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Author Topic: Ok, last round of the lotto didn't go according to plan...that was a practise :P  (Read 1644 times)

Offline Prydania

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  • Ezekiel 25:17
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Ok, my first Lotto round didn't go according to plan, and that was mostly my fault, I thought I had the kinks figured out, and I didn't. So Round II's going to be when the madness begins.

A) Soly, I need the Bank of Taijitu account, in order to pay the winners.
B) The lotto, due to the fast-approaching start of the 07-08 school year, will be held once a week.
C) Round II will start tomorrow (Tuesday) and run to Saturday. Following Round II all Lotto rounds will be held on Sunday and run to Saturday.
D) New rules (sort of).
-1, You must be a citizen to purchase a lotto ticket.
-2, Sunshine: four numbers, 1 to 10, any order.
-3, Moonshine: five numbers, 11-30, must be in the order you think they'll draw at.
-4, You can not post repeats. The random number generator I'm using has the option for repeats, but I won't utilize that option.

That's all, hopefully things will take shape tomorrow.
PS, happy Labour Day.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2007, 03:38:02 PM by Inglo-Scotia »

Offline Solnath

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im in ur pm inbox, giving away classified info.
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