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Author Topic: Emissary Report from XKI  (Read 30463 times)

Offline Isles de Taylor

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Emissary Report from XKI
« on: August 22, 2016, 09:18:46 AM »
Hi there, Taijitu!

This is the monthly emissary report!

10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: August 2016
Population: 2,088
Delegate Endorsements: 599
Forum: 10000islands.proboards.com

The following is the Emissary Report for August 2016.

Regional Events
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of:

-   Grub (Founder/Chief Executive)
-   Louisistan (WA Delegate)
-   Markanite (Minister of Education)
-   HumanSanity (Minister of Immigration)
-   The Candy Lane (Minister of Labor)
-   Dominion of Compassion (Senior Senator for New Republica South)
-   Isles de Taylor (Senator for Blue Canaria North)
-   Coromandall (Senator for Lyonesse East)
-   Lower Columbia (Senator for Himes West)

Political News
-   Coromandall won the election to be Lyonesse East Senator, taking over from Ardreas. Thanks for your service, Ardreas and Congratulations to Coromandall!
-   Barry won the re-election to be Himes West Senator, but CTEd shortly tehreafter. Lower Columbia, his opponent in the election was appointed to the Senate seat in his stead.
-   HumanSanity has been named Minister of Immigration taking over from The Candy Lane who has moved to become Minister of Labor, taking over from Cerb who is stepping down. Thanks for your service, Cerb and Congratulations to HumanSanity and The Candy Lane!
-   NS241-1 Election Reform Bill passed 5-1.
-   NS242-1 Transferral of the Featured Nation Program to the Department of Education passed unanimously.
-   NS242-2 The Regional Genealogist Act passed unanimously.
-   NS 242-3 Establish a House Steward of the House of Improving Wordiness passed unanimously establishing Escanaba as House Steward of the House of Improving Wordiness.
-   NS242-4 Clarification of the Duties of the Seat of Blue Canaria North passed unanimously.
-   NS242-5 Amendment to the House Cup and Shield Rules passed unanimously.
-   NS242-6 Establish the House of Hahiha passed unanimously, establishing the House of Hahiha.

TITO Command currently consists of:
-   Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
-   Klopstock (Field Commander)
-   Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
-   Witchcraft & Sorcery (Tactical Officer)
-   Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
-   Barry (Executive Officer)

-   Tanzoria earned his 150th Battle Star and was named TITO Knight Battalion Commander.
-   Lower Columbia earned his 100th Battle Star and was named TITO Knight Commander.

Around the Islands
-   Sign-ups have begun for Werewolf 50, hosted by Aersoldorf. http://10000islands.proboards.com/thread/32700/ww-50-sign-thread
-   Sign-ups have also begun for The Taco Island Indigo League, hosted by Isles de Taylor. http://10000islands.proboards.com/thread/32684/taco-island-indigo-league
-   The Ingoldia Games, hosted by Isles de Taylor, Kortexia, Dominion of Compassion and Barry will begin on 15th August and sign-ups are still open. http://10000islands.proboards.com/thread/32499/ingoldia-games-sign-thread
-   The XKI Ice Hockey sign-ups have begun. http://10000islands.proboards.com/thread/32604/xki-ice-hockey-sign-ups

Written by Isles de Taylor.
Your Emissary from 10000 Islands! :)

Offline Isles de Taylor

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Re: Emissary Report from XKI
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2016, 08:48:58 PM »
I am so sorry these are late, but here are the reports for the last two months.

10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: September 2016
Population: 1,690
Delegate Endorsements: 531
Forum: 10000islands.proboards.com

The following is the Emissary Report for September 2016

Note from the Delegate:
As I will be leaving office shortly (the election is currently ongoing with Boltor and Aersoldorf running for my succession), I want to extend a farewell to our friends abroad. It has been a pleasure working with you and I am glad to know that 10000 Islands has such good friends by its side.
I hope to see the relations between our regions growing stronger over the years to come.
- Louisistan

Regional Events
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of:
-Grub (Founder/Chief Executive)
-Louisistan (WA Delegate)
-Markanite (Minister of Education)
-HumanSanity (Minister of Immigration)
-The Candy Lane (Minister of Labor)
-Dominion of Compassion (Senior Senator for New Republica South)
-Isles de Taylor (Senator for Blue Canaria North)
-Coromandall (Senator for Lyonesse East)
-Lower Columbia (Senator for Himes West)

What did the grape say when it was stepped on? A: Nothing, it just let out a little wine.

Political News
-It’s election time in XKI and the seats for Blue Canaria North and New Republica South are up for grabs! It’s the first election where the NS241-1 Election Reform Bill is in effect.
-The Delegate seat is also up for grabs this time round! The delegate election happens every six months and Louisistan, the present delegate, is ineligible for another term.

Why can’t a bicycle stand on it’s own? A: It’s two-tired.

TITO Command currently consists of:
-Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
-Klopstock (Field Commander)
-Witchcraft & Sorcery (Tactical Officer)
-Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
-Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
-Barry (Executive Officer)

I was up all night wondering where the sun went, then it dawned on me.

Around the Islands
The Ingoldia Games with other nations form Renegade Islands Alliance, Deutschland, Canada and International Northwestern Union, hosted by Isles de Taylor, Kortexia and Dominion of Compassion, has begun. 10000islands.proboards.com/thread/32767/ingoldia-games-2016
Werewolves 50: Pandora’s Boxes, hosted by Aersoldorf, is still ongoing. 10000islands.proboards.com/thread/32759/werewolves-50-pandoras-boxes
Hahiha/USSR won the 100,000 Taco Jackpot on the XKI Lottery on August 26! The very next week on September 2nd, Mayor of Taco Island Aersoldorf won 50,000 Tacos! Congrats, both! 10000islands.proboards.com/thread/27100/xki-lottery-flag?page=46

Written by Isles de Taylor.

10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: October 2016
Population: 2,354
Delegate Endorsements: 456
Forum: 10000islands.proboards.com

The following is the Emissary Report for October 2016.

Regional Events
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of:

- Grub (Founder/Chief Executive)
- Boltor (WA Delegate)
- Markanite (Minister of Education)
- HumanSanity (Minister of Immigration)
- The Candy Lane (Minister of Labor)
- Dominion of Compassion (Senior Senator for New Republica South)
- Ananke II (Senator for Blue Canaria North)
- Coromandall (Senator for Lyonesse East)
- Lower Columbia (Senator for Himes West)

- The month saw a big jump in our regional population, going from 1700 to 2300, partly due to the recent influx of new players from Imgur and Reddit, but mostly thanks to our prolific recruiters Escanaba and Boltor. With nearly 700 confirmed recruits this month Escanaba is leading the pack. Not to be outdone though, Boltor managed to reach more than 300 confirmed recruits this month. Thanks for your hard work!
- Coromandall helped out as well and earned the Immigration Achievement award upon reaching 30 recruits.
- Also thanks to the rest our recruiters this month; Louisistan, Kortexia, Isles de Taylor, Charbasauria, The Candy Lane, Aersoldorf and Hahiha.
- The House Cup and Shield competition also happened this month. Congrats to the members of the House of Wordy for winning the House Cup, the House of Boltor for winning the House Shield, and to Boltor individually on winning the House Sceptre.
- Ingame this month saw Surprise taking the top spot as 1st in the world for Most Pro-Market, while Dustwind, Blogotopia, Tzo, FreeGunsForAll and Coreras all got into the top 10 of the world for Most Influential. In 10ki we’re all for spreading the (influence) love around.
Fraton reached 6th in the world for Largest Gambling Industry. Can’t say it comes as a surprise for the rest of us, since his casinos have been fleecing us for months.
Not content to be 4rd in the world for most influential, Blogotopia also managed to reach 9th in the World for Largest Black Market. Makes you wonder if there’s a connection... Figuring that you can always use more top 10 placements, Blogotopia then became 1st in the world for Most Rebellious Youth.
Continuing his streak of making everyone else jealous of his amazing nation, Tzo reached 3rd in the world for Most Compassionate Citizens, 5th in the world for Most Cheerful Citizens and 2nd in the world for Nicest Citizens.

Political News
- Boltor was elected delegate, succeeding Louisistan, who’s had an eventful period as delegate and is now looking forward to a peaceful time as XO of TITO.
- Ananke became the new senator for Blue Canaria North, while Dominion of Compassion won another term as senator for New Republica South.
- Minister of Immigration HumanSanity is still looking for a deputy. For someone interested in the political side of NS it’s a great opportunity to get involved with the inner workings of 10ki.
- Delegate Boltor is also currently looking for emissaries to the regions Philosophy 115 and ITALIA, both longtime friends of 10ki.

TITO Command currently consists of:
- Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
- Klopstock (Field Commander)
- Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
- Witchcraft & Sorcery (Tactical Officer)
- Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
- Louisistan (Executive Officer)

- After stepping down as delegate of 10ki Louisistan is back as Executive Officer of TITO, ready to shake the dust off and get active on the battlefield once again.
- Unfortunately our old XO Barry recently CTE’d. Here’s to hoping that he’ll be back at some point.
- TITO Field Commander Klopstock reached a significant milestones this month. Klopstock passed his 200th mission, earning the time Knight Master Commander.
- Tactical Officer Kanta Hame and TITO Knight Hahiha both reached 150 battlestars this month, thereby earning the title of Knight Battalion Commander for their time spent defending vulnerable regions.
- Tactical Officer Elite went one further though and reached 250 missions this month, becoming the newest Knight Marshall Commander.
-TITO Knight Magthere joined the small group of those who have reached 300 battlestars this month, earning the title of TITO Knight Legion Commander.

Around the Islands
- The 10ki Poet Laureate Contest was held this past month and once again won by Major Aersoldorf. The voters of 10ki are clearly loth to change a winning formula. Thanks to Klopstock and The Candy Lane for giving Aersoldorf a fight. Better luck next time, guys!
- Grub's 10 Million Taco Fund recovered from being in a loss in September to now having a return greater than 1 million tacos, with the fund ending on the 1st of November.
- The featured nations in 10ki this month were Pazakistan
- WW:50: Pandora’s Boxes, hosted by Aersoldorf, ended with the werewolves winning. Signups for WW:51: Curse of the Pirate Treasure have started and will be hosted by none other than Louis I. Stan, Esquire.
- In Taco Islands new delegate Boltor is currently trying to shoot a Boltywood movie. So far the actors seem a bit inept though.
- Meanhile the SS Ator Boltox fanfiction about the stormy relationship between delegate Boltor and tactical officer Ater Nox has reached 14 pages and shows no sign of slowing down. Finding itself with a taste for soap opera the 10ki public is waiting with baited breath to find out whether Boltor will make up with Ater Nox or spend his time admiring shovels.
- At the 10ki University it’s now possible to sign up for a class on the history of weapons
- Like previous years a certain segment of the 10ki population plans on going full zombie at halloween. Being rule abiding citizens, in between all the brain eating, they plan on gathering in the region 10000 Zombies and have already started planning their rampage through NS. We wish them well and stand ready with cure missiles and all manner of weaponry at the gates of 10ki.

Written by Ananke and HumanSanity

I apologise again. I have personal issues at the moment which is why I have been absent.
Your Emissary from 10000 Islands! :)

Offline markanite

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Re: Emissary Report from XKI
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2017, 12:11:22 PM »

I'm Mark and I am the new Delegate for 10000 Islands. Just stopping by to say hi!

Offline United Royal Islands

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Re: Emissary Report from XKI
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2017, 02:37:38 AM »
10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: March 2017
Population: 1,330
Delegate Endorsements: 320
Forum: 10000islands.proboards.com

The following is the Emissary Report for March 2017.

Regional Events
March was a month of elections and this resulted in some changes in the Council of Nine.
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of

- Grub (Founder/Chief Executive)
- Markanite (WA Delegate)
- TBD (Minister of Education)
- HumanSanity (Minister of Immigration)
- Paffnia (Minister of Labor)
- Alkasia (Senator for New Republica South)
- Hakketomat (Senior Senator for Blue Canaria North)
- Tanzoria (Senator for Lyonesse East)
- United Royal Islands (Senator for Himes West)

Political News
- During the last election we saw some changes our regional senators, United Royal Islands and Tanzoria have been elected as senators for Himes West and Lyonesse East respectively. Hakketomat replaced Lower Columbia as the Senior Senator.

- Markanite has replaced Boltor as Delegate of 10000 Islands. This will be Markanite's third term in the office.

- Thank you for Boltor, Hahiha and Lower Columbia for your service to the region!

TITO Command currently consists of:
- Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
- Klopstock (Field Commander)
- Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
- Kortexia (Tactical Officer)
- Lower Columbia (Tactical Officer)
- Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
- Louisistan (Executive Officer)

- Kortexia and Lower Columbia have been named Tactical Officers!
- Witchcraft and Sorcery has stood down as a Tactical Officer.
- Kanta Hame earned his 10th Coast Watching Eagle and was awarded the New Boniventure Eagle Medal!
- Klopstock has reached over 250 missions and has been named TITO Knight Marshall Commander!
- Lower Columbia has reached 150 missions and has been named TITO Knight Battalion Commander!
- Dominion of Compassion has been named TITO Knight Commander after 100 successful missions.
- Woonsocket has reached 350 battlestars and is named TITO Knight Armada Commander!
- Kanta Hame has been named TITO Knight Master Commander after 200 successful missions!

Around the Islands
- The Regional Reserve issued an unexpected riddle with the latest report and tacos!
"If April showers bring May flowers, what do Mayflowers bring?"
The author is still unsure about the answer.
- Farun has been named the new Cartographer General!
- Ater Nox has been named as the new Awards Czar.
- Alkasia and Flag Flayers are taking up their role as the 10000 Islands Pollsters.
- Paffnia has been named as the inaugural 10000 Islands Regional Genealogist.
- Jobsteria and Australian Hannon were this month's featured nations due to their great work since arriving in the region.
- Tikistan has been named Rookie of the Quarter because of their unwavering dedication to the Islands since their arrival here in late December.
- Palman is hosting a brand new Werewolf game! If you would like to be involved please check: http://10000islands.proboards.com/thread/33774/ww-52-heroes-villains?page=1&scrollTo=1487551

Breaking News
The 10000 Islands Swan Ban is now in effect and is being rigorously enforced by the new Mayor of Taco Island Ater Nox.

Written by Markanite and Hakketomat
-Love United Royal Islands (XKI Emissary)

Offline United Royal Islands

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Re: Emissary Report from XKI
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2017, 07:13:09 AM »
10000 Islands Emissary Update
Date: April 2017
Population: 1,219
Delegate Endorsements: 371
Forum: 10000islands.proboards.com

The following is the Emissary Report for April 2017.

Regional Events
The current Council of Nine (government of 10000 Islands) is composed of

- Grub (Founder/Chief Executive)
- Markanite (WA Delegate)
- Sorya (Minister of Education)
- Vacant (Minister of Immigration)
- Paffnia (Minister of Labor)
- Alkasia (Senator for New Republica South)
- Hakketomat (Senior Senator for Blue Canaria North)
- Tanzoria (Senator for Lyonesse East)
- United Royal Islands (Senator for Himes West)

Political News
- Sorya has been appointed to the position of Minister of Education after Markanite became Delegate.

TITO Command currently consists of:
- Grub (Founder/Commander-in-Chief)
- Klopstock (Field Commander)
- Lower Columbia (Tactical Officer)
- Kortexia (Tactical Officer)
- Kanta Hame (Tactical Officer)
- Woonsocket (Tactical Officer EF)
- Louisistan (Executive Officer)

- Klopstock has been promoted to TITO Knight Marshall Commander
- Lower Columbia has been promoted to TITO Knight Battalion Commander
- Kanta Hame has been promoted to TITO Knight Master Commander
- Witchcraft and Sorcery stepped down from his position as Tactical Officer. TITO Command thanks him for his service and wishes him well in his future endeavors.

Around the Islands
- Tuga Nation's Dragon was was awarded the Rookie Of the Quarter award.
- This month's featured nation was Optimus Gentum.
- Ater Nox has been appointed Deputy Dean of XKI University
- WereWolves 52, hosted by Palman, was won by the villagers.
- In the Casino, Ater Nox and Alkasia, are on a weak long losing streak. Who knows when their gambling addiction will either pay off or send them to a rehab.
- The new mayor, Ater Nox, remains adamant in prohibiting swans and alcohol although some of the Islanders are rebelling.
- Taco Island is also seeing the return of the Changeling Horde. The Queen has been quick to assert her dominance and time will tell what this may mean for the rest of the Island.


A brand new kool thread has appeared in Taco Island, it is for Kool Kids only! If you are a Kool Kid then hop, strut, bounce etc over!

kool thread 4 kool kids

Written by Hakketomat and United Royal Islands
-Love United Royal Islands (XKI Emissary)

Offline Red Mones

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Re: Emissary Report from XKI
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2017, 12:49:58 AM »