, and that it's color is green. The primary attributes of The Hydrant are Intelligence, Goodness, and Creation. The primary attributes of The Trash Can are Ignorance, Evil, and Communism. For the Book of The Hydrant, click here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By2Z2wbZokzyNVc0blREekZIUjg&authuser=0