News: If a neighbor is in need of revolutionary rehabilitation, report it to the Citizen-Liaision!
The Judiciary Act1. The Citizens of Taijitu establish the position of Citizen-Mediator. a. The Citizen-Mediator shall be elected by the Ecclesia on an interim basis when a formal complaint against another Citizen is lodged with the aforementioned body. b. The Citizen-Mediator shall be responsible for mediation with the aggrieved parties.2. The Citizens of Taijitu shall reserve the process of ostracism to their legislature, the Ecclesia. a. An ostracism vote shall be undertaken when a Citizen proposes it against another Citizen, and recieves at least two seconds. b. Ostracism shall expel a nation/personage from Taijitu. c. An ostracism vote shall be passed only with at least a two-thirds majority.